So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1271: Painful choice (below)

The painful choice of the first thousand two hundred and seventy-one chapters (below)

Tian Long subconsciously stunned, are you dying? Before I die, I naturally want to see my two sons... But, can Yang Ming agree with this request?

Tian Donghua, who is about to step forward, heard Yang Ming’s words, and his footsteps were also a stagnation, and the facial expression stopped! Although Tian Donghua was prepared, Yang Ming and Sun Jia would certainly not let go of his father. The ultimate possibility is to plead guilty.

But I really heard Yang Ming say that Tian Donghua’s heart is chaotic, and he does not know how to face it.

Yang Ming also noticed the strangeness behind him. He looked back at Tian Donghua and said, "Donghua, come in, some things, after all, you still have to face it."

Tian Donghua looked a little, nodded, and walked in. He looked at Tianlong, who was **** by the five flowers on the ground. It was not a taste. He was still high above yesterday. The father who was strategizing became a prisoner today. However, who can blame this?

"Dad..." Tian Donghua carefully looked at the father on the ground. It was really a thousand words. When I got to my lips, I didn't know what to say! Yes, he really doesn't know what to say, really don't know.

"Donghua, you don't have to be sad..." Tian Long saw his son, and his expression on his face became soothing: "There have been words since ancient times, called the winner of the prince, the thief, your father, I said that I lost, no. I thought that I didn’t fight this junior in the end...I’m really jealous...”

"Dad, how come you still obsessed?" Tian Donghua listened to Tian Long's words and suddenly got angry: "Don't you realize that you have done wrong from the beginning?"

"Wrong?" Tian Long laughed at himself: "The world has never had absolute right or wrong. The so-called right or wrong is based on its own position and is selfish!"

"Don't you be selfish?" Yang Ming couldn't help but sneer and interrupted.

"Yes, I am selfish! People don't kill themselves!" Tian Long did not deny it. Instead, he recognized it: "I am selfish, but I don't think that what I am doing is wrong! I am for the future of Tian Donghua. I am planning, what am wrong with me? I am not wrong!"

"Dad, you still don't understand, my future is my own struggle, not you give it to me." Tian Donghua sighed: "I don't need you like this..."

"No need? Hey, tell you, once I and Sun Hongjun entered the coffin, what would happen to your position in the Sun family? Are you clear about yourself? Can they trust you like trusting me? What do you do then? Tian Long said coldly.

"Tian Long, in fact, you are wrong," Yang Ming listened to Tian Long's words and finally knew why he was determined to betray Sun Hongjun. He turned out to be planning for the future.

Since ancient times, there has been a celestial prince and a courtier. This is not the case of the dynasty. Tian Long is afraid that after Sun Jie Sun Zhiwei is in power, he will run against Tian Donghua, so he will be strong first.

"I am wrong? How am I wrong?" Tian Long was not angry and laughing, Tian Donghua said that he was wrong, and Yang Ming actually mixed up.

"The industry of Sun’s family, I really don’t see it. The business I have in Africa is more than a hundred times, including Sun Jie. I will go out with me in the future, so who will the industry of the East China Sea family be left to? Yang Ming snorted: "Use your pig brain to think about it, Sun Zhiwei can't help the wall, I trust friends, except Zhang Bin, who else? You are left than you. Tian Donghua, a son who is one hundred times smarter! I will hand over the business of Songjiang to Zhang Bin, who is the business in the East China Sea, think about it yourself!"

Yang Ming’s words came out, not only Tian Long, but Tian Donghua also stunned! Tian Donghua never thought about it. Yang Ming would say this and did not think that Yang Ming would hand over the business to him to take care of!

What kind of trust is this! Tian Donghua suddenly had a sore nose. He did not expect that his position in Yang Ming’s mind was so important that Yang Ming could entrust him with such important things.

"Ha? You can say anything now!" After a short mistake, Tian Long returned to God and laughed loudly: "You are talking about the sky, and it is useless! Who will not be a horse? If you have this idea, why didn't you say it before? Then, what is the use of your promise? Sun Hongjun can still listen to you?"

At the moment, Tian Donghua snorted and some disapproved. Because he knows that Yang Ming’s words have always been counted, and Yang Ming can’t promise nothing.

Sure enough, Tian Donghua thought it right, Yang Ming spoke.

"First, Tian Long, I can tell you very clearly, what I said is not a post-mortem!" Yang Ming looked at Tian Long and said one word at a time: "You are you, Tian Donghua is Tian Donghua, your father and son are different, I I will not vent my anger at you because of your business, so what I said is still valid! I will hand over all the affairs of the East China Sea to Donghua before I go out."

Tian Long did not expect Yang Ming to say this. Under this circumstance, Yang Ming could still say this promise. In Tian Long’s opinion, it was somewhat ridiculous, but he did not speak, but listened to Yang Ming and continued to see. What else can he say?

Tian Donghua could no longer control his emotions. His eyes were sour and said: "Boss... I don't want anything..."

Yang Ming waved his hand and gestured to Tian Donghua not to talk about it. Hearing himself said: "Second, I am sure to tell you if Sun Shu agrees, if he knows, the assets I have now are his current When he is ten times as many times, he won’t care about it!”

“Ten times 100 times?” Tian Long’s eyes widened. He didn’t believe it. Yang Ming actually had so much money! You must know that Sun’s assets are worth hundreds of millions. Yang Ming is ten times more than that. How much is that?

"Of course, ten times a hundred times is just a metaphor." Yang Ming said faintly.

Tian Long sighed with relief, and my heart said, I can't have that much, but this kid is too bragging. However, this idea just fell, and Yang Ming made a speech.

"How many thousand times how to say it." Yang Ming added.

"Hey?" Tian Long was really dumbfounded this time. I don't know if Yang Ming is bragging, or Yang Ming really reached that height.

"To tell the truth, Tian Long, you are really anxious," Yang Ming sighed. "However, although your thoughts and my thoughts are the same, the result is that Donghua will take care of the business here, but Since things have already happened, then don’t blame me for being unkind."

After Tian Long listened to Yang Ming’s words, it seems that he finally realized something. Perhaps, Yang Ming has already reached a height that he could not reach. It is precisely because of this that Yang Ming can buy people around him and get things done.

There is still a gap between myself and Yang Ming.

"If you can really fulfill your promise, then I will die without regrets." Tian Long Chang took a sigh of relief, he did not expect, Yang Ming's idea is actually so, although I do not know the true and false, But since Yang Ming said it, it is possible, and it is also a comfort before his death.

"If I said it, it must be counted. Of course, it is only for friends." Yang Ming looked at Tian Donghua and said: "I don't have many friends. In school, I think it's Zhang Bin and Tian Donghua. My commitment to him will definitely count."

Tian Long nodded and said: "Well, if this is the case, I thank you!"

"Your father and son, if there is anything to say, just say it as soon as possible. I will go out first and leave some private space for you." Yang Ming finished, and waited for Tian Long and Tian Donghua to answer, he turned and left the room. .

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