So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1243: Conspiracy all the time (on)

The conspiracy of the first thousand two hundred and forty-three chapters (on)

"It seems to be the Ice Age? Ge Xinyao does not know whether it is, she is also an excuse to find it casually, but did not think that Jing Xiaoying will ask the bottom.

"The third?" Jing Xiaoyu continued to ask.

"Probably?" Ge Xinyao is not sure if it is.

"I want to see it too, let's go together..." Jing Xiaoyu said after listening, but he thought that he should seek Yang Ming's opinion, so he turned his head and asked Yang Mingqi: "I want to watch a movie... ”

"Let's go see it..." Yang Ming just wanted to say that you and Ge Xinyao and Bi Hai went to see it. I went back to school first, but half of it was interrupted by Jing Xiaoyu.

"You are so good!" Jing Xiaoyu quickly grabbed Yang Ming's neck and kissed him on his face. He quickly released it: "Let's go!"

Yang Ming touched his face that Jing Xiaoying had kissed. Some helpless? Come here again? Shaking his head with a wry smile, said: "Don't you finish it yet?"

"Then go to the cinema to eat!" Jing Xiaoyu did not give Yang Ming a chance to repent, stood up, hurried to the bar, asked for a plastic bag, and packed the food on the table.

Looking at the actions of Jing Xiaoyan and Yang Ming's relatives, Ge Xinyao and Bi Hai are not suspicious of it. They think that Jing Xiaoying and Yang Ming are already better. My heart sighs that Jing Xiaoying is really not easy.

"The invoice is still worth five dollars. It is really lucky." When Jing Xiaoyu came back, he raised his five-dollar bill in his hand and showed off with Yang Ming.

Yang Ming smiled and Jing Xiaozhen was still very careful. Although Yang Ming will invoice every time he eats, sometimes he often forgets to scratch the prize. After all, Yang Ming’s daily affairs are very complicated. These subtle things are often ignored.

The four people went out with KFC and went to the parking lot. They each got their own car. Jing Xiaoyu was still the first to jump on the position of the main driving. Yang Ming was also happy to let Jing Xiaoyu drive.

For Jing Xiaoying driving, Ge Xinyao was a bit strange. I didn't see it for a few days, but I didn't think that Jing Xiaoyu had such a big change. Not only did he learn to drive, but he also walked with Yang Ming.

"Small squatting is very lucky. For her, this is a good destination." Ge Xinyao sat in the car and exclaimed.

"Yeah, I really didn't think about it." Bi Hai also nodded. "But this kind of thing, we don't have to envy it. I think it is very good now, compared to the days when I used to eat and die." In the past few months, I have saved tens of thousands of deposits. After you graduate, I think we can buy a house."

"Yeah... I didn't expect it, we still have a very good future..." Ge Xinyao nodded happily.

"Let's go, watch Yang with a movie. Don't play the ice age, it's awful." Bi Hai smiled: "When you see how you explain it!"

The small cinema that Ge Xinyao said, Jing Xiaoyu had passed before, but he had never been there. Going to the cinema to watch movies is a very extravagant behavior for the former Jing Xiaolan.

"You, how can you say that you are useless, you will play some cleverness, pull me to the movies? What is the purpose?" Yang Ming did not want Jing Xiaoyu to lose face in front of Ge Xinyao and Bi Hai, so after getting on the bus Only to confess Jing Xiaoxuan.

"No... It’s suddenly that I don’t want to go to bed so early, I want to go around, right, I will help you continue to analyze, what is your relationship with the girl who loves it? How about the result after you sent the gift last time? What?” Jing Xiaoyu converted the topic.

For Jing Xiaoyu, Yang Ming is a little bit smirking, but when talking about Zhao Ying, Yang Ming really wants to ask Jing Xiaoyu, what should I do next, can't I always stay deadlocked?

"When you watch a movie, let's talk." Yang Ming glanced at Jing Xiaoyan and said: "You can't drive slowly, and the car can't keep up!"

Jing Xiaoyu looked at the mirror and looked at it. Sure enough, Bihai was following in the back with hardships. The throttle was blasting, but the speed was not going up. Do not blame him, how can you chase the BMW SUV? Therefore, Jing Xiaoyan did not feel how fast he was, but the latter Bi Hai was unable to catch up with the horse.

