So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1264: Night attack plan (on)

The first two hundred and sixty-four chapters of the night attack plan (on)

The smooth progress of the matter is somewhat out of the expectation of Yang Ming. However, in fact, it does not go well. At least there are two thorns such as Li Baihu and Ma Qiang.

It’s just that Yang Ming is too strong and overbearing. The two men have not waited for any wind and waves, and they are lying down on the ground by Yang Ming. Now, no one cares about their lives, even though the two men are still not dead.

Yang Ming just made these two people into idiots. This Li Baihu and Ma Qiang are all extremely loyal people around Tian Long. Such people are hard to be driven by interests. Even if they threaten their lives, they will not be so easy to soften! It is even possible to sacrifice their own lives to protect their master Tian Long.

Therefore, for this dangerous time bomb, Yang Ming will never be soft, and they will not be able to wake up directly. This also eliminates some unnecessary troubles.

However, Yang Ming did not kill the two men on the spot, because after all, many of the people present were not mixed with the gangsters. Those who were too violent would definitely feel uncomfortable, too far away, as long as they could kill the smashing effect. It is enough!

It seems that the drama of his own Liwei is still very successful. These people are obedient to the posts, and they will not be overly psychologically stressed.

This is the effect Yang Ming wants.

"Well, you can go back, remember what to do tomorrow, and constrain your men, don't take care of things that shouldn't be managed." Yang Ming told the people present.

"Yes, Mr. Yang!" Where are these people supposed to be? This is already the best result, only the fool will not accept it.

"Let's go, go back to each family and have a good night's sleep." Yang Ming waved his hand and said to these people.

The people present, except Wang Renping, have stepped out of the room and walked to the door. They were blown by the cold wind. The talents found that their backs had been wet and chilled, as if they had experienced life and death... well, Experienced life and death!

If they just can't stand it, like Li Baihu or Ma Qiang, if there is any doubt, then he will also lie on the cold floor...

After leaving the old house of Wang Renping, these people quickly left here. They only hope that this is a nightmare. This nightmare can wake up as soon as possible.

After the people left, Wang Renping silently closed the door. He knew that Yang Ming would definitely ask him to say something, so he was not in a hurry. After doing all this, he walked quietly to Yang Ming: "Mr. Yang, what about these two people?"

"First throw it into another room. After Tian Long fell, send them to the hospital. It is also a humanitarian." Yang Ming said.

Wang Renping nodded. These two people, who are familiar with each other, turned into vegetative people in a blink of an eye. I wonder how horrible and scary Yang Ming’s strength is! He suddenly had a funny idea, and Tian Long was right with such a terrible person. Isn't that a self-seeking dead end?

What is just a college student? Are college students so powerful? This is not a college student, it is simply killing God!

The two "dead" people were carried to the old house in the old house. This house Wang Renping has not lived for a long time, because after he followed Tian Long, he was sent to Sun Hongjun as a driver and bodyguard, often Going out early and returning late, afraid of affecting the rest of the old man, Wang Renping bought a house himself outside.

The two men were thrown on the floor, and Wang Renping closed the door. In fact, they did not need to be closed. The two men were already unaware and would not hear the dialogue between Yang Ming and Wang Renping.

After doing all this, Wang Renping returned to the big house where Yang Ming was, saying: "Mr. Yang, what should we do next?"

"Do you know the hiding place of Tian Long now?" Yang Ming asked.

"Know." Wang Renping nodded and said: "He has a villa in the suburbs. Because it is a small property right, no one knows it. He bought it by stealing it, so that it can be used from time to time."

"How about security there?" Yang Ming asked.

"There are twenty bodyguards, and everyone's skills are good." Wang Renping said.

“How good is it?” Yang Ming asked.

"No Li Baihu is so powerful, but it is not bad!" Wang Renping thought about it.

After Yang Ming listened, he was crying and laughing. Li Baihu didn’t go to his own hand. He didn’t even give him a chance to show his performance. He was finished. How about Li Baihu’s kungfu, I really don’t know.

However, it would not be too good to think about it. After all, Tian Long is not a big man. Even Yang Ming, the master of General Hao Erdun and General Kars, is not in sight, let alone a Tianlong?

Wang Renping’s words made Yang Ming somewhat surprised! What Yang Ming expected was that Tian Long is now hiding in an unknown place, even Wang Renping will not know!

Because of this situation, if Tian Long is smart, he must be careful to guard against anyone! Even his own son, Tian Donghua, has questioned him, not to mention other people!

However, Tian Long did not seem to realize this and told Wang Renping where he lived.

Yang Ming’s original plan was that Wang Renping might not know where Tian Long lived, but he would definitely meet Tian Long during the day. However, it seems that Tian Long’s trust in Wang Renping is beyond the expectations of Yang Ming.

But now, the plan seems to be able to make further adjustments. If it is done at night, then the success will be stronger, and it is the time when Tian Long is most relaxed.

Although Yang Ming does not see Tian Long’s point of defense in his eyes, sometimes he is still a little safe to do things. If there is a shortcut, if you have to take risks, then it is forced.

Therefore, after listening to Wang Renping's words, Yang Ming temporarily changed the plan and decided to change the plan to go to Tianlong tomorrow and change it into an evening action. He set off tonight and went to the villa where Tian Long was hiding.

Wang Renping saw Yang Ming sinking down and thought that Yang Ming might want to act tonight, but Yang Ming did not speak, and Wang Renping naturally did not have much to say, waiting for Yang Ming’s final decision.

"What time does Tian Long usually rest?" Yang Ming asked.

"About around 11 o'clock in the evening, there is no fixed time, sometimes it is early, sometimes it is late." Wang Renping said.

Yang Ming nodded and said: "Okay, then we will act at night!"

If you act at night, then Yang Ming’s actions seem to be a little more than one thing, at least not so rushing to do it. Yang Ming’s approach is not wrong. If you want to control these two-faced and three-knife guys, there is nothing wrong with helping Yang’s family regain the company. These people must have strong high-pressure control to ensure that they will not be in a similar situation in the future.

However, this matter does not have to be too hasty. At least it is not necessary to do it before moving Tian Long. It is not too late to pick up these people after the Tian Long is fixed, and it will not be as risky as it is tonight!

To be honest, if these people are united tonight, then it is very likely that it will be a bad thing, although Yang Ming determined that most of these people are timid and self-interested, but who can guarantee that these people will not be called up? Once again? Everything has an accident.

However, since these people have been controlled first, there is no harm to their own plans. Yang Ming will not think much about anything. Everything has to be prepared. Before Yang Ming, he is not sure whether Wang Renping knows Tian Long’s. residence.

Moreover, who can guarantee that Tian Long is staying at the residence tonight? Rex rabbits in the three kiln, let alone Tian Long such a sinister and deceitful person?

Looked at the time, this is more than nine o'clock in the evening, two or three hours away from Tian Long to rest, Yang Ming looked at Wang Renping and asked: "I have eaten dinner?"

"Not yet." Wang Renping replied truthfully, his grandparents who came directly to work after work, naturally did not eat, originally intended to return to his place to eat again, who thought that actually met Yang Ming.

"Go, go and have something to eat." Yang Ming stood up and walked in the direction of the door.

Wang Renping gave a slight glimpse, but did not expect Yang Ming to make such a suggestion, let him go to dinner with him? Seeing that Yang Ming’s hand can be dead, he also learned Yang Ming’s coldness, but did not expect Yang Ming to have such a side.

It turned out that this person's heart is not so bad. It seems that all he did is not so odious. It was a mistake to help Tian Long seize power. Yang Ming's appearance only helped them correct the mistake.

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