So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1283: Almost laughed

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-three chapters almost laughed

Yang Xin’s personality is very extroverted. When he didn’t go to the carnival’s doorstep, he laughed and leaned forward, and almost turned his back. Wu Yunsheng was also strong and smiling, and supported Yang Xin.

Sun Jie is also a man who can't help but laughs into a crescent moon. He grins and looks at Yang Ming: "You are not a hero?"

"Which hero do I have, I save my wife and my sister, isn't it just natural, and I haven't saved others!" Yang Ming said, spreading his hands innocently.

"Then you will find the pilot," Sun Jie said: "You saved us, then you left, why do you tell the truth about those people?"

"Look at the two guys who owe it." Yang Ming shrugged and smiled: "Who makes these two guys wrong?"

"Don't get into trouble, let them retaliate against you." Sun Jie reminded.

"I am still afraid of revenge..." Yang Ming smiled scornfully: "These two people still can't talk about their opponents. Besides, the scorpions are more itchy, just follow them. If you really want to retaliate, I also welcome I am afraid that they will steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice."

Sun Jie knows that Yang Ming is telling the truth. Yang Ming’s opponents are all sorts of terrorists behind the scenes. Like Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu, this kind of small fish and shrimp, Yang Ming really can’t look up.

The four people went out of the carnival, but they still laughed, especially Yang Xin. It seemed to smell the same laughter. They laughed and turned their backs. Wu Yunsheng looked helplessly at Yang Xin. Although it was funny, everyone laughed. I also laughed, but Yang Xin is still laughing.

"Xiao Xin, don't laugh, laugh and die after laughing..." Sun Jie also felt that something was wrong, grabbed Yang Xin's body and shook it.

Listening to Sun Jie, Wu Yunsheng is also anxious. He also heard of people who laughed and died. It is said that he encountered a very funny thing. He was really laughing at the beginning, and later he was laughing mechanically. It is not controlled by oneself, and the end result is that the laughter goes back to death.

"I will take a look." Yang Ming listened to Sun Jie and said that he also paid attention to it because Yang Xin did laugh for a long time, and he always laughed and didn't talk.

"You will see?" Sun Jie has some doubts.

However, Yang Ming did not answer Sun Jie's question. Instead, he raised Yang Xin's face with his hand and looked at it with his other hand. Then he frowned.

Sure enough, Yang Xin should be mechanically laughing at the moment. In her eyes, there is no smile. Instead, she is afraid. This means that she does not want to laugh, but there is no way for her body to be uncontrolled.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, or put his hand under the skirt of Yang Xin. Next to the perineum point, there is a point that can stop laughing. This kind of acupoints in the door is not recorded in the Chinese medicine book, but Fang Tian I have taught Yang Ming.

At that time, Fang Tian had cited an example of a smile. When disciplining others, he could click on the other person's smile and let the other person laugh and die. Of course, there are ways to solve the problem, so Yang Ming's impression is more profound.

"Ah?" See Yang Ming to touch Yang Xin's skirt, and also stretched his hand in, Wu Yunsheng was shocked, but in his opinion, Yang Ming is not the kind of person who is dangerous to take advantage of others!

Therefore, although Wu Yunsheng was shocked and angry at Yang Ming’s behavior, he did not have any seizures, because he firmly believed that Yang Ming could not take advantage of Yang Xin’s appearance when she was cheaper, to take advantage of it, before holding Yang Xin from the roller coaster. When it came down, it was a good time to take advantage of it. Yang Ming did not take it, let alone now?

Although Sun Jie knows that Yang Ming is quite fancy, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to take advantage of it. He often takes advantage of himself. Sun Jie is naturally clear, but it is based on the premise that the two have that relationship.

Now that Yang Xin is his dry sister, he dares to take advantage of it at will? Although... Xiao Qing is also the dry sister of Yang Ming, but the nature of the two is different.

Yang Ming found Yang Xin's acupuncture point and began to massage and massage... Even Yang Ming felt a little blushing, this position... and Yang Xin's private place is too close, and it is inevitable that people will misunderstand. what.

However, this step has already been done. Yang Ming naturally has to continue with the scalp. Fortunately, Yang Xin will not laugh at all, and the big mouth is so gasping.

Yang Ming released his hand and said to Wu Yunsheng: "Take Yang Xin to take a rest on the bench on the side of the road."

Until now, Sun Jie and Wu Yunsheng knew that Yang Ming was really saving people, not to take advantage of Yang Xin’s cheapness. He thought that he had misunderstood him before, and he could not help but feel awkward.

"How do you seem to be like everything?" Sun Jie is getting more and more unable to understand Yang Ming. Before Yang Ming, for Sun Jie, she thought she knew Yang Ming very well. But now, it is not the case at all.

