So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1286: fear

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-six chapters fear

Sun Hongjun's company is located in a prime location in the city center. A 36-story building is owned by the Sun Group. It shows how great the Sun family's business is in the East China Sea.

Yang Ming has not been here. He has only been to Sun Jie’s branch office in Songjiang. The scale there is not too small, occupying a whole floor of the building, but it is more luxurious.

When the car entered the underground parking lot, it was stopped by the security guard. However, Sun Jie, who saw the driver’s seat, immediately let go. The staff at the grassroots level of these companies simply did not know what happened at the top, so Sun’s family Hetian’s business, they are not clear, before Tian Long seized power, and now Sun Hongjun regained the overall situation, and these security guards did not hear any news, see Sun Jie, the company’s daughter, and naturally rushed to release.

However, even if they know it, they will be released smoothly. After all, Sun Hongjun has now become the helm of the company.

“Here is it very stylish?” Yang Ming got off the bus and watched the very luxurious Sun Group, which was renovated in the parking lot.

"The style does not have your private island style." Sun Jie yelled Yang Ming: "But if it weren't for you, it would be someone else's."

"Do you also become someone else?" Yang Ming blinked his eyes: "As long as you don't become someone else, I am not rare."

Yang Ming rarely talks with Sun Jie in this flirting tone. Instead, Sun Jie is a soft, inexplicable sense of belonging. It seems that the names of the former strong women are nothing, and they are given to Yang Mingxiangfu at home. It is serious.

"You will make me happy, you know that I don't like the kind of man who talks empty words." Sun Jie had no strength to look at Yang Ming, if it was not in public, she wanted to lie on Yang Ming.

"I didn't marry you, I will do it when I said it," Yang Ming said.

"So, I agreed to be your girlfriend." Sun Jie said along Yang Ming.

"What do you mean by what you just said? How do you feel like you are satirizing me?" Yang Ming listened to Sun Jie’s words and laughed a little. Before listening to Sun Jie’s words, he seemed to say that he would only sweetly talk, but then he gave it no. Drop it.

"It doesn't mean anything, just talk about it." Sun Jie didn't know what happened to him today. To say something weird, she didn't do this before, but I didn't know what medicine was wrong today.

When I went to the second floor, the elevator opened. I came up with a person. It happened to be a company executive who went to Wang Renping’s house yesterday. I saw Yang Ming’s big jump and stumbled and turned away: "Sorry, I am taking a next trip."

Yang Ming didn't think that he was already like the wolf in the hearts of these people. He would be scared even if he looked at it. Some of them were funny: "Come up, sit together."

Although the man was afraid, but Yang Ming couldn't help but listen to it. He rushed to the elevator and leaned on the side. Like a single one, he clung to the side wall of the elevator and didn't even have the courage to look at Yang Ming.

"How is he so afraid of you?" Sun Jie was also amazed at the power of Yang Ming. How did this person see Yang Ming as if he had met a ghost?

"Afraid of you? You are the Miss of the group, afraid of what I do?" Yang Ming laughed.

"Do not believe it, or do I ask?" Sun Jie knew the man, and said: "Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

"No...nothing..." Zhang’s length is like a year, and I can’t wait for the elevator to be as fast as the rocket.

"You talk, are you afraid of me?" Sun Jie certainly won't stop here.

"Afraid... I am afraid..." Minister Zhang is crying. This question is asked, how can he answer? Although he is afraid of Yang Ming more, but Sun Jie is the daughter of Sun Hongjun, the group's daughter, Miss Jin, can he not be afraid?

"Are you afraid of me?" Sun Jie did not get the answer he wanted, and some were unhappy.

"I..." Minister Zhang really cried. How to answer this question is not with Sun Jie's mind. I have to say that I am not afraid. Sun Jie is now nothing. Afterwards, I will definitely find myself to settle accounts. I have been thinking for a long time. Minister Zhang can't wait. I took my brain out and changed it into Einstein. I played all my ingenuity and finally thought of a way to get away with it: "Because Mr. Yang is your boyfriend, so..."

Minister Zhang’s words were not finished, but the meaning was already obvious. That is, I am afraid that you are because of Yang Ming’s relationship, and this is what Sun Jie’s mind is, and can’t annoy her.

After saying this, Minister Zhang sighed.

"Look? How?" Sun Jie was very satisfied after listening, and looked at Yang Ming proudly.

"You guys know that both sides are not guilty!" Yang Ming snorted, but scared Minister Zhang again! He had considered Sun Jie before, and ignored Yang Ming, the great god! The person who really can't offend is Yang Mingcai!

