So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 144: Double set of heroes

The 144th chapter of the two sets of heroes

When Yang Ming rushed to the school, the classmates in the third grade had already arrived at the playground and were chatting together.

Wang Zhitao and Chen Afu also have two men, Bi Yuntao and An Quantao. These two people are also called the "Invincible Shuang Tao". Although Wang Zhitao is not a class, their parents are working in the Wang Family's Xiongfeng Group. These two people are the followers of Wang Zhitao since childhood. In fact, in the elementary school, Wang Zhitao also belonged to the ranks of the younger brothers. They and the two of them called "Bawang Santao", but they only converge after growing up.

Bi Yuntao and An Quantao are also the kind of monks in the school that are similar to Li Dagang, but they don’t dare to make a double encounter with Yang Ming’s super monks, so there is no intersection with Yang Ming, Yang Ming does not. Know them.

Wang Zhitao and the three followers are discussing the lessons of Yang Ming. When Yang Ming walked over and immediately made a gesture to the three people, he squeezed a smile and said to Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, here!"

Yang Ming had already seen Wang Zhitao for them, and he clearly understood the topic they had just talked about. This lip language is really not white. Yang Ming secretly smiled and saw who was playing when he was there.

"Wang Zhitao, come so early! These two are--" Yang Ming pointed to An Quantao and Bi Yuntao.

"Oh, these two are my elementary school students. Now I am in five classes. Come, let me introduce. He is An Quantao. He is Bi Yuntao!" Wang Zhitao said to the two men again: "This is my good buddy Yang Ming. !"

good buddies? Yang Ming sneered in the heart, how did you say to the two people that I didn't know? Yang Ming squinted and looked at An Quantao and Bi Yuntao. These two people are obviously not good birds, and Wang Zhitao is obviously a shackle.

"Condoms? Condoms?" Yang Ming deliberately exaggerated and said: "Two sets? No.?"

After An Quantao and Bi Yuntao listened, the faces of the two men changed obviously, but they did not dare to attack. One is because Yang Ming is not beaten, and the second is because Wang Zhitao does not allow Yang Ming to fall out now.

"Hah, not a condom and a condom, it is An Quantao and Bi Yuntao!" Wang Zhitao explained.

"Oh, I thought it was a nickname. This nickname is too cumbersome!" Yang Ming sarcastically said.

"Oh, yeah, who knows how they got up." Wang Zhitao echoed.

An Quantao and Bi Yuntao saw Wang Zhitao say this. Although he was unhappy in his heart, he did not dare to say anything. Who asked his parents to work for his family! After saying that Wang Zhitao graduated from university, he will become the general manager of Xiongfeng Group. At that time, he will master the parents' right to kill and kill! Moreover, I am not allowed to work for Wang Zhitao in the future, and the two even dare not have any doubts.

"Well, very personal!" Yang Ming nodded. He is now very good with Wang Zhitao, but he doesn't want to talk too much to him. So after a casual sentence, I chatted with Zhang Bin. Because at the school, Chen Mengyu is not too close to Yang Ming, and he is also chatting with girls who are close to each other.

"Why can't the car come yet?" Chen Afu was a little impatient.

After a while, a Mercedes-Benz CMB drove over, and Chen Afu immediately slammed the past. He is going to get on the bus first and give Wang Zhitao a seat. In order to show his arrogance, Chen Afu squats at the door and said impatiently: "Open the door!"

"Stupid, knock your mother, this is the school car, specializes in pulling the teacher, your car is behind!" The driver stretched his head and was impatient.

In one sentence, Chen Afu was flushed and wanted to show himself but did not show it. Yang Ming shook his head after seeing it, and this kind of IQ person could be attached to Wang Zhitao's men.

This Chen Afu can be described as a fighter in the tiger. The last report of Yang Ming was also driven by this incomparable impulsive character. Therefore, Yang Ming thinks that Chen Afu can be used by this person. If it is used well, Wang Zhitao can be disgusted.

After a while, a few very old buses drove over. This is the car that the students in each class are sitting on.

If you want to come, everyone can buy a good car for 20 yuan. It is equal to 10 yuan for one-way trip. The price of the bus can only be used by bus! The ridiculous thing is that Chen Afu thinks that twenty dollars can be used for Mercedes-Benz, which is a bit unrealistic.

