So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1224: Misunderstanding of ice release (below)

The first two hundred and twenty-four chapters of the ice misunderstanding (below)

In any case, Wang Xiaoying is really concerned about himself. This point, Zhao Ying can be seen from Wang Xiaoyu's words and demeanor. Although Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming came together, they did not tell themselves that Zhao Ying was somewhat annoyed. However, she really faced Wang Xiaoyan, but Zhao Ying was not angry at all.

Wang Xiaoyan ran to the breakfast sales window in the cafeteria. He ordered two fried eggs, two soft cakes, and after brushing the meal card, he returned to Zhao Ying's position.

Put one of them in front of Zhao Ying: "Ying sister, you have to eat something more! Don't think about losing weight, what are you looking like?"

“Where am I losing weight?” Zhao Ying smiled bitterly, but she did not want to reject Wang Xiaoyu’s kindness. She had to put the fried egg and soft cake in front of her body and pick up the chopsticks.

"No weight loss, don't you eat more?" Wang Xiaoxiao smiled. I don't know why, Wang Xiaoyan always feels that Zhao Ying's heart seems to have something. The two have lived together for so long. For Zhao Ying's emotional changes, Wang Xiaoxuan can still be very keenly aware of it.

"Oh, then I will eat more." Although Zhao Ying said so, but still very small mouth to eat.

The two fell into silence. Zhao Ying was a bit embarrassed in her heart. She didn't know what to say with Wang Xiaoyu, and Wang Xiaoxi felt that Zhao Ying was definitely in the heart, but Wang Xiaoyan didn't know how to ask.

"Ying sister... What's wrong with you? I see you seem to be somewhat absent-minded, is there something wrong?" Wang Xiaoying finished eating the fried egg and soft cake, and looked at Zhao Ying, who had not finished eating half of the soft cake. I finally couldn’t help but ask.

"I... I don't have anything..." Zhao Ying looked at the more charming and beautiful Wang Xiaoyan, and there was a kind of unspeakable taste in her heart. It seems that Wang Xiaoyu was getting the moisture of love, and the whole person was refreshed.

Zhao Ying said that he has nothing, Wang Xiaoyu is more suspicious! After all, she lived with Zhao Ying for so long, who doesn't know who? Is it because of emotional problems?

Indeed, after thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyu felt very likely! Before, when I lived with Zhao Ying, I often shared joy and anger with her. However, the most topic was nothing more than Yang Ming.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoying faintly felt that Zhao Ying’s troubles may be related to Yang Ming. Thinking of his relationship with Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoxuan’s heart suddenly became tight. Did Zhao Ying know about herself and Yang Ming?

Wang Xiaoyan never thought about concealing Zhao Ying. Her relationship with Yang Ming was only recently confirmed, from the initial cooperation to the current relationship.

Wang Xiaoying intends to find a suitable opportunity to confess this matter with Zhao Ying, but since this time, it is really too busy, there is no free time to talk to Zhao Ying! Today, it is only the first day after returning to China.

Recalling Zhao Ying’s smile when he faced himself, and those unnatural shackles, Wang Xiaoyu seems to have understood something.

"Ying sister, is it between you and Yang Ming... What happened?" asked Wang Xiaoyu's temptation.

"Ah..." Zhao Ying panicked, and the chopsticks in her hand fell on the table. However, she pretended to be calm and looked up. She picked up the chopsticks and smiled: "I and Yang Ming... can have What's the matter! We both... In fact, it has been impossible..."

Zhao Ying's reaction, completely unobtrusive, is completely in the eyes of Wang Xiaoyan. At this moment, Wang Xiaoyu can completely affirm, Zhao Ying's heart must be related to Yang Ming! When things got to this point, Wang Xiaoxuan decided that he would first talk about himself and Yang Ming. No matter what Zhao Ying knows, these things must always be said.

"Why not?" Wang Xiaoxuan said: "Ying sister, I know, Yang Ming actually likes you very much, but can't you be bold? If you take the initiative, maybe you are already together!"

"Active? Bold...?" Zhao Ying sighed. Why didn't he take the initiative and boldly? That night, I took the initiative to Yang Ming’s villa and waited for one night, but the result...

