So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1235: Response plan (below)

The first two hundred and thirty-five chapters of the response plan (below)

However, he had thought that this call became the last words of him and his girlfriend. For many years, the secretary who helped Yue Yue into the tiger, he also got the punishment he deserved.

Yan Yuejin’s words and actions to the secretary, Yang Ming’s clear understanding, I did not expect this guy to buy people’s hearts, no wonder that the Jingshan mixed winds, but unfortunately, they must be against themselves. Yang Ming’s going, naturally, is to beat and beat this guy and let him bleed.

The sky is getting brighter and the street lights are on. The entire Xianren Building is also brightly lit from the beginning, and now only the office of the chairman and the security room on the first floor are lit up.

Before Yang Ming, he had already made plans to sneak into the Xianren Building. Entering from the main entrance is obviously not advisable. After the building is off work, if you want to go in again, you will definitely be subject to strict cross-examination by the security guards on duty. This will not help Yang Ming's next plan.

However, although the security of the Xianren Building seems to be more rigorous, it is not the case, although it is spring, but in the bathroom, it is still open. This is also the fatal weakness of many buildings.

The last time I went to teach the four snakes from the East China Sea, Yang Ming sneaked in from the bathroom, and this time, no exception. Although the main body of the building is plexiglass and large mosaics, it is not difficult to climb. As long as there is a suction cup with water, you can easily climb.

It’s just that the building is in a bustling area, and the car is coming and going. Although it is already dark at night, there are still a lot of pedestrians, so Yang Ming has no way to act.

At this time, the building climbed up to the individual, it will definitely attract the attention of others, so Yang Ming only waits, waiting for no one on the street, and then take action.

Yang Ming’s plan is to follow him after he rushes into work, and then go to a quiet place to do it again. However, it is clear that Yue Yuejin intends to stay in the company today.

From the dialogue between Yu Yuejin and the secretary, Yang Ming also heard some general. It turned out that I was eager to give the killer organization an inquiry call, and I was waiting for the reply from the killer organization. Just, can he wait until he replies?

It is estimated that Yue Yuejin can’t think of it. The killer organization he commissioned is actually related to Yang Ming.

"How is the efficiency so slow? Also the world-famous killer organization, there is no news for so long!" Yue Yue entered the desk and looked impatiently at the clock at the corner of the table. It’s already 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, and I haven’t called yet. I knew this early, I should leave my mobile phone number, why should I wait for a call here?

However, I thought about it again. The other person said that I was speaking English. I kept my mobile phone number. I couldn’t understand what the other party said. I had to find a secretary to translate, so I could only stay with the company.

Bored, I jumped into the card game inside the computer and played it. The clock lapses by a minute...

Chen Mengyu, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia returned home early, waiting for Yang Ming to come back. However, he waited until eleven o'clock at six o'clock in the evening and did not see Yang Ming.

Although I know that Yang Ming may have something important to delay, but Chen Mengyi still can not help but worry about the call, dialed Yang Ming's phone.

Yang Ming has been paying attention to the movements of Yue Yuejin, and he has not paid much attention to time. A qualified killer must have good patience. When tracking and monitoring targets, you must ignore the existence of time.

When I heard the ringing of the mobile phone, Yang Mingcai discovered that it was already eleven o'clock. Some apologetic pick up the phone: "Dream, have you not rested? I am outside, something has not been processed."

"Not yet, we are waiting for you, but I also know that you must have something to delay, just some of you miss you, so call and ask." Chen Mengyu is not a person who does not understand things, listen to Yang Ming said Naturally, it is also very understandable.

"I'm fine, you should rest first. I am really sorry, nightmare." Yang Ming has been back for so long, but has not yet seen Chen Mengyu.

"Okay, then let's sleep first, you have to be careful. After you finish the matter, go home early." Chen Mengyu shouted like a newlywed wife.

Yang Ming sighed and hang up the phone. I don't know when this life can end. Although I have got something that others can't get in my life, sometimes I calm down, but I don't have the carefree happiness in high school. Surrounded by danger and conspiracy every day, this life makes Yang Ming very uncomfortable.

Although I hope that this will end as soon as possible, Yang Ming has to deal with the immediate situation first. Looking at the watch, it is almost twelve o'clock, and the pedestrians on the road are almost gone.

Yang Ming put on a night outfit in the car and got out of the car, hidden in the darkness. After picking up the side of the Xianren Building, I checked the suction cup in my hand and determined that it could be firmly attached to the outer wall of the building. Yang Ming began to climb quickly to an open window on the second floor of the building.

Yang Ming's movement was very fast, that is, a few seconds, he jumped into the open window on the second floor. Previously, Yang Ming had already viewed it with his abilities. It is indeed a bathroom.

Climbing up the building, there is actually no difficulty. The difficulty lies in the camera inside the corridor after the toilet.

If it is to carry out the assassination mission, Yang Ming will definitely kill the security room first, and then destroy the monitoring system, but this time, Yang Ming is not coming to kill, but intends to enter here from here. Blackmail something out and let him make some blood for his actions.

As I said before, Yang Ming’s ambition is not a unified gang development gang, so Yang Ming has no interest in these industries in Jingshan.

After taking over, it is not only difficult to manage, but also does not make much money, mainly because it is not close to Songjiang. When Sun Hongjun planned to send his own industry in the East China Sea free of charge, he did not take over, let alone Jingshan.

Of course, Yang Ming can also rush to the security room from the second floor, and then stun them, but the security room is also a certain distance from the second floor. Yang Ming runs through the corridor from here and then goes down the stairs, and then passes through the first floor. When the corridor runs to the security room, it will delay a lot of time.

When passing through the mail room, it is bound to be seen by the security guards at the guards and at the door, so Yang Ming has to knock them down first. This will take a lot of time. These delays add up enough to alert the security guards in the security room. Call to inform Yue Yue or call the police.

So this is not the result Yang Ming wants, Yang Ming has already thought about the plan to deal with.

In the Xianren Building, there are several surveillance cameras. It is obviously impossible to display the pictures taken by each camera every moment on the computer screen of the monitoring room.

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