So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1252: The more you miss, the more happy you are.

The first two hundred and fifty-two chapters will be more happy.

Yang Ming’s words made the little girl who had been arrogant and waited for the blackout to turn around and ran away. This somewhat surprised Jing Xiaoying and Ge Xinyao.

"I don't know if I guessed it, but she was scared away." Yang Ming shrugged.

"Is it impossible? If you didn't guess, why did she run?" Jing Xiaoyu was curious: "Right, how did you know?"

"I?" Yang Ming smiled and said: "I will see, do you believe?"

"Cut," Jing Xiao snorted, apparently not to believe in Yang Ming's words.

Yang Ming did not explain much. This is often the case. Sometimes when you tell the truth, the other party will not believe it, and if you lie, the other person will believe it.

Ge Xinyao and Bi Hai did not dare to ask Yang Ming about the matter. At the moment, Bi Hai still had a lingering fear and no interest in continuing to watch the movie. I heard that Yang Ming did not read it, so he went out to the cinema together.

Yang Ming has something to rush to see Zhang and Victoria, and Jing Xiaolu naturally knows that Yang Ming has not finished doing things, and has to rush to do so, so he has not continued to hang around Yang Ming.

A lot of things are like this. It’s too late. Jing Xiaoyu is very satisfied with the progress of the current relationship with Yang Ming. I don’t want to have further development. So now Yang Ming’s righteousness is the key point.

"I am going to the Songjiang International Hotel. I will also send you to go there. How about living there in the evening?" Yang Ming asked Jing Xiao.

It would be possible to knock on the door of the dormitory building just now, but now, it’s already late in the middle of the night, it’s impossible to go back to school, so I can only arrange for Jing Xiaoyu to stay in the hotel.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you do things." Jing Xiaoyan nodded obediently.

"I will see you tomorrow morning. If you have time, I will send you to the school. If there is no time, I will ask you to find someone to send you." Yang Ming said that he got on the car and let Jing Xiaoyu sit in the co-pilot position.

This time Jing Xiaoying did not rush to drive, although Jing Xiao International’s location is also known to Jing Xiaoyu, and Jing Xiaoyu often went there to inspect the work from the head office, but after all, it was a novice driver, Yang Ming is now in a hurry, or let Yang Ming drive as well. .

The lobby manager of Songjiang International Hotel naturally knows Jing Xiaoyu. Now Jing Xiaoyu has become a hot newcomer in the group. Seeing Jing Xiaoyu entering the door, he hurriedly greeted him. "You Jing, so late, you come..."

However, the lobby manager just said half of it, and saw Yang Ming who came in with Jing Xiaoyu, suddenly shocked! Yang Ming’s true identity, they are not very clear, but they know that Yang Ming is a person with the same level as violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu. There are also large shares in the group! The president of the hotel, Guo Jianchao, was respectful to Yang Ming. He did not have a part-time vice president of Ming Yang Entertainment. He sat in the hotel and every time Yang Ming came, he personally went down to meet.

It was not long before Jing Xiaoyu entered the group and was promoted to the position of assistant general manager. It is also said that because of the unusual relationship with Yang Ming, the group internally rumored that Jing Xiaoying was Yang Ming’s lover, but rumors that this thing is rumor, no Confirmed.

However, after so late, I saw Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu appear together here, and the lobby manager confirmed that the rumors were not unfounded!

"Mr. Yang, you are here too... I informed Guo Zong?" The lobby manager quickly stepped forward and asked for advice. Guo Jianchao gave him orders before, as long as Yang Ming came, be sure to call him. However, Yang Ming does not seem to like this kind of arrangement, but the lobby manager is offended on both sides, so he can only ask Yang Ming to see his opinions.

If Yang Ming is unwilling, the lobby manager will be shirked when he faces Guo Jianchao. It is straightforward to say that Yang Ming’s opinion can be.

"No need." Yang Ming waved his hand: "So late, call him and do something."

Especially on this special day, Guo Jianchao must be clearing the accounts in the group, so looking for Guo Jianchao is equivalent to giving him trouble, and Yang Ming will not do this.

"Give me a room, then you will go to your busy place." Yang Ming told the lobby manager.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, you and Jing Assistant will live in the set of penthouses that you have reserved." The lobby manager said.

“Ah?” Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and immediately understood that the lobby manager was misunderstood! Apparently he thought he would live with Jing Xiaoyu. However, if he changed him to an ordinary room, it would be inappropriate to say it now. It seems that he is deliberately stingy and does not give Jing Xiaoyu a good room. Yang Ming It can only be acquiesced by default: "Then the suite on the top floor."