"Ying sister, in fact... I don't want you to say... I am with Yang Ming... I am also together..." Wang Xiaoyan gnawed his teeth. Anyway, he said that he would say it early, and he said that he was arrogant.

"Ah?" Although Zhao Ying already knew that Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming were together, they did not expect that Wang Xiaoyan suddenly admitted in front of her face, and it was still natural to admit it! The whole thing came too awkward, so that Zhao Ying had some reaction in one time!

Did Wang Xiaoyan admit it? Zhao Ying has always believed that Wang Xiaoying is cheating her and concealing her! However, the real Wang Xiaoyan admitted that Zhao Ying did not know what to do!

Zhao Ying can't interfere with Wang Xiaoying. The male unmarried woman is not married. Besides, Zhao Ying is not Yang Ming's girlfriend. Where is Chen Mengyu? People don't say anything. What qualifications does Zhao Ying have to accuse Wang Xiaoyan?

"Sorry, Yingjie..." I saw Zhao Ying’s panic. Wang Xiaoyu explained with apologetic explanation: “Between me and Yang Ming... there were a lot of unexpected things, and finally came together... at the beginning, I just want to work with him on some business matters, but I can't control my feelings..."

"Oh, in fact, you don't have to apologize to me..." Seeing in front of myself, like Wang Xiaoying, who is doing the wrong thing, can Zhao Ying blame her? Besides, Wang Xiaoyu did not have any apologies!

"Ying sister, I know that you like Yang Ming...but...some things, I really can't control it." Wang Xiaoyu said here, the voice is a little choked, on the one hand, she really can't lose Yang Ming, and the other In respect, Zhao Ying’s embarrassment is also from the heart.

"Hey, you don't have to be like this!" In a flash, Zhao Ying's heart melted. What she was picking up was nothing more than Wang Xiaoying and Yang Ming, but she was holding her! However, Wang Xiaoyan confessed to her, what else can Zhao Ying be angry and tangled?

"Ying sister, you... really not angry?" Wang Xiaoyan asked carefully. Outside, she is a cold-blooded killer, but in front of Zhao Ying, she is a well-behaved sister. She really does not want to destroy the relationship between herself and Zhao Ying.

"How can I get angry?" Zhao Ying shook her head. "I have nothing to do with Yang Ming. I haven't got a glimpse of the eight characters. I have to be angry, but I can't get it on my head. Besides, Yang Ming, this guy, is very fancy. It's better to be with other women than to hook up with other people. I can rest assured!"

Wang Xiaoyan suddenly became red, and stuttered and said: "Ying sister, you make fun of me..."

"Where is it, okay, hey, don't think too much, I and Yang Ming's things... oh... you don't care about it, my own things, I know very well." Zhao Ying smiled bitterly: "No. I am not willing to take this step, but between us, not one who takes a step, can solve it!"

"Ying sister, in fact, I know, Yang Ming still likes you very much, or else, I talk to him?" Wang Xiaoying saw Zhao Ying not annoyed himself, but also restored the previous naughty look, blinked his eyes, Zhao Ying Said.

"Don't, don't!" Zhao Ying was shocked and quickly stopped: "still... or let me say it myself."

"Haha, then I won't worry about it!" Wang Xiaoxiao laughed and smiled very easily. Today, she finally said something that has been in her heart for a long time.

"Oh." Do not know why, Zhao Ying's mood has also become brighter, looking at the opposite and lovely Wang Xiaoyan, Zhao Ying really can not find a reason to blame her.

If, in the future, the two can really be sisters, isn’t it a good thing? However, the things of myself and Yang Ming are really difficult! Sometimes, going out this step is even harder than going to heaven!

Looking at the fragrant fried egg and soft cake on the table, Zhao Ying suddenly had a big appetite. After three mouthfuls, she killed all the food on the table. After eating it, she found Wang Xiaoying looking at her oppositely, and she was embarrassed: "I suddenly got a little hungry..."

At this moment, Wang Xiaoyan can finally be sure, Zhao Ying’s troubles really come from himself! Zhao Ying is sure that she has already noticed the things of herself and Yang Ming, and is unhappy! Perhaps, Zhao Ying is angry with herself and Yang Ming, don't tell her?

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyu also understood why Zhao Ying had not contacted her for so long. It seems that Zhao Ying is waiting for her to tell her!

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