So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1267: Rebellion (2)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-seven chapters are rebellious (2)

"It seems that something happened in her family?" Yang Ming couldn't show his emotions too much in front of Yang Xin. He smiled indifferently: "Nothing big, just can't open the phone, I can see it tomorrow." She, this way, after I saw her, I asked Yang Xin sister how come you and your brother-in-law came out to eat?"

"Yes!" Yang Xin nodded happily: "Xiaojie has nothing to do, save me and remember!"

"Well, that will be contacted tomorrow." Yang Ming sighed in his heart and hoped that things would go well, but Sun Jie’s friend is not bad, and he is still very concerned about Sun Jie.

Wu Yunsheng was as low-key as ever. After eating, Yang Ming and Wang Xin and Wu Yunsheng bid farewell to the car. Wang Renping said: "Wu Yunsheng Wu Gongzi, I have seen him."

"Oh?" Yang Ming was a little surprised.

"The famous children in the East China Sea. I used to see him when he sent a small party to Tiandong Huatian to attend a party. It is a low-key person." Wang Renping said.

Listening to Wang Renping, Yang Ming said that his mood was slightly loose and he smiled. He thought that there was something secret in Wu Yunsheng. In the recent period, he has been a soldier, and Yang Ming seems to have problems.

It's no wonder that somehow I met Alice in Europe, and I was targeting myself. Can this make Yang Ming feel at ease?

It is said that it is a nightclub. In fact, it is a nightclub. The gang in the gang is already the old Huangli. Tianlong is not stupid. Now, in this case, the gang is still engaged. Is it not for the police to find him? reason?

Therefore, Tian Long is only operating and controlling some entertainment venues, but even so, it has gained unprecedented profits.

This nightclub was planned by Tian Long, so Sun’s control of this place was not great, and it was because of this that Tian Long was used as a base for temporary office locations.

Tian Long asked the driver to park the car because it was not from the villa today, so he did not find Wang Renping to pick him up. After the car was parked, Tian Long got off the bus and hurriedly entered the nightclub under the **** of four bodyguards.

Although in the East China Sea, Tian Long does not believe that some people dare to find their own troubles, but there is no big mistake. Who knows if there will be a loyal supporter of Sun Jia in a hurry to fight with him?

Yang Ming and Wang Renping came to the nightclub early, watching the movement of the nightclub from a distance. After seeing Tian Long enter the nightclub, Yang Ming also started the car and parked the car closer to the nightclub.

"Isn't the procedure for renaming still not done?" Tian Long looked at the documents in his hand, and asked some of his office secretary impatiently.

"Not yet, I am trusting people, but there is no result..." The secretary is also helpless. Things can't be done, and he is embarrassed. How can this be a bit unlucky?

"Don't you say that, how much it costs, you can change the company's legal person into my name as soon as possible!" Tian Long is naturally afraid of night long dreams, although Sun Hongjun has signed the equity transfer book, but the company's legal name of the company one day. Not his Tianlong, Tian Long could not let go.

"Renaming requires the company's original legal person and new legal person to be present..." The secretary said in a dilemma: "This is a matter of principle. We have found someone, but there is no result. The agency companies only say that they try."

"Mom, what about the original legal person?" Tian Long heard the secretary said so complicated, and snorted without a good breath.

"If you die, you need a certificate of death and a power of attorney..." the secretary explained.

Tian Long rolled his eyes, he just casually complained about an analogy. I didn't expect the secretary to take it seriously. Helpless waved his hand and said: "As soon as possible, tell those agent companies, money is not a problem, as long as it can be done!"

"I will try my best, Mr. Tian!" The secretary quickly said that he carefully withdrew from Tian Long's office.

"Dragon brother, or else, we will not do two times..." In the office, one of Tian Long’s men suggested that he also made a gesture of killing his head.

This person is the third hand of the nightclub, Li is in succession. The nominal boss of the nightclub is Ma Qiang, but the daily operation is carried out by Shen Temple.

