So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1116: Give it to me (on)

Give me the first chapter one hundred and sixteen chapters (on)

If the person coming is only Yang Ming, then Wang Kejin may not be able to do it, because if Yang Ming is killed, it is not good to find his girlfriend again. After all, the information he brings is only about Yang Ming’s information is only a slight sum for Yang Ming’s girlfriend’s information. He did not say anything special.

It can be said that after reading the information about Yang Ming’s girlfriend, Wang Kejin did not have any valuable clues other than knowing that this person is a woman. It is precisely because of this that Wang Kejin will be cautious to start, ready to wait for Yang Ming and his girlfriend to appear at the same time, then kill.

However, it seems that tonight is a godsend opportunity, Yang Ming's car is sitting on a woman, and look at the two relatives, it should be Yang Ming's girlfriend is no doubt.

Wang Kejin does not think that this will be a young lady who Yang Ming casually finds, because who will bring the lady back to her place of residence, let the lady know where her family lives is not a wise choice, so Wang Kejin will It is determined that the woman around Yang Ming must be his girlfriend.

Yang Ming’s car stopped. It stopped here.

Wang Kejin gave a slight glimpse.

It should be noted that the information shows that Yang Ming is just an ordinary college student. In the case of ordinary people in the case of wheel puncture, there is very little control and freedom to stop the car. However, Yang Ming did it.

Although the controllability of BMW cars is one of the few in the world, the good handling does not mean that everyone's reaction ability is very sharp! Of course, this is not to make Wang Kejin incredible. What makes him most incredible is that Yang Ming and his girlfriend actually fell down at the same time!

Is this reaction a common person's reaction? Wang Kejin is confident that his pistol has been installed with a silencer. Although the pistol is not very good, it is very difficult to get a pistol in China. You can get such a gun for the rush of Wang Kejin. Already very good.

Even so, in the quiet night, the muffled gunshots are not very obvious. Even if you don’t listen carefully, you won’t hear them, especially in the car. This is even more impossible to detect!

However, if Yang Ming is not aware of it, then why is he lying down? This is one of Wang Kejin’s puzzling things. Wang Kejin did not wear armor-piercing bullets. This pistol was still very difficult to buy from a black gun market on the coast. The gun was still barely smashed, but if it was hitting a steel plate, it would be a bit difficult.

Seeing that Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu were both squatting, Wang Kejin did not dare to act rashly. He did not know whether Yang Ming discovered him or not. The night community was quiet and desolate, but even then, Wang Kejin did not dare to act.

Who knows if someone will appear nearby? Wang Kejin wanted to wait for Yang Ming to come out of the car, and then shot Yang Ming. Therefore, he hid his figure in the shadow of a nearby substation, quietly waiting for Yang Ming to come down from the car.

Perhaps, it may be because Yang Ming means that he has encountered a gangster, and he dare not rush to get off the bus?

In this case, Wang Kejin still saw it on the Internet. It is said that at night, the car suddenly burst tires, or suddenly hit, may be the robbers set the trap, as long as the owner of the car to check, there will be several people rushing over, the owner hijacked, snatched away valuable s things.

Perhaps, Yang Ming is watching this post, it will be so cautious. Otherwise, Wang Kejin couldn't figure it out. Why did Yang Ming not get off the bus, and he would fall down under the seat of the car!

"There was just someone shooting." Wang Xiaoyan whispered, although the car was soundproof enough, but Wang Xiaoyu was afraid that someone would hear it outside.

"Well, it seems that you also heard the gunshots." Yang Ming smiled and said: "I didn't expect to come back, I came across this thing and thought it was safe to go home!"

"Small me, how can I say that I am also a killer!" Wang Xiaoyu said with some dissatisfaction after listening to Yang Ming's words: "You should know that the killer is very sensitive to the dangerous sense of smell, especially in the vicinity."

"Oh, this is true." Yang Ming shrugged: "We just came back and we met someone who fired at us. Wouldn't it be a mistake?"

