So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1263: Li Wei (on)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-three chapters of Liwei (on)

"My name is Yang Ming. I don't know if you have heard of it?" Yang Ming's voice was very soft, but with unquestionable majesty, standing on the spot, looking at a room of the Sun Jia bought by Tian Long. The company's top management.

"Yang Ming!?" Most of the people present have not heard of the name Yang Ming, but there are also a few people like Li Baihu who are very close to Tian Long know the existence of Yang Ming.

Li Baihu’s brow suddenly wrinkled and his eyes swept to Wang Renping: “Wang Ge, what do you mean? You don’t know, is Long Ge now dealing with Yang Ming?”

After Yang Ming reminded him, Li Baihu remembered it when he arrived. Tian Long showed him photos of Yang Ming, but the impression was not deep at the time, but now Yang Mingyi said that the shadows of the two people will coincide!

This person is Yang Ming who Tian Long wants to kill. How is he with Wang Renping? Li Baihu was not stupid, and suddenly he was nervous and stared at Wang Renping.

"It doesn't mean anything." Yang Ming interrupted Li Baihu's words: "I have already said that if I don't want to die, I will shut up. I think I have been very brief and concise. Can't you understand? I don't want to say any more. I will not say it again for the third time, but will act."

"Grass your mother! What are you doing? Dare to talk to me? Wang Renping, you are a little king, I will solve this kid and find you again!" Li Baihu said, he took a gun from his waist. Directly pointed to Yang Ming, but, before he even started shooting, he had a stalk on his neck and was lying on the ground.

This sudden change made everyone in the room a surprise. When I heard Li Baihu’s words, everyone immediately understood that this Wang Renping might have colluded with Yang Ming! Just watching Li Baihu want to smash guns to solve Yang Ming, one by one is very excited, and secretly glad that Wang Renping did not drop their weapons.

However, just when they yy Li Baihu shot Yang Ming, and then solved the renegade of Wang Renping, the change happened again! Li Baihu fell down without warning!

It’s quite straight down!

"I have already warned you, but again and again, no longer three, you are looking for a dead end, and you can't blame others." Yang Ming said in an understatement, as if the previous scene was not what he did.

Shocked the audience! The audience is stunned! Including Wang Renping, it is incredible, watching the facts happening in front of the eyes with horror and fear! Li Baihu was killed by people like this?

For a moment, even if they didn’t see Yang Ming’s shot, they only saw Yang Ming’s hand faintly, and Li Baihu fell to the ground with a bang.

What did Yang Mingyang do after his hand, and how Li Baihu fell to the ground, they did not know.

Yang Ming’s sudden appearance of the hand, suddenly shocked everyone in the audience, can kill people when they raise their hands! What kind of horrible strength is this?

"Don't be stupid, he is not dead." Yang Ming is very satisfied with the situation at the scene. This is the case for killing chickens and monkeys. If they don't show a shock to these people, then they must not be afraid of themselves, and they will not be embarrassed. Cooperate with yourself.

"Don't die?" Everyone was relieved and couldn't die.

"However, he can't wake up anymore, and it's no different from being dead. It's a fool." Yang Ming said lightly: "It's the first time, give a lesson, I will speak next time, there will be someone. If you question, then I am really welcome."

After Yang Ming finished speaking, he sneaked a glimpse of the audience. Seeing everyone in the battle, they were quite satisfied: "It’s very good. Since everyone has no doubts, then I will continue to talk. ”

Li Baihu was lying on the ground straight, but the people present did not care about his safety. Now these people feel that they are somewhat difficult to protect, and how can they care about other people's affairs?

In fact, Yang Ming also decided to take care of these people. Before that, Wang Renping called these people urgently. After they called, they just let them rest in the house and did not tell them what was going on.

Until all the people came together, Yang Ming appeared, which gave them a surprise, so that they did not have any chance to collude! So in this way, Yang Ming only needs to deal with one of them and give them a kill, so that they can shock other people and give them a horse!

