So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1276: Sun Jie's mood (below)

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-six chapters of Sun Jie's mood (below)

Yang Ming has been busy with Sun Jia and Tian Long in the past few days, so some of them are not trimming, especially Yang Ming’s experience in Africa and Vietnam. It seems to be a lot more vicissitudes, but it really seems to be bigger than Sun Jie! If it is not plain written on the student ID card, he will not treat him as a student.

Sun Jie listened to Yang Ming’s first half of the sentence and was quite happy, but after hearing it, Yang Ming pulled it over the chest. It’s the more outrageous, Sun Jie’s annoyed Yang Ming’s eyes: “How, Big?"

"No, I like it too late!" Yang Mingxiao smiled and no longer angered Sun Jie.

"But to be honest, Yang Ming, you really matured a lot..." Sun Jie looked up and down Yang Ming carefully. Indeed, after Yang Ming came back from Africa, both temperament and appearance have a great The change.

In the past, Sun Jie always regarded Yang Ming as his own brother. However, there are also feelings in that aspect, but age is one of the main reasons for Sun Jie’s concerns.

But now Yang Ming, the skin color is also dark, and the face is also resolute, really like a mature man, at first glance, Sun Jie could not help but be heartbroken.

"There are more things in this paragraph..." Yang Ming sighed: "People are constantly growing in things."

"That's also true!" Sun Jie nodded. "Well, Yang Xin is beckoning me over there. After meeting, don't mention these things anymore."

"Of course I know." Yang Ming responded, and Sun Jie accelerated his footsteps and walked over to Yang Xin and Wu Yunsheng.

"Xiaojie! I want to die!" Yang Xin saw Sun Jie and gave Sun Jie a bear hug. The feelings of the two people were established when they went to school. They did not mix any interest, so they were extraordinarily pure.

"Brother, come, I want to die you too!" After holding Sun Jie, Yang Xin turned his head and opened his arms to Yang Ming.

"I...even..." Yang Ming sweated and looked at Yang Xin’s bulging chest. It’s not so good to hold it. Yang Ming said, although the two are pure brothers and sisters, but after all, Brother and sister...

Yang Xin also fainted and fainted. Listening to Yang Ming’s saying, I felt that something was wrong, so I didn’t insist. I put my arm up and said: “Xiao Jie, Xiao Ming, I bought four tickets, and we will be together for a while. Go on a roller coaster!"

"I am going too?" Sun Jie has never played a roller coaster. Looking at the roller coaster, he walked around and looked a little dizzy: "Can't this thing fall?"

"No, there is a seat belt." Yang Xin shook his head: "Xiao Jie, you will not have been sitting yet?"

Sun Jie shook his head and said that he had not done it.

"I said my brother, how do you do it, don't lead us to play with Xiaojie, is your boyfriend's incompetence?" Yang Xin didn't want to listen to it, complaining to Yang Ming.

Yang Mingxin said, my boyfriend is the first day to be competent today, and he came out with Sun Jie. This is more qualified! However, this statement naturally cannot be said to Yang Xin.

So Yang Ming could only be a big man and was taken a hand.

"We usually go to school very busy, and have no time to play..." But Sun Jie gave Yang Ming a solution, and she naturally knew the embarrassment of Yang Ming.

"It turned out to be like this! You are all graduate students, unlike me and Wu Yunsheng, work, and easy!" Yang Xin naturally thought that Yang Ming and Sun Jie were graduate students, and did not think that Yang Ming was much smaller than Sun Jie.

"Yeah, let's say that Songjiang's playground is not so much fun." Yang Ming smiled and did not explain.

"Go, come to us!" Yang Xin looked at the last round of the roller coaster, so he took Sun Jie's hand and walked in quickly. Yang Ming and Wu Yunsheng smiled and followed.

"Before you came, I have sat five times in this stuff. Yang Xin is not sitting enough..." Wu Yunsheng sighed and patted Yang Ming's shoulder: "I have been out of the military compound since I was young. !"

Yang Ming stunned, but did not expect that they had played five roller coasters before they came, which is indeed enough for Wu Yunsheng!

Some people have a strong balance of natural ability, but some people have to rely on the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, Yang Xin may be born with a stronger kind, playing so many times does not seem to have any discomfort, but Wu Yunsheng's face is not good.

