So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1219: Cancel task

Chapter 1,291 Clearance Task

"You... are you Missy?"

Wang Kejin, the famous lady of the butterfly family, Wang Xiaojin naturally heard it, but Wang Xiaoyu left the family to live an independent life very early. Wang Kejin did not really see the real Wang Xiaoyu, but when he chatted with other killers, he mentioned Wang Xiaoyu. Probably knowing the age of Wang Xiaoying and her going to China.

What you can know is just these. However, when Wang Xiaoyan made a microstep of the butterfly family's secret technique, Wang Kejin thought of it. The person in front of him is probably the big lady of the butterfly family, Wang Xiaoyu!

The butterfly dance microstep is a very good and very secretive effort. Even the killers in the butterfly family can't practice at will, let alone the outsiders who don't want to close! And Wang Xiaoying will use the butterfly dance microstep, which in itself explains the problem!

Wang Kejin does not think that Wang Xiaoxuan is stealing from school. Is this kind of martial arts tricky to steal from school? If this is the case, then the butterfly family's martial arts are all out, and the butterfly family is not the world's largest killer organization.

So, in summary, there is only one possibility! Therefore, Wang Kejin will be so panicked! He went to assassination and actually killed the head of Miss Wang Xiaoxiao.

How could he not be shocked? To assassinate Missy, I just want to rebel! Thinking of this, Wang Kejin’s body trembled...

"Who are you?" Wang Xiaoying is very sensitive to this Missy, because in the family, she is known as Missy: "Do you know the butterfly dance microstep?"

"You really are Miss Wang Xiaoying?" When Wang Xiaoyu said the name of the butterfly dance microstep, Wang Kejin was more convinced that the person in front of him was Wang Xiaoying.

"You are inside the family?" Wang Xiaoying did not say that the butterfly family came, just did not want Yang Ming to know his own life, lest Yang Ming feel that the butterfly family is too difficult to surpass and be discouraged.

Wang Kejin nodded.

"What is it?" Wang Xiaoyu continued to ask.

"Wang Kejin is the third generation of disciples." Wang Kejin replied truthfully. Now that Wang Xiaoxuan’s identity has been determined, then Wang Xiaoying’s question is the same as that of the owner’s question. Wang Kejin naturally has no concealed answer: “In my pocket, there is a family token.”

Because Wang Kejin was forced by Wang Xiaoying with a knife, he did not dare to act rashly, so he only said that he had a token in his pocket, but did not go out.

Wang Xiaoyan touched Wang Kejin's jacket pocket and found a token resembling a small butterfly in his pocket. Wang Xiaoyan nodded. This completely believed Wang Kejin's words and closed the dagger on his neck.

"Don't reveal the secrets of the family, come in and talk to me." Wang Xiaoyan said to Wang Kejin whispered.

Although Yang Ming is not far away, Wang Xiaoying’s voice is very small, and Yang Ming did not hear it. It is true that Yang Ming has the ability of farsightedness and can read lip language, but he does not need to do it for Wang Xiaoying. She did not hear clearly in the last sentence of Wang Xiaoying.

"Yang Ming, this person is the killer sent by my family." After Wang Xiaojin and Wang Kejin finished speaking, they turned to Yang Ming.

Just after Wang Kejin and Wang Xiaoyu’s dialogue, Yang Ming had already guessed something faintly. At this moment, listening to Wang Xiaoyu’s saying, he nodded immediately and made a gesture: “Let’s go in and say!”

Yang Ming got on the car and waved at Wang Xiaoying and Wang Kejin. When Wang Xiaojin nodded, Wang Kejin sat in the back seat of the BMW.

The car drove into the underground parking lot of Wang Xiaoyu's villa and stopped the car. Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyu and Wang Kejin got off the bus. At this moment, Wang Kejin has no previous murderousness, but is very respectful to follow Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan.