"I said, I don't know too many things on my body. I have said it all, it will take a long time... I can't even remember myself." Yang Ming smiled and said. This kind of feeling that makes Sun Jie worship, Yang Ming is very refreshing, even Sun Jie, a strong woman who admires himself, this is also a very proud thing.

Supporting Yang Xin sitting on the bench by the side of the road, Yang Xin gasped for a moment, and then reluctantly said: "I am so hard, I can't breathe, I can't control myself!"

"Yang Xinjie, I have been offended, I am really embarrassed..." Yang Ming saw Yang Xin slow down, but he also breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly.

Yang Xin waved her hand. Although she was laughing, she also had consciousness and thought. Of course, she knew that Yang Ming was saving her! Although I was a little scared at the beginning, why did Yang Ming do this, but under Yang Ming’s massage, she was much more comfortable. She knew that Yang Ming was good for her: “Yang Ming, you saved me twice, I have not Thank you, what are you offended!"

"Yeah, Yang Ming, you should never say that!" Wu Yunsheng also had some blushing. Before that, he almost misunderstood Yang Ming: "You are Yang Xin's younger brother. We don't have to avoid it. You are not saying it outside. Already?"

"Yes," Yang Xin’s tone finally returned to normal: "It’s just that it’s normal to take off your clothes and sleep together."

After Yang Xin finished, she saw the horror of Yang Ming, Sun Jie and Wu Yunsheng. Only then did she react to this joke. It was a big brother. It’s too big to sleep together, so she’s hip-hop. Road: "Of course, I will casually say that Xiaojie will not agree."

"You are going to die... I have what you said?" Sun Jie took Yang Xin, and the two laughed.

"Okay, don't laugh, and laugh out again!" Yang Ming looked helplessly and shook his head.

"Nothing, anyway, if you laugh, you will cure it!" Sun Jie said indifferently.

Yang Ming was speechless and shrugged. Wu Yunsheng was also helpless. The four people laughed for a while and were hungry, so they went to the parking lot.

Wu Yunsheng did not drive, the two were strolling, just four people and a car, all on Yang Ming's car.

"Where to eat?" Yang Ming asked the car.

"Go to the Liuweiju." Sun Jie thought about it and said: "I have never been to the past since I went to the present!"

"Well, I haven't been there for a long time!" Yang Xin nodded in favor: "Then we will go there!"

Wu Yunsheng will naturally not object. He is a loyal supporter of Yang Xin. What Yang Xin said is what he listens to.

After Yang Ming started the car, he remembered that he was unfamiliar with the terrain. Sun Jie drove before, and he couldn't find where Liu Wei lived, so he jumped out of the car and Sun Jie changed a position. : "Or you open it."

Sun Jie also did his part and took over Yang Ming.

Not long after the four-person car left, an ambulance screamed into the carnival playground.

Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu were not beaten, lying on the ground and dying to live, but the tourists who beat people were scattered. At this time, it is difficult to find out who is playing.

The two were carried into the ambulance. Obviously, they were fractured in many places. They had already fainted, and they were so awake and awkward.

The pilot had already left, and he did not have to wait for the expulsion. He had to resign before he did. He would go back to other companies to report tomorrow. Why should he stay here?

Qian Tangjiang hated it. In the heart, Yang Ming’s ancestors of the 18th generation hated the bone marrow. Originally, he was a well-planned hero to save the United States, but he became a hero.

The gap between the front and back is too big. I can't help but think of it here: "Yu Tianzhuo is your ambiguous idea! Look at the present, we both become this look!"

Yu Tianzhu was also awakened by the toss, and it seemed to be smashed by the big hammer. The pain was unbearable. He pleaded with grievances: "Qian Ge, what does this have to do with me? It is the ghost of Yang Ming who is a bastard!"

"If it is not your idea is not good, how can he be organic?" Qian Tangjiang also knows that this thing was created by Yang Ming, but his own plan has loopholes caught by others, and that is also his own bad idea. .

Yang Ming’s hatred must be reported, but now he has to take Yu Tianzhu as a punching bag: “And, is your brain not turning? Look at what you said before? What do you want to work with? Are you afraid that others don't know that this thing is made out by us? If you don't say it, we can say that Yang Ming is scorning us, but if you say this, we just don't make a move!"

This time I talked about the pain in Yu Tian's heart. He was also excited when he was excited. He suddenly said that he missed his mouth and wanted to remedy it. It was too late, so Qian Tangjiang slammed him. He really couldn’t refute it. I have to say: "Sorry, Qian Ge, I am not good..."

"Forget it, we are also a brother and a brother!" Hearing that Yu Tian helps the soft, Qian Tangjiang has no way to continue to say him.

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