Although the hotel has been refurbished, the top floor suites do not need to be refurbished. Originally, it was luxurious enough. It was Wang Xifan's own enjoyment. After Yang Ming got it, the room was owned by Yang Ming.

Usually, when Yang Ming is not there, he is not open.

"Okay, I am going to prepare." The lobby manager nodded and nodded, and called to let the waiter busy cleaning up the room.

Jing Xiaoying is more proud. She can naturally feel that the lobby manager misunderstood her relationship with Yang Ming, but she did not mind continuing to misunderstand.

The upstairs suite has no one to live in, and the waiter also cleans and wipes every day, so this time just lay the sheets and put the toiletries on it.

Therefore, within a few minutes, the room was ready, and the lobby manager sent Yang Ming up, but Yang Ming refused, and went to the internal elevator with Jing Xiaoyu.

Jing Xiaoyu was the first time to live in such a luxurious room. Although she is also a group insider, it is also known today that there are such luxurious private suites in the hotel. Obviously this is not open to the public, and Guo Jianchao and other group executives come down to the hotel. The inspection work is only living in the more luxurious presidential suite, so obviously this is Yang Ming’s private room, and others cannot be accommodated.

However, this time, I am afraid that Jing Xiaoyu will come here again next time. Needless to say, the lobby manager will let Jing Xiaoyu directly enter the suite of Yang Ming on the top floor.

Jing Xiaoyu thinks that he is a little excited. As a result, he is envious of being killed by others.

“I live here at night?” Looking at the private pool in the house, Jing Xiaozhen was really scared to know how to be good: “Is this a bit too luxurious? I have never lived...”

"Where do you not live here?" Yang Ming took a look at Jing Xiaoyu: "Don't get it cheap, sell it yourself, play it yourself, I will go see a person..."

Yang Ming said here, hesitated a moment, will he go to see Victoria at this time? If it was seen by Alice, it would be awkward, so Yang Ming weighed it and decided to let Victoria go upstairs, and on the top floor, the computer has everything, it is more convenient than downstairs. There is no scruples in speaking.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming said to Jing Xiao: "I told my friend to come up, just for a while, you will also analyze and analyze."

"Okay!" Jing Xiaoyu and Yang Ming lived together for a while, naturally happy to answer, and, for Yang Ming's attention, Jing Xiaoyu is very happy.

Yang Ming nodded and dialed the phone of Victory.

"I am Yang Ming, you are out of the room now, then go downstairs, go up the first floor, find the lobby manager, let him bring you to find me." Yang Ming told Victoria.

"Yes, Mr. Yang." Victoria did not ask much, directly responded.

After Victoria hang up the phone, he took the digital camera out of the room, went downstairs, and went to the service desk: "Is the lobby manager there?"

"You wait a moment." The waiter at the front desk naturally knows that Victoria is Yang Ming who arranged to stay in the hotel. His identity is not normal, so he did not dare to neglect and quickly called the lobby manager.

The lobby manager then greeted and saw Victoria: "Miss, what do you need help with?"

"Mr. Yang asked you to take me to him." Victoria is also uncomfortable, saying in a concise manner.

"Okay." The lobby manager also knew that Victoria was brought by Yang Ming, so he immediately agreed: "Please come with me."

The lobby manager took Victoria to the elevator and went to the suite where Yang Ming was in the top floor. However, the suite had an intercom system from the outside. The lobby manager rang the intercom system. He still had to make sure that Yang Ming let Victoria come up.

“Mr. Yang, Ms. Victoria said that you are looking for her, she is at the door now,” said the lobby manager.

"Let her come in, the door is not locked." Yang Ming said.

"Okay." After the lobby manager and Yang Ming finished speaking, he made a gesture to Victoria: "Please come in, Miss Victoria."

After Victoria entered, the lobby manager quietly retired. This room has not yet qualified for him. However, the lobby manager was secretly envious, Yang Ming actually had two beautiful women to accompany him.

Victoria entered the room and saw Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu who was next to him. He had a slight glimpse. Victoria had never seen Jing Xiaoyu. The following consciousness was considered to be Yang Ming’s woman, which is the object she would protect in the future.

"Mr. Yang..." Victoria has some words to stop. Although he guessed the relationship between Jing Xiaoying and Yang Ming, he did not know whether he could say something in front of Jing Xiaoyu.

"This is Jing Xiaoying, who is also his own. You can say it." Yang Ming made a gesture to Victoria and then said to Jing Xiao: "This is Victoria."

"Miss Jing, hello." Victoria nodded to Jing Xiaoyu and said, "Mr. Yang, I have already taken the photo, it is in the memory card of this camera."

"Small, you go to take the notebook on the table over there and come over and look at it." Yang Ming told Jing Xiaoyu.

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