These people are in danger and cannot be attacked. If these people simultaneously use their weapons to resist, Yang Ming is really not sure to hold them all! After all, Yang Ming is not a god, nor a thousand avalokites. It is impossible to defeat or kill these people at the same time.

Although Yang Ming can be confident that he will not be hurt by these people, there is no guarantee that this plan will not be ruined!

However, Yang Ming is able to pretend that they are all at risk. Under this circumstance, who will make the head bird without a unified premeditated plan? Whoever comes out first is the same as Li Baihu on the ground!

People are selfish, who can resist this for everyone at this time? The dead friends are dead, these people are all bowing their heads, and they don’t dare to make any sense.

"Wang Renping, give the pills in this box to them and eat them one by one." Yang Ming handed the small box in his pocket to Wang Renping and told him.

Wang Renping nodded and took the small box that Yang Ming handed over. He came to Zhang Zong’s front and said, “Zhang Zong, open your mouth.”

Zhang’s cold sweat immediately fell. He didn’t know what Wang Renping was going to give him, but obviously it was not a good thing, so Zhang was immediately awkward: “What is this...?”

"I have also eaten, can't die." Wang Renping snorted, ignored him, and squeezed his gang, just like Yang Ming pinched himself, took out the pill and lost it.

When I saw Zhang’s throat, I loosened my hand with satisfaction.

Zhang always licked his throat and was overwhelmed. However, since he had already eaten it, he also accepted his life. He was originally a timid and greedy person. He was also under the huge profits and intimidation of Tian Long. Tian Long invaded the company of Sun’s family, so when he was threatened, he was finished.

He didn't want to resist at the moment, just waited for a moment to see what Yang Ming would tell him to do.

"It's your turn, open your mouth!" Wang Renping came to the next side of Zhang, and he grabbed the gang of the gang like this, and then shouted.

This person is also a bag of goods, the fart does not dare to scream, he ate the pills given by Wang Renping. The abnormal progress of the matter has made Yang Ming somewhat surprised.

With the good precedents of the two beginnings, the people behind are even smoother, and they open their mouths. Afterwards, one person seems to be reluctant, but Li Baihu, who is lying on the ground and lying so far, is also One bite his teeth and closed his eyes. He took the pill that Wang Renping gave him.

However, honest people have it, and people who are dissatisfied with it naturally have it, just like Ma Qiang! That is, Wang Renping called the person who called Ma Shu before!

Ma Qiang is not a bullying role. He was one of the swords and guns that followed the Tianlong mixed society. Even the qualifications in Tokaido were earlier than those of Tianlong!

He is an old gun. Although he can't say that his life is a mountain, he is also a guy who dares to die. He has never been afraid of anyone! Moreover, Ma Qiang, like Wang Renping and Li Baihu, are relatives of Tian Long, but they are much earlier than Wang Renping and Li Baihu and Tian Long, so he is also the most loyal one.

Now that Li Baihu’s life and death are unknown, Wang Renping has betrayed Tian Long and Yang Ming to become a group! In the presence, the morality of other people is very clear. Most of these people are timid as the wind sees the rudder, otherwise they can't make Tian Long very easy to win and buy them.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to unite these people to resist Yang Ming and Wang Renping. Who are these people who are willing to take the lead? Therefore, in desperation, Ma Qiang can only refuse to send, waiting for the right time. He also knows that the pills that Wang Renping gave them to eat are definitely not good things. They can’t be chronic poisons, just eat them into the stomach and want to resist again. Then there is basically no possibility!

If you want to live by the time, isn’t Yang Ming letting them do what they do? Therefore, Ma Qiang looked at his own side and suddenly became nervous!

He can't call Yang Ming and Wang Renping! He must resist! Thinking of this, Ma Qiang’s hand slowly touched his waist! He wants to use the gun to make Yang Ming, and then he will lose Wang Renping!

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