So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1267: Rebellion (4)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-seven chapters are rebellious (4)

Tian Long’s heart was loose, and he looked at Yang Ming and Wang Renping tauntfully. The two idiots are stupid, don’t you know that I have a gun? Just come in, don't you find death?

Tian Long is trying to see the appearance of Yang Ming and Wang Renping, but he did not see Yang Ming and Wang Renping raise their hands. It was a bit strange: "You still don't raise your hand to hold your head and go to the side? You are not afraid to shoot." Killing you?"

"Not afraid." Yang Ming glanced at Tian Long and said with a strange look.

"What?" Tian Long did not hear clearly. Is this Yang Ming crazy? Are you arrogant, and you can't get into it?

"Dragon brother, you made a mistake..." Wang Renping pointed to the sympathy and pointed to Tian Long.

Tian Long may also realize that things seem to be wrong. When I look back, I find that the people at the gunpoint of the Shenmiao Temple are actually themselves!

"Dragon brother, I am sorry, I have been forbearing you for a long time..." Shen Temple said faintly.

Tian Long’s mood was ridiculed and arrogant from the banter, and suddenly fell to the bottom. Some did not believe the facts before him. He just saw Yang Ming and Wang Renping tangled together. Although they were shocked, they dared to single-handedly Finding yourself to challenge is very disdainful!

Don't say that the Shenmiao map around you is also a master of Wang Renping, not to mention the gun in the hands of Shenmiao, and there are hundreds of security guards in the nightclub. One order is no one spit. Sputum can drown two people, so Tian Long is going to be everything!

But now, this gap is a bit too big! Not only did Wang Renping and Yang Ming get together, but even the Shenmiao map was actually a group with Yang Ming, with a gun to his Tian Long!

For a time, Tian Long had a feeling of rebellion. He finally understood what it was when Sun Hongjun was pointed by Wang Renping with a gun. It was a helplessness, bitterness, and could not be released at all!

Although I don't know how Yang Ming did this, but Tian Long generally knows that there is only a coercive and tempting approach. I didn't use this method at the beginning to fix the people around Sun Hongjun.

"Yang Ming, it seems that I have looked down on you!" Tian Long took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Yang Ming, and he spurted out the fire: "You played well with this hand, and I was the original The approach is exactly the same."

"Do you still know that you used the means?" Yang Ming sat down comfortably on the big sofa next to him and looked at Tian Long: "You said, how should I deal with you?"

"What happened to the trick?" Tian Long said coldly: "Do you think you are doing justice? Or is it for Heaven?"

"How do I feel that you haven't felt that you have done something wrong until now, but it seems that I am doing a lot of things?" Yang Ming was a little funny after listening to Tian Long's words.

"I did something wrong? What am wrong with me?" Tian Long suddenly laughed and laughed. "Yang Ming, you stand on the side of the Sun family. Naturally, I feel that I am doing something wrong, but what am I doing wrong? What?

More than half of Sun Hongjun’s industry is working with me, but what did I get at the end? Why did he ever think about giving me a part of the big industry? He didn't! Even he didn’t have this idea at all, thinking that it was all he deserved!

Why? Two people contribute, and he benefits from him alone? ”

"Don't you give you a share?" Yang Ming looked at the almost crazy Tian Long, said faintly.

"Give me a share? It's so kind to say that such a big group only gave me a 5 percent stake!" Tian Long said: "How much is he? Sixty percent! Sun Hongjun said, but, He wants to leave the foundation of Nuo Da to a woman! Let me give Sun Jie a decapitation. Hey! Even if I don't think about it for myself, I have to think about Donghua and Dongguang! I am a **** one. Dogs, I don't want them to repeat my mistakes!"

"Dog?" Yang Ming did not agree: "Don't Sun Hongjun be good enough for you? When did he treat you as a dog?"

"He didn't, but what about? After Sun Jie and Sun Zhiwei came to power, did you let me listen to the words of two little farts?" Tian Long waved indignantly: "Why?"

"You are looking for an excuse for what you have done." Yang Ming looked at the unreasonable Tian Long and shook his head: "Is Tian Donghua also your idea?"

"He? Hey, if he hasn't tried to persuade me not to do it to you, do you think you still have the opportunity to stand here and talk to me?" Tian Long heard Yang Ming's question and snorted: "He will sooner or later. Understand my pains."

Yang Ming was a little funny, and this Tian Long was really a big talk. With his means, he could still deal with himself? It’s really a pain to stand up and talk.

"You don't think it's ridiculous?" Yang Ming looked at Tian Long: "If you really care about Tian Donghua's opinion, can you put him under house?"

"Is it?" Tian Long’s mouth suddenly sneaked a strange sneer, then his right arm violently violently slammed, grabbed the gun in the hand of Shen Temple, and squeezed it hard...

Tian Long let go, Shen Temple figure was shocked, subconsciously triggered the trigger...

The sound of "砰" was accompanied by a scream of screaming, the pistol was blown up, and half of the palm of the temple was blown up...

This change is sudden, even Yang Ming is also caught off guard! However, Yang Ming clearly saw the scene just surprised! Tian Long actually flattened the barrel of the hand in Shenmiao, and quickly released his hand!

However, the panic-stricken temple map apparently did not notice this. He subconsciously thought that Tian Long had to shoot the gun to deal with him, so he pulled the trigger.

Unfortunately, his half palm was blown up, and blood was so scary.

"Yang Ming, Yang Ming! You are so naive. Do you think that you have bought a few wastes and you can deal with me?" Tian Long laughed and laughed, his muscles accompanied by laughter. It’s up.

The people present were not only Shenmiao and Wang Renping! Even Yang Ming was stunned. Is this Tianlong still a human? Has a cross-training effort actually reached such a state?

However, at the moment, Yang Ming did not have the slightest timidity and fainting, his hand shook slightly, and a flying needle had already fallen into the hands of Yang Ming. Just when Tian Long was holding his arm to catch Yang Ming, Yang Ming The flying needle in the hand also rushed out to Tian Long.

"Hey..." The flying needle hit the neck of Tian Long, but it fell to the ground without any harm to Tian Long...

"Kid, will you use the hidden weapon? Isn't it simple?" Tian Long did not expect that Yang Ming would still lose the hidden weapon. He was lucky in his heart. If he was not in the air, he would have to work in advance. I am afraid this is the kid. The road is also uncertain!

Before I wanted to play with Yang Ming’s mind, I suddenly received it. It seems that this kid is really a little bit tolerant. Thinking of it, Tian Long’s eyes are more red, his muscles are more convex, and even there will be His jacket is up and down.

Yang Ming is really a bit stunned at this moment! The flying needles that have been tried and tested by myself have no effect on Tian Long! Even Tian Long’s skin didn’t penetrate, let alone pierced his acupuncture point!

Yang Ming is confident that his power to throw a flying needle is very fierce, not to mention the human skin, that is, wood and glass can easily penetrate! However, weird things happened in front of us, and our flying needles were actually blocked and fell to the ground!

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