So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1242: Deja vu scene (on)

The first two hundred and forty-two chapters seem to have met each other (on)

For the tolerance of Jing Xiaoyu, Yang Ming showed considerable appreciation. However, for the past behavior of Jing Xiaoyu, Yang Ming did not have much resistance. After all, when he was a geometric one, he and Jing Xiaolan were just like a small mixed society. They couldn’t wait for no one to find a fight. In such a situation, naturally Will not let go.

Now, Yang Ming is mature, and for such people, he laughs.

The bald young man saw Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu sitting on the ordinary dining table. They couldn’t tell the smugness. When his girlfriend Xiaohong came over, he couldn’t help but say, “How? I am amazing?”

"Too great, this couple does not often have a swing seat!" Xiaohong said excitedly.

"Hey, there were two stupid people. I was supposed to be sitting here, but I was robbed first!" The young man with bald head pointed to Jing Xiaoying and Yang Ming over there: "That is, they are two sacs, even I don’t dare to put one, I really don’t know if the man’s belt is not with the species!”

It is because of the perseverance shown by Yang Ming that the bald young man is even more unscrupulous. In his opinion, Yang Ming did not say anything, but now he dares not say anything.

"The woman is pretty good-looking, following this man's white!" After Xiao Hong listened, he also thought deeply that he had cast a gaze on the bald young man.

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu are not far away, and the conversation between the bald young man and Xiao Hong naturally makes them clear. His own tolerance was said to be a sac, which made Yang Ming not know whether to cry or laugh, frowning.

Jing Xiaoyu is really can't help it! Yang Ming is a waste? It’s a joke! Yang Ming’s indifference made her even more angry. Before in the school cafeteria, Yang Ming poured a white porridge on her face. Here, she installed a good gentleman. Jing Xiaoyu couldn’t stand it. She took a table and took the bald head over there. Young men and Xiaohong: "Hey, you talk a little bit, don't want to care about you, really take yourself as a dish?"

"Hey? It turned out to be a little white face, let the woman help out, and really did not bring the species!" Jing Xiaoyu's anger did not make the bald young man afraid, but made him more arrogant.

In his view, Yang Ming is really a soft egg, and it is soft enough to let women help out.

Jing Xiaoyu listened to this guy, the more he said, the more difficult it was to listen. He was so angry that he shook his body and picked up a cup of the sundae on the table and threw it on the head of the bald young man. However, the bald young man was very responsive, and he smiled and hid: "How is your brother's skill good?"

Yang Ming didn't want to take care of this person, but seeing this guy was really tidy, so he said faintly: "Small, it's not so lost."

When he spoke, he picked up a piece of chicken bone that Jing Xiaoying had just eaten from the table. It seemed to be casually lost to the bald young man.

The bald young man did not care, but looked at Yang Ming with contempt, what can this chicken bone top use? I thought that Yang Ming would make a big hit. It turned out to be a pocket of goods, and it would do some small means.

Seeing that Yang Mingyi raised his hand, the bald young man subconsciously shifted his head to the side, as he had escaped from the cup of the sundae. It’s just unfortunate that this chicken bone did not hide from him. He’s squatting in the middle of his left eye. He suddenly took a star in his eyes, and he died to death, squinting and squatting there. Cried up.

Yang Ming naturally took advantage of the strength, otherwise, with Yang Ming's strength, the left eye of the bald young man must have been abolished, and Yang Ming and he did not have any deep hatred, so only a little disciplinary.

Just after the bald young man escaped the cup of the sunbathing that Jing Xiaoyu had thrown away, Yang Ming had already mastered the law of the speed and direction of the bald young man.

Generally speaking, not a professionally trained person, when he avoids a foreign object attack, he will instinctively dodge to the left or right, and the strength and speed of dodge are roughly the same.

After all, this is an instinctive reaction, a subconscious habit, not a deliberate cultivation.

The bald young man reacts with most people, and subconsciously evades his body to the right. This is the same reaction as all right-handed people. The left-hander is generally the exception.

Of course, Yang Ming is also an exception to the highly professionally trained killer. Yang Ming can randomly choose the direction of dodging and adjust the speed of dodge according to the direction in which the unknown object flies.

