So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1274: Never before (on)

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters are not in the past (on)

Pushing the door into the room of Tian Long, Tian Donghua is sitting face to face with Tian Long, two people are talking, and they are happy. It seems that both people are very enjoying the warmth of this moment, and it seems that Tian Long and Tian Donghua have not had such a harmonious conversation for a long time.

Seeing that Yang Ming and Sun Hongjun pushed in the door, Tian Long gave a slight glimpse. He did not expect Sun Hongjun to appear in his room at this time. For a time, the atmosphere in the room seemed to be somewhat restrained.

Tian Long knows that although Yang Ming has forgiven him, Sun Hongjun’s heart can’t remember him. At this moment, he has lost his power and become a downright prisoner. So even if Yang Ming made a promise, Sun Hongjun would not let it go. I believe that Yang Ming is not likely to be at odds with him, so Tian Long’s heart is still very embarrassing.

"Army brother..." Tian Long’s brother is from the heart, and he is really sincere and fearful. Unlike before, he used a banter tone to speak with Sun Hongjun.

"Tian... Uncle, Sun Shu has come to see you." Yang Ming wanted to call him Tian Long, but he thought about it and called Tian Shu. After all, there was Tian Donghua’s face, and Yang Ming was also ready to send him. Africa is a dog-headed division and so on, so it is respectful.

However, this "Tian Shu" made Tian Long very touched. He looked at Yang Ming and looked at Sun Hongjun. His eyes were a little flashy, his mouth was two times, but he stood up and fell to the ground. Because the rope on his body has been unlocked, so the movement is free. Of course, if Yang Ming wants to help him, he will not be able to go on, but Yang Ming is allowed to do so, and he wants Sun Hongjun's heart to be less ruthless.

"Jun brother, Mr. Yang, I know that I have made an unforgivable mistake. I blame me for my fascination. I don’t even ask the army to forgive me at this moment. I just hope that you will not vent your anger at Donghua..." Although the dragon wants to live, but under the circumstances, he must abandon some. If Sun Hongjun really cares about him, then Tian Long can only abandon himself.

Sun Hongjun saw Tian Long suddenly fell to the ground, and it was a bit wrong at the same time, but then there was some shock. Tian Long followed him for so many years and never had a similar move. Sun Hongjun knew that Tian Long was a tough guy and would not be casual. Giving someone a slap, and squatting for yourself today also shows his feelings of returning to his son.

"Forget it..." Sun Hongjun was still worried about Tian Long’s affairs, but when he saw Tian Long’s kneeling, his anger disappeared a lot, and he waved his hand: “Yang Ming, Tian Donghua, you two go out first. I have something to say to Tian Long."

Although Tian Donghua is worried that Sun Hongjun will not be disadvantaged to his father, the father himself is a sinner, so he can't say anything more. Even if Sun Hongjun changes his mind and wants to kill Tian Long, then Tian Donghua can't say anything more.

Therefore, Tian Donghua just smiled helplessly, looked up at Yang Ming, but saw Yang Ming nodded to his comfort, so the two walked out of the room together.

"You also get up, Tian Long." Sun Hongjun looked at Tian Long on the ground and raised his hand to him.

"Jun brother, if you don't promise me, I won't get up!" Tian Longdao said: "If you are not satisfied, I will commit suicide!"

Tian Long’s words made Sun Hongjun a little crying and laughing. It is true that he still had some dissatisfaction with Tian Long, but Yang Ming had already talked with him before, and two people have reached a consensus.

It can be said that Sun Hongjun only opened the financial resources that Yang Ming showed. Looking back now, the property of the East China Sea Sun Family is really nothing, so Sun Hongjun did not hate Tian Long.

"Yang Ming means, let me go to his private island to conduct a comprehensive work, build the island into a world-class resort, let you be a dog-headed military division, would you like it?" Sun Hongjun looked awkward, right Tian Long asked.

"What!" Tian Long looked up, and some incredulously looked at Sun Hongjun. He had already betrayed Sun Hongjun in this way. Sun Hongjun actually did not care about the past, and he did not count on the suspicion. He also entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, which made Tian Long suddenly surprised.

"How? Unwilling?" Sun Hongjun asked with a sigh.

"I am willing, naturally willing!" Tian Long determined that his hearing did not go wrong, Sun Hongjun really let himself go to Africa to help him build the island.

"I don't want to hurry up?" Sun Hongjun smiled and kicked Tian Long's ass, let him hurry and stand up.

Tian Long knows that Sun Hongjun really forgave him this time, otherwise he can't say these words. At the same time, he also quickly got up: "Jun brother, I have made a mistake before, and you will see my performance in the future." ”

"Do not say too much, if you don't work hard, you can kill you!" Sun Hongjun did not forget to threaten: "Don't forget, there is Yang Ming's world!"

"Yes..." Tian Longcheng pleaded with trepidation.

Once Sun Hongjun unloaded the mustard in his heart, he no longer thought about what Tian Long had done before, and began to talk to him openly about his future ideas. The majors of the big deal are now informal. Now the level of Sun Hongjun has changed from the helm of hundreds of millions of assets to the pilot of an island, and his eyes have widened.

Tian Long remembered this lesson and never dared to have any thoughts. It seems now that Yang Ming’s strength is far from being able to shake himself.

At noon, Zhang Jinguo came back with a table of banquets. Yang Ming did not count on the suspicion of inviting Tian Long to sit at the table together. Because of the tone set by Yang Ming, there is no hostility to Tian Long, including Sun Jie.

It is Tian Long who is very embarrassed.

A meal is carried out in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, but it can be seen from the silence of everyone that the gap between them is not relieved in a moment.

But fortunately, everyone is hungry, and it doesn't care much. Tian Long and Tian Donghua didn't eat well last night, and Sun Hongjun, Sun Jie and Sun San didn't eat much, so this table was not a while. It went on seven seven eight eight.

After drinking enough, Yang Ming said to Tian Long: "Tian Shu, I want to talk to you alone."

Tian Long looked at Yang Ming with some doubts. Before he and Yang Ming had already talked about it, I don’t know what Yang Ming would ask him to talk about at this time, but in any case, Yang Ming told him that he could not help. I just got up and said: "Okay, Mr. Yang."

"Or call me Yang Ming, Mr. Yang is a bit awkward." Yang Ming smiled and waved his hand: "In any case, my boy and Tian Donghua are still a generation, you call me so used to it."

"That's better than respecting death!" Tian Long did not insist. He knew that Yang Ming was not very concerned about these details. Yang Ming valued one's heart, not these hypocritical etiquette.

This time, Yang Ming did not take Tian Long to the room before him, but came to the room where he talked with Sun Hongjun, which was Tian Long’s former office. However, this time Yang Ming has become the master here.

After entering the room, Yang Ming sat on the boss chair behind the desk, while Tian Long stood by the guests.

"Sit down, Tian Shu, you are not polite. The past things have passed, and I don't want to pursue them." Yang Ming pressed his own gesture and made a gesture.

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