"I can't do it, you don't want to." Yang Ming looked at Wu Yunsheng sympathetically.

"Forget it, I am still on it, or Yang Xin is angry, I am even worse." Wu Yunsheng shook his head with a smile.

Yang Ming sat next to Sun Jie, helped her tie the seat belt, and carefully checked that there was no problem before she was relieved. Yang Ming is very careful about these things, this is the instinctive reaction as a killer.

Killers often perform tasks in unfamiliar environments, and they must always be wary of others hurting themselves, so a small omission around them can be fatal.

It’s just that Sun Jie doesn’t think so. See Yang Ming carefully checking the seat belt for himself. The heart is warm and I feel that someone cares about it. But the next moment, Sun Jie felt that Yang Ming was really no different, because Yang Ming’s hand was stretching towards her chest!

"What are you doing!" Although the relationship between Sun Jie and Yang Ming is already very close, but under the broad public, Yang Ming went to touch Sun Jie's chest, which Sun Jie could not tolerate.

"I have seen a video before. When a foreign big breasted mm rides a roller coaster, the clothes fall and the chest is exposed..." Yang Ming said: "I check your clothes."

Although the clothes worn in the early spring are not as thin as in summer, Yang Ming is also afraid of any accidents. It is a private property that can’t be called by others.

When Sun Jie heard it, she knew that she had misunderstood Yang Ming. She had seen the video herself. Yang Ming did not lie to her! Thinking of this, Sun Jie whispered: "I wear a small vest inside, it's okay."

"That's good." Yang Ming sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "Otherwise, I still think about taking my coat off and putting it on for you! On such a cold day, you wear so little, you don't know how you endure it. ”

"Before I was in the house, I drove or didn't stay outside for so long!" Sun Jie was a little cold when Yang Ming said this, complaining.

Yang Mingcai knows that Sun Jie is not fighting for the cold for beauty. It is because he usually does not go out often. He goes out to work and drives, and there are heating and air conditioning in the place.

A burst of preparatory ringtones, the roller coaster started slowly, Yang Ming is nothing, in the days of the European butterfly family training, there is something more than this thrilling training program, so the roller coaster has no effect on Yang Ming, Sun Jie is not the same, She was sitting for the first time since she was a child. The inertia brought by the roller coaster started her heart and let her heart flicker, and then hung in the eyes of the blind!

Yang Ming looked at the nervous Sun Jie, smiled slightly, and reached out to hold her soft, cold and cold sweaty hand, whispered: "Do not worry, I will accompany you, there will be nothing!"

Yang Ming said this is true, it is not an exaggeration. Even if the roller coaster breaks down in the air, Yang Ming can easily escape the dilemma with Sun Jie.

Sun Jie did not hear the meaning of Yang Ming's implied. He just felt that his heart was relaxed. This kind of warm feeling was something that Sun Jie had never had before. Even with Yang Ming, although the two people seem to be male and female friends, In fact, it is not, Sun Jie can not open, but now it is different, let her have a sense of belonging.

Sun Jie closed his eyes and only heard the sound of the wind whistling in his ear. The heart was not so scared. The scene with Yang Ming’s first knowledge came to mind. Now I want to come. At that time, myself and Yang Ming are very Ridiculous.

After a relationship between the yin and the yin, it began to entangle... Maybe, this is the fate of the fate.

When Sun Jie opened his eyes again, the roller coaster had been firmly docked on the ground. Yang Ming took Sun Jie’s hand and got off the bus. Sun Jie did not feel the feeling of roller coaster. Just thought about himself and Yang Ming. It’s dripping, but I didn’t notice what happened in front of me.

Look at Wu Yunsheng, this time the face is even more ugly, the face is green, and maybe it is not spit out.

Yang Xin also found out that Wu Yunsheng was not right. He asked about the concern at the side, but it made Wu Yunsheng very happy, only sighing that he was not guilty! Let Yang Ming despise it, this is not self-abuse! ?

"Go eat some cold drinks..." Yang Ming saw Wu Yunsheng very uncomfortable, so he proposed: "If you eat it, you will be better."

Wu Yunsheng nodded and walked to the tea shop not far away under the help of Yang Xin.

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