So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1221: About Missy (on)

Chapter 1,221, about Miss Da (on)

Originally, Tian Long’s idea was to force Sun Jie to call Yang Ming, so he tried to trick Yang Ming into a place and then wiped him out.

However, in terms of Sun Jie’s personality, this possibility is small and small, because Sun Jie is not a person who can be coerced. Let her call Yang Ming and lie to Yang Ming. It is estimated that it is not too feasible. .

However, the result of the incident may become, Sun Jie told Yang Ming not to be fooled, or to say something else that is unfavorable to Tian Long. Instead of this, it is not as good as Tian Long’s own call to Yang Ming, telling him that Sun Jie is in his own hands and let him go somewhere to meet.

However, it is necessary to see if Yang Ming really cares about Sun Jie, which is a bit risky. Tian Long is still afraid to adopt such an approach. Only 100% sure, Yang Ming is very concerned about Sun Jie, can use such an extreme approach.

The residence of the tombstone is located in the Hillmans villa group on the west side of the Huashang Community. It is similar to the villa area of ​​the Huashang Community, but it lacks the multi-storey and high-rise buildings. There is no sale of the house, only the villa is shot. Designed specifically for the rich.

The Hillmans villa group was developed earlier. The tombstone is a second-hand villa bought from a wealthy businessman who wants to go abroad. It has been renovated and the complete set of facilities is also very complete, so it is suitable for the tombstone without any baggage. People live directly.

The villa is large, the price is not cheap, but the tombstone is not bad. As a killer, he has a savings of more than 100 million US dollars. It should also be a professional nature, so that he is not married, nor has any family, this money, still I really don't know how to spend it.

For the tombstone, money is just a number. His only mission is to be loyal to the organization and to the butterfly family. Therefore, the tombstone did not bother to buy this villa.

When the rich man sold the villa, he had seen the tombstone dressed very ordinary, not like a rich man at all, but thought that he just asked casually, so he reported a relatively low price.

I didn't expect the tombstone to nod and agree directly. I took the rich man to go over the house, transfer the card, and didn't even have eyelids. The rich man understands this, this guy is hidden, it seems to have more money than himself!

The rich man has some regrets, and the price report is lower. However, fortunately, he is also eager to go abroad, not to make money for the speculation of the house, so it is a rare thing to be able to meet such a tough buyer.

There are a lot of rooms in the villa, and the tombstone has arranged a room for Wang Kejin.

"Master Uncle, is there anything else to order?" asked Wang Kejin.

"It's okay, go take a break, I have to call the owner." The tombstone waved and said.

"Okay, Master Uncle, then I will go back to the house first." Wang Kejin knew that when the tombstone called, he needed to avoid it, so he turned and went upstairs and returned to his own room.

The tombstone is to call the family to the housekeeper. Wang Haoshan, the owner, will not answer the phone directly. Only when there are important things, the housekeeper will transfer the phone to the room of Wang Qishan.

"Mu Butler, I am a tombstone." After the phone was connected, the tombstone said.

"It's a tombstone. I haven't contacted it for a long time. Why, is there any important thing? Is it about Miss?" For the phone call from the tombstone, Mu Butler will not be slow. It’s a matter of weight, Wang Xiaoying is a top priority.

"Is the master resting? I have something to talk to him." asked the tombstone.

"No, I will help you to transfer." Mu Butler did not ask much, because the task of the tombstone is more special now, and some things must really be discussed with the family to determine, but the housekeeper can not take the lead for Wang Xiaoying.

"Okay." The tombstone is also very respectful to Mu Butler. Although Mu Butler does not have actual control over the killer organization, it is one of the people trusted by the master.

After a while, the phone was connected, and there was a voice from Wang Qishan: "Tombstone, what's the matter?"

"Master, this is the case." The tombstone quickly said: "Wang Kejin, come to Songjiang to perform the task, his assassination target is Yang Ming."

"Well?" Wang Qishan immediately caught the attention: "You mean Yang Ming? Hey's boyfriend?"

"Yes, the description of the mission is to let Wang Kejin kill Yang Ming while killing his girlfriend." The tombstone explained: "When Wang Kejin appeared, Yang Mingzheng was with Miss Da, so Wang Kejin I shot..."