However, Yang Mingke did not relax his vigilance because of Wang Kejin and Wang Xiaoyu. Who knows if this is a trick of deception? Therefore, Yang Ming always pays attention to the movement of Wang Kejin.

Until I entered the hall of the villa, Wang Xiaoying asked Wang Kejin to sit on the opposite side of the sofa. Yang Ming was relieved of some vigilance, but he did not completely lose his precaution against Wang Kejin.

"Take your hand first." Yang Ming glanced at Wang Kejin's right hand and said, "Hey, go upstairs in the bedroom and take my medicine box down."

Since it is a person of Wang Xiaoying's family, Yang Ming naturally treats him differently. He intends to use some of Fang Tian's healing secret medicines. These are all made by Fang Tian according to the ancient Chinese collection of Chinese medicine, and the price is very expensive.

Wang Xiaoyu was also planning to find Wang Kejin to find the medicine box and gauze, but after listening to Yang Ming's words, I immediately understood that Yang Ming wanted to give Wang Kejin a better medicine. So grateful to see Yang Ming, and then quickly went upstairs.

In any case, Wang Kejin is his own family, that is, his own hand, Yang Ming cares about Wang Kejin, but also faces Wang Xiaoyu's face, so Wang Xiaoyan is very grateful to Yang Ming.

"Thank you!" Wang Kejin naturally understands that Yang Ming’s reason for Wang Xiaoying to take his medicine box is that the medicine in the medicine box is better and not easy to use.

Yang Ming waved his hand and looked at Wang Kejin. He said: "Your mission is to kill me, or Wang Xiaoxiao?"

"" Wang Kejin hesitated, and did not hide. Now it seems that the relationship between Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu is very shallow. Since Yang Ming asked Wang Xiaoyu to go to the bedroom to take the medicine box, it proves that two people live together. That is to say, Yang Ming is Wang Xiaoyu’s boyfriend. So Yang Ming asked, Wang Kejin did not conceal the truth: "However, the employer asked me to kill your girlfriend... Of course, I didn't know that your girlfriend was Missy... because the information is written, let I kill you, and your girlfriend."

For Wang Xiaoxuan, who is a family lady, Wang Kejin did not hide. Before their conversation was also heard by Yang Ming, obviously Wang Xiaoyan did not intend to conceal these. Wang Xiaoyu’s last sentence to Wang Kejin, what he might hide is the specific details of the butterfly family, and the name of the family, so For these, Wang Kejin did not mention it.

Yang Ming nodded. It seems that Wang Kejin really did not know what he was going to murder. He only knew that the object of being killed was their Missy.

However, Yang Ming is wondering, who is going to kill him and his girlfriend? Who has this kind of hatred with him?

“Who is the employer?” Yang Ming asked.

"Unclear, it is a task released through the platform... We don't know what the employer is." Wang Kejin shook his head.

Yang Ming naturally knows the task flow of the killer platform. Many tasks are released anonymously. Therefore, for Wang Kejin, Yang Ming did not question.

Wang Xiaoyu took the medicine box and handed it to Wang Kejin. Wang Kejin did not need any help. He opened the medicine box, applied the medicine, and then wrapped the gauze with one hand.

This is the most basic quality of the killer, and will be bandaged after the injury. Because, in many cases, the task is performed by one person alone, there is no other person beside him, so it is necessary to dress himself after the injury.

After Wang Kejin was properly bandaged, Wang Xiaoxuan spoke up: "Who sent you?"

"It's my instructor," Wang Kejin said truthfully: "This is a task received from the killer platform, let the organization assassinate Yang Ming and his girlfriend. The information only has Yang Ming's information, and there is no information about his girlfriend. So, I didn't know before, his girlfriend is you, Missy."

"This is the case." Wang Xiaoyu nodded after listening, heart, lost you met me and Yang Ming, you started. If Yang Ming is with other women, if you do it, then you will die directly. There is no chance to see me again: "Who is the employer?"

"The tasks on the killer platform are all released anonymously..." Wang Kejin smiled bitterly: "This kind of thing, the organization will not ask."