Thinking of this, Minister Zhang is squatting down: "Mr. Yang, I am really afraid of you, please, don't be embarrassed about me..." After that, Minister Zhang really fell to the ground!

Yang Ming just talked casually, but did not expect him to be so scared and timid, really do not know what to say.

At this time, the elevator just stopped. Someone came in and saw Zhang, who was at the door of the elevator, was shocked: "Mr. Zhang, what are you doing?"

Into the elevator is also a department leader, Yang Ming also saw him yesterday, but he was attracted to the attention of Minister Zhang when he entered the door, and did not notice Yang Ming.

Minister Zhang did not dare to answer, so he prayed for Yang Ming’s forgiveness. The manager Liu who came in was somewhat puzzled: "Mr. Zhang, what are you doing? What else is worth going to kneel down? You are This group, that is also the old man, saying one thing, calling for the rain!"

Minister Zhang wants to pick up and give him a big eared melon. Where is this to praise himself, is it just pushing himself into the fire pit? If Yang Ming misunderstood, and thought of how much his own power, then he was really finished.

"Don't say it!" Minister Zhang did not dare to stand up. He had to turn his head and yelled at Manager Liu: "If you want to die, you will die. Don't kill me!"

Manager Liu was confused by Minister Zhang. When he looked up, he saw Yang Ming and Sun Jie standing aside, and suddenly they understood the situation. They suddenly jumped. Yesterday, Yang Ming’s appearance was also vivid. Today, not only did he ignore him first, but he still talked in front of him. No wonder Zhang said that he wants to die, don’t kill him!

Thinking of this, Liu’s legs were soft and he also squatted on the floor with Minister Zhang: “Mr. Yang, I’m talking about it, don’t take it seriously...”

Yang Ming pushed Sun Jie. At this time, when she established authority, Yang Ming did not open her mouth, so that she could open her mouth.

Sun Jie and Bing Xue were clever and immediately realized that they were two people who were lying on the ground: "You two get up, what is this? What is our company and the feudal society!"

When two people listened to Sun Jie’s words, their hearts were loose, but Yang Ming did not express his position. They did not dare to rise up casually. Although the nominal person of this company is Sun Jie, Yang Ming can ask for their life! Which one is more powerful, they naturally have a care in their hearts.

Yang Ming knew that they didn't dare to get up, so he said: "When Xiaojie said it, it means what I mean."

"Thank you Miss Sun, thank you Mr. Yang..." The two quickly thanked and stood up. With Yang Ming's words, they would feel at ease.

"Don't thank you, peace of mind to do what you do." Sun Jie said faintly: "I am not a queen, and I don't want to do anything to bow down, as long as you work hard."

Two people quickly said that they went to the next floor and found a reason to go out.

When the elevator door was closed again, Sun Jie sneered and sneered: "You are really scary than the big devils. What do you think of scaring people in my company?"

"I didn't think there was anything wrong with it." Yang Ming shrugged. "Now is how much money they give them. They don't dare to think about it. You can completely avoid the recurrence of Tian Long."

"This is also true, but the feeling of this queen is not very good, I don't like it." Sun Jie smiled bitterly.

"That's better, if you are a queen, I can't stand it!" Yang Ming said: "Now you have established the authority of the company, no one will lie to you in the future."

Sun Jie nodded. "Yeah, the company should have been reorganized. If you know you early, you won't have this time."

"You didn't know me long ago?" Yang Ming sneered at his sneer. "Before you didn't trust me, I thought I was a freshman."

"Isn't that your age?" How do I know that you have so many ghosts?" Sun Jie is not willing to show weakness: "Let's say that every time you look for me, you just want to do it with me, and I am a little bored. ”

"Yes..." Yang Ming sweated a bit and felt that he was not an emergency person... Maybe the previous countermeasures were wrong, thinking that she had to get rid of Sun Jie, she pushed her, but she didn't think she didn't like it. .

Sun Jiebai had a look at Yang Ming, and apparently despised him for his lack of self-knowledge.

The thirty-sixth floor is the highest level of the company, and it is also the place where the company's high-level office is located. It is estimated that the term high-level is the origin of this, and later refers to the company's leadership.

I came to the door of the chairman's office and heard the voice inside. It was like a meeting. Sun Jie knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened. It was Sun Hongjun's secretary.

"Miss Sun?" Sun Hongjun told the secretary, let him tell the people at the door that they were in a meeting, and then come back later, but the object was Sun Jie. The secretary obviously couldn’t say this, so he said, "Let's wait a moment, I Go and ask the chairman, he is in a meeting."

Sun Jie nodded. She knew that the secretary was acting according to his father's orders and did not bother him.

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