So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1273: Yang Ming's real assets (on)

The first two hundred and seventy-three chapters of Yang Ming's real assets (on)

"Ah?" Sun Hongjun did not expect that there was such a twist in the middle, and he could not help but sigh: "The child of Donghua is a matter of fact, and it is not good or evil to distinguish it. This is commendable!"

"So, I decided to let Tian Long go," Yang Ming said.

"Well, but I don't want to see him anymore, at least for a while, I don't want to see him..." Sun Hongjun said that he agreed to Yang Ming's practice, but after all, he was under house arrest by Tian Long. For a long time, it is inevitable that there is no gas in my heart, so I don’t want to see Tian Long.

"I am ready to let him go to Africa, my vacation on the private island to go to the elderly." Yang Ming said: "I have arranged this properly."

"Private island?" Sun Hongjun couldn't help but listen to Yang Ming's words. Some of them did not understand what Yang Ming said, and thought he was wrong.

"Well, yes, it is a private island." Yang Ming smiled and said: "I bought a private island in North Africa, but because his historical background is quite special, he is controlled by some warlords all the year round, so he is self-reliant for a country. Although it is not recognized internationally, North Africa has defaulted to his existence."

"Is it controlled by warlords? Can this island be bought?" Sun Hongjun said with amazement: "After you buy it, those warlords may not easily quit?"

"You don't have to quit, just let them take care of the law and order on the island for me." Yang Ming said very casually: "There are people who are doing it anyway, if they don't do well, they will change."

Listening to Yang Ming’s arbitrariness, Sun Hongjun really didn’t know what to say. It’s not like Yang Ming’s bragging. It’s not like that, in just half a year, he controlled the entertainment industry in Songjiang and Gitten. This Philip Sun Hongjun asked himself not to be inferior, so Yang Ming said that it was not impossible to conquer the former warlords on the island.

"That island... How much is it?" Sun Hongjun knows that he can't ask what he is going to ask now, or he has the opportunity to see it with his own eyes, so he doesn't ask the warlords, but asks the value of the island!

We must know that although Sun’s assets have already exceeded 100 million yuan, there are not many liquid funds. The funds that are being measured are all on real estate and other real estate. The funds that can really be used are actually not many!

Although the price of an island ranges from tens of millions to hundreds of millions, you should be able to withstand it, but it is a little impossible to take out so much money at once. So Yang Ming suddenly bought an island. Sun Hongjun is naturally very surprised. How much money does Yang Ming have?

"How much money... Hey, I don't know the specifics. It was bought by a friend from Europe." Yang Ming smiled a little, and the island that the old Buffon bought was directly sent to Yang Ming. Yang Ming naturally had no way to ask how much money Buffon had spent.

There is no way to ask this question. One person’s old Buffon is not bad for this. The price of an island can only be regarded as a slap in the face of Lao Buffeng. Yang Ming is the master of the old Buffon, where he is placed and accepts his disciples. The reason is right, how can you ask the price of others?

"..." Sun Hongjun really does not know what to say, such a value-for-money island, actually sent by others? So what is the person who sent Yang Ming Island? Has it already reached such a big hand?

Sun Hongjun asked himself, even if he had more money, he could not say that he could send someone else to send an island! Because in his foresight, one or two such islands can be bought in his lifetime.

"Sun Shu, business here, I think you still have to pay attention." Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, finally said the words inside the heart, Sun Hongjun's means are still lacking, so that he became a rebellious Tian Long. In the situation, his opponents only talk about feelings and friendship. Although this can let his men sell his life to a certain extent, he can't completely shock his men. For example, Tian Long, under enough interests, finally betrayed Sun Hongjun. .

"Oh? You decided to take over?" Sun Hongjun asked, smiling with a smile. Let Yang Ming take over, this is Sun Hongjun's ultimate goal. Now, listening to Yang Ming, he thought that Yang Ming agreed with his proposal.

"Received?" This time it was Yang Ming’s turn, but after thinking about it, I knew Sun Hongjun was misunderstood. So quickly said: "Sun Shu, you misunderstood, I mean, let you give up the business here."

"Give up? What do you mean?" Sun Hongjun did not understand Yang Ming's words, but he also faintly guessed something: "Yang Ming, why don't I understand you too much?"

"Sun Shu, don't blame me for being more and more arrogant. I have promised Tian Donghua before. The business in the East China Sea has been handed over to him for a long time..." Yang Ming is indeed a little embarrassed, although Sun’s property is nothing, but after all, It's not his own. He did this. It's true that there is a bit of a sneak peek.

"What!? To Tian Donghua to take care of?" Sun Hongjun listened to Yang Ming's words and looked at Yang Ming. However, he saw Yang Ming's appearance is not like a joke, but thought he had got it wrong: "Yang Ming I didn't get it wrong? You mean that you have to hand over the property of our grandson to Tian Donghua?"

"I have promised him so much before..." Yang Ming saw Sun Hongjun's appearance at the moment, and he knew that he had done something too much. At least he should discuss it with him beforehand.

Sun Hongjun looked at Yang Ming silently. He said nothing in the heart. However, after a while, he waved his hand: "But! Since we are all saved, what you said I naturally want to listen. Otherwise, this family business will also fall on Tian Long’s body. Now that I am free, it’s already very good. These things, you are the master...”

"Sun Shu..." The more Sun Hongjun said, the more uncomfortable Yang Ming’s heart was.

“It’s not necessary to say...” Sun Hongjun’s bitter smile: “These family businesses were left to you later, you just dealt with it early!”

"Sun Shu... You listen to me..." Yang Ming wants to explain, but Sun Hongjun has waved his hand.

"You listen to me!" Sun Hongjun said: "After you listen to me, it is not too late to make the final plan! Do you know how much the assets of the Sun family's industry are now! There are nearly 200 million giants, you Also intend to give away?"

"Sun Shu, actually, there are some words. I plan to talk to you in a few days, but since I have already said this, then I might as well say it." Yang Ming saw that Sun Hongjun was obsessed with the 200 million. Assets, not their own self-assertion, have also slightly lowered their hearts.

"Well? What?" Sun Hongjun felt that Yang Ming had something to say and calm down. He also felt that Yang Ming was not the kind of ruined family who gave away his family business. From the speed of Yang Ming’s gathering of wealth, he was not a fool. Therefore, if Yang Ming can really give away the assets worth more than 200 million yuan, then it can only be said that either Yang Ming has other purposes, or that Yang Ming’s wealth has far exceeded 200 million.

"Sun Shu, I am planning to build the island of Africa x into a world-class holiday island." Yang Ming said: "I believe Henry Island, Sun Shu is no stranger?"

"Well, I have been to Henry Island, where it is indeed a paradise on earth, the entertainment world of the rich." Sun Hongjun nodded and said: "Do you want to build a similar island? The cost and cost are not low! ”

Yang Ming nodded and said: "I know that the cost and cost are not low, but I still have this strength to build." Yang Ming said, he opened the computer on the table, logged into a bank account query URL, enter I have an account with a Swiss bank.

Because the online can only be queried and cannot be transferred, Yang Ming is not afraid of anything like this virus in the computer. Yang Ming opened the details of his account and transferred the screen of the computer to Sun Hongjun. Then he said, "Sun Shu, this is my current cash..."

"Oh?" Sun Hongjun didn't take it seriously when he started. He looked up at the computer screen casually, but at first glance, his eyes were fixed on the screen...

"One zero, two zeros, three zeros, four zeros, five zeros, six zeros..." Sun Hongjun widened his eyes and began counting the "zeroes" behind the string of numbers on the screen: " More than three billion?"

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