"Well, I know, this task stops, go back. Try to investigate the identity of the employer... If you forget, I will talk directly to my father." Wang Xiaoyan said with a wave of his hand.

"Missy... I have other tasks, I am afraid I can't go back immediately." Wang Kejin did not need to hide anything from Wang Xiaoying, so he still had tasks in his body, and naturally told Wang Xiaoyu.

“There are other tasks? What mission?” Wang Xiaoyan asked casually.

"It is the task of assassinating a gang of Songjiang." Wang Kejin replied.

"The gang boss?" Yang Ming's heart was subconsciously surprised, and then quickly asked: "What is the object of the assassination?"

"This..." Wang Kejin was hesitant and assassinated. They all needed to be kept secret and could not be said casually.

"Ask you, you say, how can you swallow it?" Wang Xiaoyan blinked and impatiently yelled at Wang Kejin.

"Yes, Missy." Wang Kejin said quickly. Yang Ming’s identity, although it seems to be Missy’s boyfriend, is not known if the identity is recognized by the family, so Wang Kejin still has reservations about Yang Ming.

The killer in the family, most of the things about Wang Xiaoying, is quite clear. Wang Xiaoyu’s fiancé should be the apprentice of the king of the killer, and Wang Xiaoyu’s departure is also the meaning of escaping this marriage.

However, although Wang Xiaoyu has escaped, it is still unknown whether he can resist the fate of the family. Therefore, Wang Kejin has reservations about Yang Ming. Now, since Wang Xiaoyu has spoken, then Wang Kejin can no longer hide it!

Missy talked, but it represented the second highest power of the family, so Wang Kejin replied truthfully: "It is the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, who is said to be the gangster of this city."

"What!" Before Yang Ming heard that Wang Kejin said that he had assassinated the gang of the gang, he had already guessed something faintly. At this moment, he heard that Wang Kejin said that it was violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, and immediately exclaimed the voice: "You Want to assassinate Violent and Li Zhen?"

Wang Kejin had such a big reaction to Yang Ming, but he was somewhat puzzled, but he nodded and said: "Yes."

"This mission has also been cancelled." Yang Ming waved his hand: "You can go back."

"Ah?" Wang Kejin was a little stupid. Yang Ming’s words were like orders. However, Wang Kejin frowned in his heart. He said, you are just Miss Boy’s boyfriend. What powers have ordered me? Is Missy, can't just cancel the task casually? The previous task involved Missy and had to cancel, but now this task is aimed at outsiders. How can it be easily cancelled? Once canceled, how do you go back?

"Cancel? This is impossible!" Wang Kejin said subconsciously.

"Let you cancel, you can cancel it, what is impossible?" Wang Xiaoyu knows that Hou Zhentao and the violent Sanli, when the black widow killer group and Li Qiang merged into the black butterfly killer group, she met Hou Zhenduo. And the violent San Li, also know that these two people are doing things for Yang Ming, so at this moment Wang Xiaoying is naturally standing on the side of Yang Ming.

"Missy..." Wang Kejin has some helplessness about Wang Xiaoying's words: "Missy, the previous task has to be cancelled because it involves you. I have to go back, but if this task is cancelled, I will go back. There is no way to make a difference... the owner will not agree!"

"Is it? Then let me pass this level first." Yang Ming's eyes were cold, and Sen Ran said to Wang Kejin.

Wang Kejin didn't know how Yang Ming's skill was. Before that, he only played against Wang Xiaoyu. Yang Ming didn't do it, but he thought that Yang Ming should also work hard, otherwise there would be no such thing as a medicine box.

"Miss, don't make it difficult for me to do..." Wang Kejin faced Yang Ming's threat. I really don't know how to be good. Playing with Yang Ming, obviously it is not giving Wang Xiaoxiao face, but... If you don’t fight, Yang Ming will stop him from completing the task...

"Hey--" A flying needle was tied over Wang Kejin's right ear and directly put a hole in his right ear.