The bus is relatively large, and people who board the car basically have seats. Yang Ming and Zhang Bin sat together, and Chen Mengxi sat with a girl named Zhao Sisi.

Zhao Sisi and Chen Mengyu had a very good relationship, so Chen Mengyu had to look at Yang Ming with apologetic apology. She could not open Zhao Sisi.

Zhao Sisi belongs to a girl who is not very good-looking but very delicate. If you look for such a girl to be a wife, you can be a good helper at home, but Yang Ming does not like this type.

"What do you think of Zhao Sisi?" Zhang Bin suddenly asked Yang Mingdao.

“Zhao Sisi?” Yang Mingyi said: “Do you like Zhao Sisi?”

“No,” Zhang Bin quickly denied. “I just think that she and Chen Mengxi’s personality are so different, how can two people become good friends?”

"Who knows, women can't understand the brotherhood between men, and men can't understand the kind of sisterhood of women." Yang Ming shook his head and didn't take it seriously.

"Hey, this is a classic!" Zhang Binshen thought: "Oh, yes, do you say that Chen Afu likes Zhao Sisi?"

Yang Ming looked up at Chen Mengyu's direction and saw Chen Afu and Wang Zhitao sitting behind them: "Wang Zhitao was there to harass my wife. You didn't see it. Hey? Right, how do you care about Zhao Sisi?"

"No, I think Chen Afu is too stupid, I am annoyed when I see him." Zhang Binxiao smiled.

Xixingshan Reservoir is located in Litong County, northwest of Songjiang City, 137 kilometers away from the urban area. It is located in the famous Guanxi in history, so the reservoir area is also known as Wuhu. As early as in the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi and many other scholars and thousands of people traveled here for a long time to come and visit the city. It has become a tourist attraction in Songjiang.

In recent years, Xixingshan Reservoir has become a good place for people to travel, leisure and fishing. There are a large number of tourists and fishermen who play and fish before the holidays and weekends. There is a taste of the scenery, and the fun of fishing.

Two hours later, I arrived at the Xixingshan Reservoir. After the teachers and squad leaders of each class counted the number, they began to allocate rooms.

The accommodation fee is collected on site, that is, you can choose to live in a two-person standard room, or you can choose to live in an eight-person room.

Zhang Bin directly ordered four hundred dollars to book two standard rooms. Because of the relationship with Yang Ming, Chen Mengyu does not care, but Zhao Sisi is a little embarrassed and insists on giving Zhang Bin a hundred dollars.

Yang Ming just thought that Zhang Bin was not quite right in the car. Now, seeing Zhang Bin’s push, he is even more aware of what is happening. Yes, Zhang Bin is very generous to friends, but only for friends. For other people who don’t care, it’s just how to code one yard. It can be said that Zhang Bin has initially possessed the potential of a successful businessman.

But today, a hundred dollars were handed to him, Zhang Bin still did not, Yang Ming saw some clues, so he gave Chen Mengxi a look.

Chen Mengyan's ice and snow is clever and slightly indulged. He understands the meaning of Yang Ming. He laughs and pulls Zhao Sisi's hand and says, "Sisi, don't be polite with them! You know the relationship with Yang Ming, you are me. Good friend, Zhang Bin is a good friend of Yang Ming, how can he ask for your money!"

"That... well... I will ask you to eat after a while?" Zhao Sisi hesitated, she is not the kind of person who likes to be cheap.

"Oh, I will talk about it later!" Zhang Bin said with a smile: "Go, let's put things first!"

In fact, when I came out to play, the most things I brought were delicious. Yang Ming and Zhang Bin came to the room with a big bag.

Wang Zhitao looked at Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu together, and his teeth were itchy, but his reason told him that it is better not to provoke Chen Mengyu in this period of time. From the cold attitude of Chen Mengxi in the car just now, and the side attack on himself, Wang Zhitao understood that the photo event has been worn, and Chen Mengxi’s impression of himself has also plummeted.

However, he is not reconciled. When he talks about family history and studies, he is much better than Yang Ming. Why is Yang Ming so lucky? Sometimes, the reason for hating a person is very simple. Wang Zhitao is like this.

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