Therefore, Yang Ming allowed the direction and speed of the bald youth to dodge, and also knew the speed at which he threw the chicken bones. He also had the ability to accurately visualize the distance between himself and the young man.

As a result, Yang Ming can accurately predict the trajectory of the bald young man's movements in advance, and can accurately hit the chicken bones on the left eye of the bald young man.

Jing Xiaoyu was very surprised. It was obvious that the young man who had seen the bald head had already dodged, but he was hit by Yang Ming! However, no matter what, but a bad breath, Yang Ming is still that Yang Ming, although more stable than before, but will not let others bully his woman is not?

Jing Xiaoyu feels good and upgrades herself to Yang Ming’s woman, and she smiles with a smile.

Although the bald young man is not a big man, he often enters and enters the entertainment venues such as Di Bar. The fight is definitely not less, so Yang Mingyi shot, the bald young man knows that he really met the master today!

With a small piece of chicken bones, I hit myself, and the strength is still so full. The bald young man is not a fool. I know that I have looked away today and quickly bowed my head and dared not say anything more.

That is called Xiaohong's woman, seeing her boyfriend was beaten, some are not embarrassed, but seeing the boyfriend did not dare to scream, but also know the other person they can not afford.

The bald young man is a bully and hard guy, Xiaohong is very clear. In fact, their little miscellaneous is also this character, bullying and fearing hard, more powerful than their own, they nod their heads, and without their own powerful, they will be hard.

"Hey! Come with me a cup of the sundae!" Jing Xiaoyu used to be a social person. Naturally, I saw that the bald young man was timid, and he was very excited. He thought about it and felt that he should find his face again.

Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaoying’s words, and some of them were dumbfounded. Sure enough, this little girl also remembered the vengeance. In the school cafeteria, he let Jing Xiaoying’s boyfriend lose himself a bucket of buns. Now Jing Xiaoyu actually used this trick to deal with others.

However, because this is related to Yang Ming, Yang Ming is really not good to stop, it is not easy to say what Jing Xiaoying.

Xiaohong was obviously unhappy because of Jing Xiaoyu’s request, but the bald man stood up and looked at a bit of grievances in his eyes. He went to the bar and bought back a cup of sundae for Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu. Jing Xiaoyu's desk.

Although he is extremely unhappy in his heart, but he has such a characteristic, that is, he can bend and stretch, and then he is not good, people are more jealous than you, you have to wear a dog to wear a cat, and endure.

The bald young man can bear it, but Xiaohong can't help it. He secretly took out his mobile phone, edited a message, and sent it out.

Ge Xinyao is lingering with Bihai at the moment, and the mobile phone text message sounds. Ge Xinyao reluctantly took the mobile phone and read the text message above.

"What is it?" Bi Hai asked. He is working night shifts in the community today. It is reasonable to say that as the manager of the security department, he can not work night shifts. There are other security guards on duty.

However, today Ge Xinyao came, and Bihai has a separate duty room, so he stayed, and renovated Yao over the world of two people, but also mixed some overtime pay.

"A sister who used to play, often went to your previous field, and had some troubles. I wanted to ask me to help her settle." Innovation Yao explained: "No matter what she is."

"Oh? Looking for you? Why are you looking for you?" Bi Hai asked.

"I promised her before, according to her, but now we are no longer doing that in the field, but also what she does!" Innovative Yao explained.

"Yang Ge said that if you want to talk about faith, you promised her, naturally you have to help, at least it can help you once!" Bi Hai said: "That way, I bring a few people, go with you, look What is it, can help you."

"This is the best!" Ge Xinyao did not go, but also afraid that Bihai is not willing to do this. Since Bi Hai said so, Ge Xinyao would naturally not evade again, holding Bi Hai’s face and sighing: "Thank you. !"

"Thank me for anything, let's follow Yang Ming in this life. Yang Ge's most annoying thing is that he doesn't talk to him. So I don't want to find trouble for myself. I don't want to make a promise easily!" After the department manager, he has matured a lot and is no longer as impetuous as before.

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