So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1296: Go home (below)

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-six chapters go home (below)

When she arrived at the school, Sun Jie got off the bus. Her graduate department and Yang Ming did not go to class together, and Yang Ming also planned to go to see Chen Mengxi and Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun. After all, they disappeared for several days.

At the school gate, Chen Mengyu made a phone call and found that the three had not yet got up and were still at home, but it was only seven o'clock in time. The three of them had no class in the first quarter, so they could come to the school late. .

When I heard Yang Ming’s voice, Chen Mengxi was a little excited. After all, Yang Ming always said that he would go home, but the result was not because it was the delay of the matter. Today, Yang Ming finally got at the door, and Chen Mengxi suddenly woke up. : "Then I will wait for you at home."

Didn't hear Chen Mengyu mention Zhou Jiajia, Yang Ming did not care, thought she just forgot, and went to the department guide Xie Yongqiang to point there, Xie Yongqiang naturally would not say Yang Ming, before Xiao Qing had already given him a fight. Greetings.

Xie Yongqiang just told Yang Ming that there may be some large-scale activities in the school recently. When the school wants to check the number of people, let him come to participate, otherwise it will not be said.

Yang Ming nodded. The so-called large-scale activities are nothing more than the two-year activities of the Spring Games and the Arts Festival. This is an activity that reflects the collective spirit. The school will naturally strictly demand that everyone be present. If you don’t want to go, Xie Yongqiang will also train. Therefore, Yang Ming will not make him difficult to do. After all, he has taken care of himself very much. How can Yang Ming add chaos to him at a crucial moment?

From Xie Yongqiang’s departure, Yang Ming drove directly back to the Huashang Community and parked the car in front of his villa. When he entered the door, he glanced at Wang Xiaoyu’s villa and found that there was no movement, and he did not know if Wang Xiaoyu had already gone to school. Going, I want to look at the contents in perspective, but I have dispelled this idea. Although I have the ability, and Wang Xiaoying is also a woman of her own, stealing seems to be justified, but everyone has their own privacy, Wang Xiaoyan also No exception, including Yang Ming himself, and he is not willing to be monitored by others. Therefore, he thinks that he still gives each girl a private space. If he believes in them, then he should not peek.

Opened the door, but saw that Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun had already got up. At the moment, they were sitting in the restaurant and eating early. It seemed to be a snack. Yang Ming did not pay attention, but did not see Zhou Jiajia. Yang Ming was a bit strange: "Allison What?"

“Jia Jia participated in a research group at the school. I have not returned home for several days. It is rare to see it once during the day...” Chen Mengyu complained: “But Jia Jia likes it, I can’t say anything, my family is less. Personally, I and Yun Yun are not much interesting."

"Oh, that's it." Yang Ming didn't think much about anything. Zhou Jiajia likes to study computer things. She has her own ideals and pursuits. Yang Ming knows, so she nodded: "Don't bother her." Let her be busy, have time in the evening, I will ask her to go out for a meal, and she will not bother her during the day."

"Also, she seems to be really busy. I called her yesterday, all at noon. She is still busy." Chen Mengxi said: "I wanted to ask her to have lunch together and I could only give up."

"Dream, have you thought about me? I thought that when I came back, you would give me a hug. Now it seems that you are quite calm." Yang Ming feels that there is a gap between ideal and reality, the hero in the novel. If you don't go home for a few days, you will be surrounded by beautiful women when you go home, and you will enjoy the blessings of the people, but you are very common with them.

Chen Mengyan's face is red, and she naturally wants to be intimate with Yang Ming, but because Lin Yuyun is also next to her, Chen Mengxi is the "big sister" among them. Naturally, she should lead by example. How can she be so intimate with Yang Ming?

Lin Yiyun, the temper is weak, not good at expressing his own emotions, Chen Mengyu is sitting still, she will not move naturally, endure the thoughts of Yang Ming in the heart, sitting there, drinking porridge.

"You and Lin sister hugged, she missed you." Chen Meng stunned Yang Ming, and then to Lin Biaoyun said: "Yu Yun, you have not been chanting Yang Ming, when he dreamed, he also called his name? Now why not ?"

"Dream sister, don't make fun of me..." Lin Yuyun was made red-faced and didn't know what to say.

Yang Ming naturally knows the scruples and jealousy in their hearts, and is not reluctant. They sit on the chairs opposite the two and watch the two have breakfast.

"You are tanned..." Chen Mengxi looked at Yang Ming, the face of this imaginative thought, and finally couldn't help but reveal the truth: "It seems to have matured a lot..."

"The sun in Africa is too poisonous, no way." Yang Ming shrugged: "It’s you, more and more tender..."

"You don't go home when you go home. I have a class at 10 o'clock. You and Lin sister are intimate with each other at home," Chen Mengyu stood up and went to the soya-bean milk machine to pour himself a cup of soy milk, then sat back and saw Yang Ming. At a glance: "I have to pack up and go to school. Today I promised a sister to copy her notes for the last semester. She has to retake the exam."

Yang Ming naturally does not know whether Chen Mengyu said that it is true or false. It is a deliberate opportunity to create a solitude for him and Lin Yuyun.

"Dream sister, you didn't say last night, can you sleep until nine o'clock today?" Lin Xiaoyun said quietly.

Chen Meng took a look at Lin Yuyun: "I suddenly remembered it. I made an appointment with her yesterday."

When Yang Ming saw it, he knew that Chen Mengxi had a careful thought. Although he didn't want to, he had to pretend to be generous. This big sister actually didn't have any good intentions. If it was everywhere, it would obviously feel that there was no measure. Think of others to maintain this status.

"Either, do you stay together?" Yang Mingxiao asked.

“What do you want?” Chen Meng snorted, of course, knowing Yang Ming’s thoughts, but he did not completely veto, but left him with some thoughts: “Let’s talk at night.”

"Night?" Yang Ming was happy in his heart. Didn't Chen Mengxi agree with some of his special proposals? Just want to ask another question, Chen Mengyu has already applied to the building, leaving only a fragrant wind...

Only Yang Ming and Lin Yuyun are left. At one time, the atmosphere is a bit cold. Lin Yiyun is not good at expressing his feelings. He is still in a passive state with Yang Ming. He did not ask for anything.

She naturally knows that Chen Mengxi wants to leave her the opportunity to be alone with Yang Ming. She is moved and looks at Yang Ming, but she doesn't know what to say. Chen Mengxi has not yet gone. She is so embarrassed that she will rush to Yang Ming. Body?

"Look at you, it seems to be thin, isn't it good to eat?" Yang Ming reached out and touched Lin Yuyun's face. Lin Yuyun only had a reddish face but did not escape.

Lin Yiyun shook his head. "No, I still feel that I am fat. It seems that I have a small belly. I told my sister Mengyi two days ago that we want to buy a wii and do some exercise."

"wii?" Yang Mingyi, then immediately thought that this is a somatosensory game machine, Zhang Bin often said that this kid is a game fan, like a high school summer vacation to buy one.

"Yeah, there is a fit board with Wii, you can also do yoga." Lin Yiyun is obviously interested in this kind of play.

"Then buy one." Yang Ming doesn't know what the fit board is, but since they think they can exercise, then it will do: "I will send it over after a while."

"No, I have to go shopping with my dream sister on Saturday, and stop by the mall." Lin Yiyun waved his hand: "You can try it on the spot."

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