So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1297: Art Festival Initial (below)

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-seven chapter art festival initial (below)

Xu Qianxing did not think that in real life, there are such simple and lovely girls. When they talk to strangers, they will blush. They are good and not good at rejecting others. They have been lobbying for a few words and they have reluctantly agreed.

Unlike other beautiful girls, all of them have become fine, and they don’t give him any chance. When they meet, they block what they have to say.

For example, Zhou Jiajia of the School of Computer Science, the only beauty in the computer department, when she was looking for her, she told herself directly that there was no time for Xu Qianxing to be embarrassed to say the next festival.

Of course, Zhou Jiajia is really busy, but it is not specifically aimed at Xu Qianxing, but Xu Qianxing seems to be Zhou Jiajia deliberately avoiding these.

So compared to Lin Yuyun, Xu Qianxing thinks that this girl is just too good, not arrogant, not refusing people thousands of miles away, which makes Xu Qianxing shine!

Such a beautiful girl, but not contaminated with any social habits, is very commendable, especially when Lin Shuyun blushes as he speaks, and makes Xu Qianxing heart-stirring.

This made Xu Qianxing's previous decision change. If you can find Lin Yiyun to be your girlfriend, it is also a good thing. Thinking of this, Xu Qianxing secretly made up his mind.

It was Jing Xiaoyu of the art department. Although he also agreed with Xu Qianxing's suggestion, people were very refreshing, but at first glance, they were very savvy. Xu Qianxing estimated that he might not have her essence. If she chased her, she could get around.

Therefore, Xu Qianxing feels that Lin Yuyun is getting better and better, and decided to take advantage of this festival to see if he can get closer.

In addition to these beautiful school flowers, there is also a strong voice is Yang Ming! In the last semester of Yang Ming, the scene of gambling God’s appearance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The situation in which Li Jiasheng and Liu Zhaojun were defeated made the students crazy.

If these beautiful girls spend the most in the boys, then the most popular among the girls is Yang Ming! This person is also a character who must appear in the festival.

However, Yang Ming’s gods did not see the end. Xu Qianxing looked for a few days, and did not see Yang Ming’s figure. The dormitory and class were looking for it. In the end, there was no way to find Yang Ming’s guide Xie Yongqiang. I know that Yang Ming was on leave.

There is no way, Xu Qianxing had to tell Xie Yongqiang about the festival, and Xie Yongqiang listened to him and promised him to call him after seeing Yang Ming.

Xu Qianxing can only wait. In the past few days, he has been tiring up for the festival, and now he has only planned a small half.

Therefore, there was a scene in which Xie Yongqiang and Yang Ming had to actively participate in the school activities. Xie Yongqiang only gave Yang Mingxian a wake-up. As for whether he could participate in the performance of the festival, Xie Yongqiang could not interfere, and Xu Qianxing himself. So he told Xu Qianxing about the news of Yang Ming’s return.

Lin Yuyun is relatively simple. Naturally, I don't think that Xu Qianxing has any other purpose. He told Yang Ming to listen to this matter as a very ordinary thing.

After Yang Ming listened, some people laughed: "They don't agree, how do you agree? How can Jia Jia and Meng Meng not participate?"

"Where do I know that they refused? I thought everyone had to participate in the festival, and didn't think much..." Lin Yiyun was a little embarrassed: "I haven't thought about what to show!"

"It doesn't matter what you perform. When you go there, you will attract the attention of others." Yang Ming smiled.

Lin Xiaoyun was sent to the school first. Lin Yuyun had a class at ten o'clock. Yang Ming didn't know if he had any classes. He didn't come to school this semester. The curriculum didn't know.

I first called Zhang Bin and wanted to ask where I was going to class. I didn’t expect this kid to skip school. I was mixing with Wang Mei. Yang Ming had no choice but to call and called Tian Donghua. I don’t know this kid today. Have you come back to class?

Not to mention, this kid is more reliable than Zhang Bin. Actually, he was in class with Wang Xue. Yang Ming quickly asked the class, ran into the teaching building, found the location of the classroom where the class was, and slipped in from the back door. .

The professional teacher of the computer department knows Yang Ming. She knows that she is the younger brother of the department head. Seeing that he slipped in from the back door, he did not say anything. After taking a look, he continued to lecture.

Zhou Jiajia is not in the classroom. I want to open a research group. Yang Ming sat next to Tian Donghua, who is watching the book with full concentration.

When Yang Ming sat down, he only looked away from the book and saw Yang Ming grin and smiled: "Boss, are you here?"

"Well, what book do you look at?" Yang Ming put the book in front of Tian Donghua and looked at the cover. It was actually a marketing management book written by Philip Kotler!

This made Yang Ming’s eyes wide. This kid actually read this book? Although Yang Ming does not study the economy, he also knows that this person is a well-known expert in the field of economics. His books are used as designated textbooks by many mba courses.

"How do you think about this?" Yang Ming asked in surprise.

"In the future, you told me to take charge of such a big company. I don't study now. What should I do in the future?" Tian Donghua sighed. "No way, I don't have time to learn now."

"I didn't expect that your kid still has a day of advancement. It seems that this thing has brought some benefits." Yang Ming smiled and patted Tian Donghua's shoulder: "Try hard, don't let me down."

"Do not worry, boss, I will not!" Tian Donghua nodded firmly: "I can never be like my dad. I am your life in my life, death is your ghost..."

Yang Ming had a cold and couldn't help but smashed Tian Donghua's foot. "Don't say so disgusting, you said to Wang Xue, don't tell me."

Tian Donghua smiled and bowed down to read the book.

This class is the basis of computer hardware. Yang Ming now knows about computers. It doesn't sound too much. It's just that the knowledge in the textbook is too old. There is no way. If the textbooks are not changed, the lecturer should follow the above explanation.

Yang Ming listened to the class and thought about what he was doing at noon for a while. He suddenly thought of Xiao Qing. He had talked with her before and said that she was going to see her. As a result, Sun Jie had nothing to do with it. Then, at noon, go to see Xiao Qing?

Thinking of what might happen, Yang Ming was stunned.


The boss behind the scene frowned and waited for the news of the Jingshan police station. However, after taking the video tape from the Jingshan police station, there was no movement, and no news of Yang Ming was caught.

"What's going on? Don't you have any problems with the video?" The boss behind the scene looked at Huang Youcai, who was also unable to do anything.

"I don't know," Huang Youcai shook his head. "The people I know are too low in Jingshan police. I can't find anything useful. They don't even know which step the case has progressed."

"Is the police in Jingshan very smart, and suddenly I saw that the videotape was forged?" asked the boss behind the scenes.

"Impossible? Even if it is cut, they should come back with Yang Ming to investigate. After all, Yang Ming was at the scene of the crime. Yang Ming’s suspicion is still very big," Huang Youcai said: "I feel like things are like There is a flaw."

The boss behind the scene nodded. "No matter what the progress of this matter, don't worry about it anymore. I also feel that things are awkward. If Yang Ming is safe and sound, Jingshan police did not find him any trouble, then he There must be something we don't know or something more important."

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