"Who knows?" Wang Xiaoyu was also very helpless. He wanted to go home and sleep well. Who knows that he has reached the door of the community. He also encountered such a thing: "Do you see the people who shot the gun?"

"Well, a man, 20 years old, with an inch, his body is moderately thin." Yang Ming certainly can't find Wang Kejin's position and see his appearance when Wang Kejin shoots. In that case, Yang Ming will It’s not Yang Ming, but superman. Although Yang Ming has an ability, he has not yet reached that level.

When Yang Ming leaned down, Yang Ming began to explore the situation around the car with his abilities. When he saw Wang Kejin and the cottage pistol in his hand, he suddenly let go of his heart.

This pistol does not threaten the life of him and Wang Xiaoying, let alone the bulletproof steel plate on the door, that is, the car glass can not penetrate. From this point of view, there is still no danger for the time being. As long as Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan don't get off the bus, this person can't help Yang Ming.

However, Yang Ming’s heart is not reconciled to this. This guy hides in the community and attacks himself and Wang Xiaoyu. Yang Ming does not think this is random. How many coincidences in the world? When I first returned to Songjiang, I was attacked by inexplicable attacks. Therefore, Yang Ming believes that this attack must be a cause of cause. At least, the person who attacked them should be purposeful.

What Yang Ming has to do is to find some clues from the people who attacked them. The recent incident has caused Yang Ming to fall into a state of near confusion.

It seems to be endless, and the conspiracy against itself is constantly being staged. Even spread to the people around you! Sun Jie, Wang Xiaoyu, etc., Yang Ming does not want this!

This is not the life that Yang Ming wants. Although there is a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but Yang Ming does not want to get involved in these unknown disputes! It’s not that Yang Ming is afraid of anything, but who wants to live with caution every day?

Recalling the way I have traveled this year, I do have my own abilities, and I quickly stand at the top of the pyramid of wealth and have wealth that many people can't imagine for a lifetime.

At the same time, he has become the king of the killer that makes the whole killer stalker, and even makes the ordinary people feel sorrowful. This height and level is what Yang Ming did not dare to think before.

However, all of this is now achieved! However, while achieving this, Yang Ming did not have much enjoyment and happiness. He felt that he had been pulled into a huge conspiracy network by an invisible hand.

Time and again, the weird event made Yang Ming really puzzled. Although what happened is that people are attacking themselves or people around them, every person who attacks themselves seems to have great contingency!

Just like this Alice, it seems that it is completely irrelevant to Yang Ming. How could it be in Europe that it is necessary to set up a bureau to kill Yang Ming? This made Yang Ming puzzled.

Even if Yang Ming knows that there is a mysterious boss behind this scene, but who is this boss, what purpose is there, but Yang Ming really has some doubts. Yang Ming suspected, guessed, and boldly imagined, but Yang Ming was not sure whether this behind-the-scenes boss was the one. Or, the right elder who was upset by himself?

I really want to end this as soon as possible, the family lives in peace, this is what Yang Ming wants. On the day when the bullets were raining, Yang Ming did not like it.

Wang Kejin saw Yang Ming’s car for a long time without any movement, and Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu did not get off the bus, and even did not get up. At the same time, there was some anxiety at the same time!

If you drag on this way, the final compromise will definitely be his Wang Kejin! As long as the sky is bright, the security patrol car of the community will start patrolling. This is the law that Wang Kejin has already figured out after so many days.

In the security patrol car, in addition to the security of the community and the police of the street office, there is also a regular police officer who wears guns. If he is still in the middle of the day, he will be patrolled. The car was found.

Although Wang Kejin is not afraid of these people, but a police officer with a gun, Wang Kejin wants to kill him, it is not difficult! But the hard part is, what should Wang Kejin do after he has killed the police officer? It is impossible for him to kill all the patrol players of a car. As long as one person is alive, he will quickly use the intercom to ask for help, and then there will be a large team of people.

Even if he can safely leave before the brigade arrives, then the plan to kill Yang Ming will be lost. The police will definitely guard and guard against the neighborhood. When that time, Wang Kejin is really not good at starting.

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