"Ah!" Wang Kejin was shocked. Although he had just talked with Wang Xiaoying, there was a factor of distraction, but he did not see how Yang Ming shot!

If this flying needle is stabbed in another position of Wang Kejin, then at this moment he is estimated to have died.

"Don't do something that is not self-sufficient." Yang Ming said faintly: "You are a person in the family, I am so polite to you. Otherwise, do you think you can stand here?"

Wang Kejin’s cold sweat brush came out. He did not doubt the authenticity of Yang Ming’s words. He did not expect Yang Ming to use the hidden weapon, and it was such a small hidden weapon.

In some top killers, the hidden weapon is no stranger to them, but most of the hidden weapons are mechanically used to achieve the target in shooting, just like a pistol. This kind of hidden weapon that is issued by virtue of hand strength can be said to be less and less in the current society.

Because the first throwing weapon has a lot of demands on the opponent, it is necessary to undergo very strict training. This is not the hardest thing. Many killers are people who can suffer.

But the second point, but not everyone can do it, that is the head of the throw! Perhaps, many killers are sharpshooters, but if you don't use modern equipment, who can guarantee accuracy?

Therefore, many killers will not spend a lot of effort to practice the throwing of the hidden weapon. In contrast, the use of hot weapons is more convenient, and the problem that can be solved with one shot, why do you need to use a hidden weapon?

However, in many cases, it is not a good idea to use a gun in some public places. If you can use the hidden weapon to silently drop the target, it can be hundreds of times better than using a gun.

Yang Ming is free to pick up the flying needle in the blink of an eye. This seemingly simple method is the height that many killers can't reach in a lifetime! Especially with flying needles!

If you say a dagger or a throw of a stone, it is possible, but if the flying needle is so small and light, it is very difficult to throw it.

After Yang Ming reveals this hand, Wang Kejin already knows that his task is absolutely difficult to complete. Even if he is not ready to leave Yang Ming, he will leave the Songjiang River and then return to the target to assassinate the target. Even if it succeeds, then Yang Ming is sure. It will also be clear that this is what Wang Kejin did!

With Wang Xiaoying in the middle, he does not want to mix in the butterfly family! So for a time, Wang Kejin had some dilemmas.

"That way, I will tell my father about this matter. After two days, your plan will pause and see what my father meant. I will inform you again!" Wang Xiaoyu also knows the difficulties of Wang Kejin, as the killer of the butterfly family. If he gives up the task and goes back directly, he must be severely punished by the family, but if there is a cause and it is answered by the owner, then there is no problem.

"Thank you Miss Da, this is the best!" Wang Kejin saw Wang Xiaoyu say a compromise, and he relieved and nodded. However, the most important issue, he still has not resolved.

From Wang Xiaoying's words, Wang Kejin has already understood that the result of the matter is likely to cancel the task and let him go directly. But in this way, all these two tasks have not been completed, then he still has the opportunity to sit down on the master's tombstone?

However, the current situation does not allow him to make any rebuttal, he can only listen to it.

"Well, you leave your contact information, I will keep in touch with you at any time." Wang Xiaoyan did not want to delay the time in Wang Kejin's affairs. Today is the last night and Yang Ming's meeting, the next time is not necessarily When is it, so Wang Xiaoyu is especially cherished.

"Okay, my satellite phone number is..." Wang Kejin said his satellite phone number, and then got up and retired with Wang Xiaoying and Yang Ming.

Wang Kejin was somewhat frustrated with Wang Xiaoyu's villa. He originally came to Songjiang with enthusiasm. He wanted to complete these two tasks perfectly, but he did not expect that one could not be completed. Is this fate? It seems that he is not with Master Uncle.

"啪" a hand, silently placed on the shoulder of Wang Kejin, Wang Kejin suddenly shocked, his hair was scared to stand up! How come so many strange things happened today?

"Who?" Wang Kejin exclaimed subconsciously!

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