"There is money, really have to buy a good car, this is too much effort!" Bi Hai stepped on the pedals of the pedals and hurts, seeing Jing Xiaoyu finally slowed down, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Get it, you have some money, or use it for marriage!" Ge Xinyao did not want to spend money in the sea: "You are not very good at this car? How is it slow to run? It is not easy to accident, save I am worried."

Bi Hai listened to Ge Xinyao’s embarrassment and laughed twice. Indeed, with his current economic level, buying a car is somewhat unrealistic: “I just said, I’m not enough to buy a house, buy a car. What to do. This is the public car. If it breaks, it will open."

As soon as I stepped on the gas pedal and screamed, this is the near-retired Songhuajiang minivan in Bihai, but it is unusually warm.

This night is destined to be an uneasy night. Yang Ming’s phone ringing again, it’s a strange phone call, Yang Ming hesitated a little, so late, the strange phone call to himself, so Yang Ming is somewhat strange. However, this is a mobile phone number of the local section of Songjiang, Yang Ming also picked up: "Hey hello, who?"

"Mr. Yang, I am Victoria." Victoria is speaking Chinese. Since this secret has been pierced by Yang Ming, she does not need to hide it.

"Victoria?" Yang Ming immediately understood, this must be the phone number from the newly purchased mobile phone number in Victoria: "What's the matter?"

"Alice, just out of the room, took the elevator downstairs, may have to go out, I want to follow her?" Victoria said quickly, for fear of delaying the time, will let Alice run away.

Victoria always pays attention to Alice's movements. It is also because when I was on the boat, Victoria got Yang Ming's order to let her pay attention to Victoria's movements. After returning to Songjiang and living in the hotel, Yang Ming did not. Special account, but Victoria still consciously shouldered this important task.

When she found out that Alice had left the room and walked to the elevator, Victoria immediately reported to Yang Ming. Because Yang Ming had already explained it before, all three meals were sent to the room, so Alice had no need to go downstairs.

Even if Alice is going to buy something or something, she doesn't need to go out of the hotel. Just wear the pajamas provided in the room, no need to wear formal! For this reason, Victoria only speculated that Alice was going to go out.

"Follow her, pay attention to it, don't be discovered by her." Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and quickly told him: "I have time to contact me, you have money in your hand, right?"

"Yes." Victoria said: "Before you gave me the money, except for the hotel people who bought me a camera and a mobile phone, there is still a lot left."

Victoria got Yang Ming's approval. After a quick disguise, he ran out of the room with his camera. Victoria did not choose to take the elevator, but ran to the emergency stairs.

There are a lot of people going up and down the hotel, and the elevator has to make a short stay on almost every floor, so if you are lucky, if you take the emergency stairs, you will be faster than Alice in the elevator.

Sure enough, when Victoria rushed to the first floor, the elevator was still on the fourth floor and might be getting on and off. In order not to arouse Alice's attention, Victoria did not wait in the lobby of the hotel, but went straight out of the hotel and took a taxi at the entrance of the hotel.

“Ms. Where are you going?” the taxi driver asked.

"Wait a minute, I will tell you later," Victoria said faintly, staring at the hotel.

The people who come out of the Songjiang International Hotel are not rich, so taxi drivers don't dare to ask more. Anyway, these people will definitely not lose their fares.

After a while, Alice came out of the hotel's door. At the moment, Alice, wearing a pair of big sunglasses, covered almost half of her face. If she was not very familiar, she could not recognize it.

Victoria has always paid attention to Alice's movements, otherwise he will not immediately recognize that the person in front of him is Alice.

After Alice came out of the hotel, she went to a taxi behind Victoria, and the car slowly started and headed for the intersection at the right front.

"Follow the car in front." Victoria pointed to Alice's car and said to the driver.

"Okay." The driver started the car and didn't ask much. It was very fashionable to watch Alice's dress, and he was very careful when he was acting. The driver naturally imagined Alice as a junior, while Victoria is a good man. Room wife.

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