So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1232: Intricate relationship (below)

The intricate relationship of the first thousand two hundred and thirty-two chapters (below)

Seeing Jiang Naigang's questioning, Li Boliang did not continue to conceal. He felt that it would be no problem to talk to others about his own thoughts. So he said, "Hey, you know my brothers. I used to devote myself to computers and neglected lifelong events... ..."

"Li Ge, you don't want to think about women? This is simple, I will find you a few tomorrow, how much is there!" Jiang Naigang heard Li Boliang's words and thought he had physiological needs, thinking about tomorrow. He is looking for a few clean ladies. It is not good. It is OK to spend money to find a third-line star. Anyway, he is not bad at home. Li Boliang has helped them a lot. I believe that my father can understand it with his father.

"Nai Gang, you misunderstood!" Li Boliang heard Jiang Naigang's words, and suddenly he was a little crying and laughing: "Do you think I am the kind of person? Even if there is a physiological need, I will solve it to the computer. How can I find a lady? ”

"Oh, then I understand, Li Ge, you want to find a girlfriend, right?" Jiang Naigang understood the meaning of Li Boliang, and he slammed his chest and assured: "Do not worry, this thing is on me!"

"Nai Gang, you still didn't understand. I liked a girl who was a freshman in our school, but people didn't seem to mean anything to me..." Li Boliang sighed and said.

"Li Ge, you are a talent, how can you not see you?" Jiang Naigang said: "However, you can rest assured that the girls now pay attention to gold, and I will give you a package, lend my sports car to you, and ensure that you chase. To the girl!"

"Really?" Li Boliang suddenly had a happy time. Now that the girl is worshipping Jin, Li Boliang is clear. If you want to come to Zhou Jiajia, you should not be excused. In recent couples of blind date programs, the girls who are basically worshipping gold, Li Boliang also saw.

"Then I can lie to you?" Jiang Naigang said: "At that time, you take her out, I will lead you to a few high-school children's gatherings, when she saw your strength, still not enamored of you? ”

Li Boliang was overjoyed and quickly thanked him: "That's what it is for you!"


Zhou Jiajia easily went to the department head office on the third floor and knocked on the door. There was Xiao Qing’s voice: "Please come in!"

Zhou Jiajia pushed the door open and entered Xiao Qing's office. Politely said: "Director Xiao, hello, I am Zhou Jiajia, I am reporting."

Xiao Qinggang had eaten and was taking a lunch break. Because of the continuous fatigue, Xiao Qing took a nap in the office for a while. I didn't expect Zhou Jiajia to come so fast. She just called her and soon she came. It seems that Zhou Jiajia is really very concerned about the subject of this wireless protocol and wants to participate.

Yang Ming has such a girlfriend, but it makes Xiao Qing somewhat surprised. Zhou Jiajia had a lot of research on computers, but Yang Ming did not mention it to her.

"Zhou Jiajia, you are here, please sit down." Xiao Qing pointed to the sofa on the side.

"Director Xiao, I didn't bother you to rest..." Seeing Xiao Qing was resting, he was woken up by himself, and Zhou Jiajia suddenly felt a little unwilling.

"Nothing, these days are a little tired, stunned for a while." Xiao Qing smiled: "Zhou Jiajia... Well, I will call you Jia Jia, okay?"

"Yes." Zhou Jiajia nodded happily. Although I had just finished talking with Li Boliang, I was not used to people like Jia Jia, but Zhou Jiajia had already made Xiao Qing a family. Yang Ming’s sister, that is her sister Zhou Jiajia’s dry sister, naturally a family.

"Well, Jia Jia, I saw your last semester results, really good, especially the disk copy program, not only can perform normal disk copy, but also can copy encrypted tracks, which use a lot of edge technology. These things, many professors in our university are not as good as you." Xiao Qing sincerely praised. Although Xiao Qing studied a bit of encryption and decryption when he went to school, he did not continue to study it.

After all, Xiao Qing is now studying some formal techniques. In the technology of encryption and decryption, it is not the opponent of Zhou Jiajia. But in academics, it is much stronger than Zhou Jiajia.

"Oh, there are some things that are partial." Zhou Jiajia smiled embarrassedly: "However, what I am good at is also the technology of these hackers. I have never participated in the customization of such things as network protocols. I heard that our school actually led the study of the domestic wireless protocol standards, very happy, I came to sign up. I heard that only recruiting graduate students, I thought there was no hope, I did not expect Xiao Director to accept me."

"Actually, I heard Yang Ming talk about you." Xiao Qing suddenly changed his previous official business style and blinked at Zhou Jiajia: "But Yang Ming did not say that you are interested in computer things, otherwise, there are I will take you with these topics."

"Ah... Director Xiao, you know..." Zhou Jiajia’s face was red. Before Zhou Jiajia listened to Xiao Qing’s words, she thought that she really accepted her own because of her good grades and good skills. It turns out that there is really a relationship between Yang Ming.

"You also call me Xiao Qingjie." Xiao Qing smiled and said: "You saved Yang Ming and almost sacrificed yourself. How can I not know? Thank you very much..."

"That's all I should do... and, of course, I have a lot of things... With Yang Ming's skill, I should have been able to escape that shot. I have to do it myself, and I have brought Yang Ming. So big burden..." Zhou Jiajia sighed and said with some emotion.

These words are indeed her true words. Only she did not talk to anyone, including Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun. Now Xiao Qing is in front of herself, like a loving neighbor's big sister. Zhou Jiajia involuntarily said his own thoughts.

Yang Ming’s skill, Zhou Jiajia later learned. Therefore, Zhou Jiajia thought about the situation at the time. Yang Ming really didn't need to go to the gun. But these words, she could not ask Yang Ming, Yang Ming would not admit it. And Chen Mengyu, she can't say, Zhou Jiajia is afraid that he will finish it. Chen Mengxi will feel that he and Yang Ming are together with some names that are not right, so Zhou Jiajia does not dare.

"You can't say that." Xiao Qing waved his hand: "Yang Ming's skill is good. This is a fact, but there is always an accident in everything. Maybe you didn't use it for him. This gun will shoot. On his body. And even if he can escape, your mind is also very valuable."

"Thank you Xiao Qingjie." Zhou Jiajia smiled happily: "I listened to your words, my heart was a lot more comfortable."

"Well, don't think so much." Xiao Qingdao: "In the future, I will be very tired when I participate in the research team. I may not be able to go home at night... Are you living with Yang Ming?"

“Ah...” Zhou Jiajia was blushing by Xiao Qing’s face, but he nodded. “I live with my nightmare... Yang Ming came back to live...”

"Oh, I guessed it." Xiao Qing smiled: "You may have to live in school in the future, no problem?"

"This is okay, I just stayed in the bedroom." Zhou Jiajia nodded.

"It's not a dormitory, it's living in a laboratory." Xiao Qingdao: "R&D may be day and night. It may be that black and white is upside down. Maybe it's tired. Just take a break and go to work without being tired... ”

"Ah! Isn't that going to live with a lot of boys?" Zhou Jiajia was surprised and asked quickly.

"To tell the truth, this research group, except for a woman, is a boy..." Xiao Qing smiled: "But you can live with me, I have a separate rest room."

"That's good." Zhou Jiajia breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and lived with Xiao Qing, she naturally agreed, the other is Yang Ming's dry sister, Zhou Jiajia also wants to have a good relationship with her.

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