So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1115: Target appearance (on)

The first one hundred and fifteen chapters of the goal appeared (on)

"Brother, I am back to Songjiang." After Alice and Yang Ming left, they quickly dialed a number with their own satellite phone. She did not use the phone in the room, although the phone inside the room can call the outside line at any time.

However, Alice is a more cautious person, she is afraid that the phone in the room will be monitored, so I did not use the phone in the room.

"Little love, have you arrived?" The opposite person asked: "How, on the way, did you show any flaws?"

"It shouldn't be, but that Wang Xiaoying was very alert, let her notice that I would work hard, and almost revealed it. Fortunately, I made a timely lie," Alice said.

"The Wang Xiaoxiao... Well, it is indeed a headache. The most troublesome thing for me is that she and Yang Ming actually got together and messed up my plan again and again..." The opposite person looks Some irritability: "This plan has been dragged on for too long. If Yang Ming can't be solved, if it causes the person's vigilance, we will all be finished."

"Well, I understand, I will find a chance to start as soon as possible..." I don't know why, when Alice said this, her heart was stung by a bit, and it was a little uncomfortable: "However, Yang Ming's skill Not worse than me, this opportunity is not so easy to find..."

"Men, it's easiest to relax when you are fascinated... Alice, you understand what I mean," said the opposite person. Although, let Alice go to sacrifice, this makes the opposite man somewhat unbearable, but sometimes, in order to achieve great cause, he has to make some sacrifices.

"I know," Alice said calmly. From the beginning of her, after receiving this task, she has already set her own plans to sacrifice herself.

"Well, nothing, don't contact me, lest it be discovered by Yang Ming. If you are wary and suspicious of you, it will be difficult." The opposite person told me: "We are all in Songjiang, too much contact. It is too dangerous."

"Brother, don't worry, I know how to do it." After Alice finished, she hung up the phone, but there was a feeling that she couldn't tell, is it uncomfortable, or what?

From the perspective of a third party, Yang Ming is an innocent person, but because of the yin and yang, it affects the interests of his brother. Sometimes, it is impossible to tell who is good or who is evil, but the angle of the station is different. Change.

Alice sighed slightly, she didn't have time to think about these things, she still has a lot to do.

This time, Alice did not use the satellite phone again, but picked up the phone in the room, because the next thing is not necessary to take Yang Ming to do.

"Hey, is it Kate? I am Alice..." Alice was a female heir to a business family in Malaysia. She was a little older than Alice and had many domestic businesses.

"Alice? Ah, it's you, Alice's sister, how can I call me?" Although Kate is the heir to the big family in Malaysia, he is worth billions. However, compared with Alice, it will be worse. Some, her European market, she has to rely on Alice's breath to survive, is particularly enthusiastic about Alice's phone.

"Kate, I am in China, are you here, are there many connections?" Alice asked: "I want to go to the engineering university in Songjiang now. Do you have any relationship that will allow me to enter this school..."

"Is Songjiang right?" Kate thought about it and said: "No problem, I am very familiar with the Song Director of the Education Department. Their local exchanges with several schools in Malaysia are what I helped."

"That's the trouble, Kate." Alice didn't expect to solve the problem by just making a phone call. Sometimes, people who came across the contact were very easy to get.

Although Alice can easily enter Songjiang Engineering University with her brother's relationship, if Yang Ming really investigates how she entered the school, it is easy to expose the relationship behind Alice. Come out. Therefore, Alice only uses the relationship she has cultivated over the years, not the relationship itself.

This thing is not a big deal for Kate. It is nothing more than selling Alice. When Song heard that Alice is studying here in Europe, it is also a friend of Kate. It is very easy. I promised it.

So, Alice entered the Songjiang Engineering University as an exchange student.

Victoria’s student status is not a difficult thing. Yang Ming is letting Hou Zhenyu arrange it. Yang Ming has already let Lao Buffon create a real identity for Victoria in Europe, so Victoria came to China as a foreign student. In this way, Songjiang Engineering University has two more international students.

But the strange thing is that these two international students are Chinese!

With Hou Zhenduo's social relationship, it is not difficult to arrange a student to study in the university. These are not the concerns of Yang Ming. They don't even have to worry about Hou Zhenxuan. The people who have their own hands are responsible for handling it.

After Yang Ming returned to Songjiang, the first thing was naturally to call Chen Mengyu. This trip, accompanied by Huang Lele and Wang Xiaoying, Yang Ming does not appear lonely, after returning, the heart is naturally a bit embarrassing to Chen Mengxi.

Chen Mengyu, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun have already slept. This time, Yang Ming is not at home. Instead, the three girls can get along more relaxedly. Without the previous restraint, the relationship is more harmonious. This is Yang Ming’s unexpected. And.

When Yang Ming was there, Chen Mengxi always thought about it, and Lin Yuyun did not fight for it. Zhou Jiajia was shy and restrained. This made the four people form a very strange relationship. They met each other a little embarrassed.

Yang Ming left, but there is no such restraint and restriction. The topic between women, aside from the man who made them jealous, there are many, so in a few days, the relationship between Chen Mengyu and Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun has grown by leaps and bounds.

Although, occasionally, some people mentioned Yang Minglai, causing a short embarrassment between them, but after a long time, they became accustomed to it. After all, Yang Ming was not there, and even later, Yang Ming has become a joke of several people making fun of each other. The topic is over.

Chen Meng stunned his sleepy eyes. He didn't know who called the party at the party. Lin Yiyun and Zhou Jiajia, who were on the side, were obviously woken up by the ringtones, especially Zhou Jiajia, who seemed to have slept, and was awakened by the ringtone. With eyes open, the face of "?" looks for the source of the sound.

Chen Mengyu grabbed the phone, and did not seem to show the electricity, stupidly said: "Hey? Who?"

"Dear, have you slept?" Yang Ming heard Chen Mengyu's stupid voice, and knew that Chen Mengyu must have slept. Yang Ming was very sorry for the rest of her interruption. However, because Yang Ming returned to Songjiang, it was already more than 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. This is not something he can control. He is not an iron man flying, he can only come back by car.

"Who is your dear?" Chen Mengxi inexplicably asked a question, the subconscious thought that the phone was wrong, directly pressed, throwing the phone aside, and fell to the bed.

"Dream, who called?" Zhou Jiajia finally woke up.

"I don't know. When I pick it up, I will call my dear..." Chen Mengyu waved his hand and was still half-sleeping.

"Dear? It won't be played by Yang Ming?" Zhou Jiajia stunned and made a joke.

Chen Mengxi was awkward and sat up from the bed. He woke up a lot in an instant: "Is it really Yang Ming?" After that, Chen Mengyu quickly took the mobile phone and took a look at the call record. It was the name of Yang Ming. .

Chen Mengyu said with a bitter face: "Sure enough, I just fell asleep and hanged..."

Zhou Jiajia listened to Chen Mengxi’s words and remembered Chen Mengyu’s phrase “Who is your dear?” He suddenly smiled and said: “Dream... You are just too fierce...”

"You still laugh? I am not sleepy?" Chen Mengxi said with some helplessness.

"That's a quick fight..." Lin Yiyun also grinned and couldn't help but smile.

"I...had to hang up...If you don't want rhyme, you can help me to fight over it..." Chen Mengxi thought that his own actions were a little embarrassing. If Yang Ming asked, how embarrassing it would be, so Chen Mengxi will The phone was thrown to Lin Yuyun.

"Well, I am playing." Lin Xiaoyun took the phone with a smile and pressed the button for replay. The phone was quickly connected.

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