Shen Temple figure frowned after listening to Li Xiangji’s words. Li Xiangji did not eat scorpion venom, but this kid was purely a glimpse of the wind, but he was not worried about his daring, but his broken mouth, this is What is the suggestion?

If the people of Sun’s family are really killed, it is estimated that Yang Ming will not give them these medicines, and let them go their own way! Therefore, at this moment, the Shenmiao map is very tense, and I am really afraid that Tian Long has adopted Li Xiangji’s opinion, which is not good for Sun’s people!

However, the Shenmiao map can not directly oppose Li Xiangji’s opinion at the moment, so it seems too obvious. It is difficult to protect Tianlong from any other ideas.

Shenmiao looked nervously at Tianlong to see what kind of decision he could make. He said no, if Tian Long really wants to kill the Sun family, then the Shenmiao map can only be given to Yang Ming and Wang Ren. I called for help.

"Your idea, it is once and for all..." Tian Long looked at Li Xiangji and said faintly.

"That's yeah!" Li Xiangjiu heard Tian Long praised himself, and immediately revealed a smile. He had no ability, but he got the favor of Tian Long by flattering, so his idea was also unreasonable.

"However, it is easy to kill Sun Hongjun. You said to the outside world, how did Sun Hongjun die?" Tian Long blinked his eyes and said: "At that time, the police investigated the cause of Sun Hongjun’s death, and the troubles were more, maybe I messed up all of my things! The guy who didn’t have a long brain, stayed away!”

After listening to Tian Long’s words, Shen Temple couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as Tian Long was not unfavorable to Sun’s people, then it would be easier to do it. After a while, when Yang Ming came, everything was solved.

Li Xiangji was trained by Tian Long to have a white burst of white, flattened his mouth, and then said: "Yes..."

"Shen Temple map, you talk, is there any good way?" Tian Long's eyes looked at the Shen Temple map.

Shenmiao figure was shocked and quickly retracted his thoughts. He said: "Dragon brother, the current situation still has to follow the normal procedures. Sun Hongjun does not appear, and the people of the Trade and Industry Bureau are too courageous to dare Change the legal person, this is a big event once it is exposed, unless they don't want to do it!"

"Well, it makes sense to say it, continue to go on!" Tian Long nodded, indicating that Shenmiao continued, and Shen Temple map analysis is still very good.

"So, although Long Ge, your social status is also very high, but if you don't listen to it, Sun Hongjun's status is higher. Who dares to offend him casually? Since you have used social relations, you can't find many people. Also expect those license companies to help?" Shen Temple figure put on the hand: "I look at them is also in vain."

In fact, how can Tian Long know what the Shenmiao figure said? However, it is now a dead horse as a living horse doctor. There is no other way. Tian Long can only do this.

"So, what other good way do you have?" Tian Long asked: "What do you mean by following normal means?"

The Shenmiao map is now completely delaying the time. What he said sounds reasonable. In fact, it is a big truth about fart. Even if he doesn’t say it, Tian Long knows it, but Tian Long now has a glimmer of hope, so I didn’t think too much about nature, and I listened patiently to the words of Shen Temple.

It’s not easy to follow the normal path in Shenmiao’s heart. Isn't it that you and Sun Hongjun went to the Trade and Industry Bureau to change their business license? You don't know such a simple thing?

But I think that I think so, but I can't say that. After saying this, Tian Long is not blamed on the spot!

"Dragon brother, I think, you still have to start from Sun Hongjun!" Shen Mutu had no choice but to slap the scalp and continue to repudiate: "Think of a way to persuade Sun Hongjun to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to change the legal person with you, but again Be wary that he can't take the opportunity to escape or directly expose your conspiracy in the Trade and Industry Bureau. You know, Sun Hongjun's social influence is bigger than you. At that time, you are at a disadvantage."

"What you said is the only viable way!" Tian Long nodded. "However, how can we let Sun Hongjun obey?"

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