"Ah! He has already shot? How is it? Is there any injury?" Wang Qishan asked Wang Kejin to take a shot and immediately asked in a hurry. However, after the question, after waiting for the tombstone to open, there was some self-deprecating smile: "Oh, look at me... It’s really anxious, there is Yang Ming’s kid, how can there be something? Fang Nazi is also nicknamed the king of the killer!"

"Yang Ming did not take the shot, it is the hand of Missy, but in the moment of crisis, I and Yang Ming are ready to show off the moment, Missy actually made a butterfly dance microstep." Tombstone said.

"Oh?" Wang Yushan listened with amazement and widened his eyes: "You said that you have made the butterfly dance microsteps this school? How is this possible? When she studied for a few days, she felt that it was difficult to practice and gave up. How come suddenly..."

"I also feel very strange..." The tombstone shook his head and said: "I haven't seen Missy here practicing the butterfly dance microsteps, but they have made it out, perhaps in a hurry, breaking through the self. What?"

"That should be like this, but there is nothing wrong with it!" Wang Qishan breathed a sigh of relief: "Wang Kejin is also a dare to do this kid, even the apprentice of the king of the killer is going to provoke..."

"Yeah... This kid is quite big. At that time, if Miss Dae shot, Yang Ming directly started, it is estimated that Wang Kejin is now..." Tombstone smiled and said: "I am not Yang Ming's opponent."

"Well, the old guy training the apprentice does have a set, but it doesn't matter, I will soon win over him!" Wang Qishan felt happy when he thought about it.

"??" The tombstone did not understand what Wang Qishan was saying, and it was not good to ask.

"Wait and Yang Ming gave me a grandson, hahaha, I am the grandfather of the new generation of killer kings, the butterfly family has truly become the world's first!" Wang Qishan could not help but say excitedly. Because the tombstone is also the family's veteran, Wang Qishan does not hide anything in front of him. These insiders and tombstones are also very clear.

The tombstone is speechless and wants to say something, but it still bears it. What he wants to say is that it is difficult to say that the butterfly family still has a surname and a surname. However, he did not want to attack Wang Qishan at this time.

"Master, now that Wang Kejin is in my place of residence, I am also preparing to teach him separately. He is among the third generation of his family's disciples, and he is a leader." The tombstone said.

"This is no problem, then let him in Songjiang, don't have to come back first." Wang Qishan directly agreed. For the internal affairs of the killer group, he still trusts the tombstone. As long as the proposal of the tombstone is reasonable, Wang Qishan will not interfere.

"There is still one thing. Wang Kejin came to Songjiang this time. There is also a task to assassinate the two leaders of a local gang. But these two leaders are all friends of Yang Ming. Missy also knows that Yang Ming blocked it. Later, I also let Wang Kejin cancel the mission." Tombstone reports.

"Well, since you all know, then cancel it." Wang Qishan said: "Tombstone, you are doing very well, there are some things, you can decide on the discretion of the discretion."

"Yes, Master." The tombstone should be said.

"How is the relationship between Yan and Yang Ming? I heard you say a while ago, she and Yang Ming went on a trip?" asked Wang Qishan.

"The relationship between the two looks pretty good. Missy should have fallen in love with Yang Ming, otherwise she can't always maintain him." The tombstone said: "Just, Yang Ming's other private life is a bit messy."

"This is not a problem. I didn't say anything about myself. I can't interfere. After all, people are the king of the killer, and we are right at the door. If we say it, it is higher than ours, so these things will not be ignored. Let's deal with it yourself." Wang Qishan is more open-minded. In fact, this also stems from the previous agreement. From Fang Tian’s master, the marriage of Fang Tianwang’s sister was settled. Unwilling, and Wang Qishan’s father has already stated, allowing Fang Tian to marry his wife outside, but Fang Tian’s person is more specific and stubborn, causing the tragedy of the previous generation, but the rules have been passed down, that is to say As a butterfly family, Wang Qishan has no right to interfere with Yang Ming’s wife. As long as Wang Xiaoyu agrees, he has nothing to say.

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