So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1299: Big exposure first season (two)

The first season of the first two hundred and ninety-nine chapters (2)

Zhou Jiajia is a clever girl. Zhou Jiajia has always been very wise and shrewd. She has just been confused. It is also because this incident has shocked her so much that she has been overwhelmed for a while.

Now that I have withdrawn from the room, I can draw this conclusion with a little thought. Yang Ming should come to Xiao Qingjie, and he certainly does not know that he also lives here.

I have participated in this research group, but in a few days, Yang Ming has not yet returned home. Naturally, I will not know the details. The explanation is that Yang Ming came to Xiao Qing, and I don’t know that I am in the room. I was intimate with Xiao Qing, and I did not avoid myself.

So, what is the relationship between Yang Ming and Xiao Qingjie? This problem seems a bit silly, Zhou Jiajia shook his head, do not have to think about it, the answer is in front of you.

Thinking of what Xiao Qing sister said to her about her favorite people this morning, Zhou Jiajia suddenly realized that the man Xiao Xiaojie said in his mouth should be Yang Ming.

Although this fact is somewhat unacceptable, Zhou Jiajia still affirmed his own thoughts. His own guess should not be wrong. Xiao Qing scruples the age gap between her and Yang Ming, and other girls around Yang Ming. Not with Yang Ming.

However, between the two people, there should always be some small embarrassment, just as Xiao Qingjie said, occasionally I can see it, I am already contented. I want to come. Yang Ming should come here and meet Xiao Xiaojie very often. It’s just a coincidence. Coincidentally, I am also here today.

However, Xiao Qing clearly knows that she is washing clothes outside. Why not stop Yang Ming? Zhou Jiajia was a bit strange. However, after she carefully looked at Xiao Qing’s expression, Zhou Jiajia knew that Xiao Qing had not woken up yet. Now she should be in a state of half-dream and half-awake. It is estimated that she did not think too much.

I figured out this point. Zhou Jiajia had some sympathy for Xiao Qinglai. She was also a person who had experienced a bitter love. She knew that the heart was so sad. Zhou Jiajia was not a stingy person who liked jealousy, and she knew that she was not qualified to go to jealous. Or to go to Yang Ming, she can be with Yang Ming, it is not very easy.

However, the problem now is not to eat or jealous! Zhou Jiajia is a bit embarrassed, what should I do next? Push the door in and join their battle group?

I think that Zhou Jiajia has some blush here, and this is a messy idea. How can I think so? Shake his head and throw this idea behind his head.

Since you can't push the door in, what should you do? Pretend not to know? When Yang Ming and Xiao Qing sister are intimate, go inside again? This is indeed a more appropriate approach, but what should Xiao Qing sister wake up after?

Even if I pretend that I don't know, I believe that Xiao Qing will doubt what it is. If there is a knot, it will be even worse. Maybe there will be a gap between the two people.

To be honest, Zhou Jiajia really has a headache. If she changes to see Chen Mengxi, she may be furious, but Zhou Jiajia will not. Once she and Xiao Qing have been very close to each other, they have sympathized with her experience. Yu Li will not blame her.

Secondly, Zhou Jiajia can now be with Yang Ming, and it is entirely because of Chen Mengxuan's generosity. He has to change his position and think that Zhou Jiajia will not blame Xiao Qing.

These are secondary. The main problem now is that I have seen a scene that I should not have seen. Yang Ming has never mentioned that there is another relationship between him and Xiao Qingjie. Then it shows that Yang Ming does not want to mention this matter, perhaps he wants to be a secret all the time, perhaps the timing is not yet mature.

But now I told myself to bump into it. I suddenly fell into a dilemma. I didn’t go in, and I didn’t go out. After Xiao Qing’s sister asked, I didn’t know how to answer it.

Zhou Jiajia couldn't help but frown. Where did the smart Zhou Jiajia go? How can you mess around with this matter? In fact, it is no wonder that Zhou Jiajia, this situation has exceeded her cognitive range, she does not know how to deal with it.

Yang Ming has Yang Ming's privacy. Xiao Qing has Xiao Qing's privacy. The things of the two of them should be very private. They have not told others, but they have been hit by themselves.

Although he is also one of Yang Ming's closest people, even the most intimate people can't have no reservations. They broke Yang Ming's privacy. Zhou Jiajia really didn't know how to face Yang Ming.

Whether you say it or not, if this matter is not handled well, it will always bring a gap between each other...

When Zhou Jiajia was thinking about it and didn't know what to do, there was Xiao Qing's voice in the room.

"Yang Ming? Really you? How come you?" Xiao Qing was half-awake before, but after Yang Ming got it for a while, he was sober, and opened his sleepy eyes, suddenly shocked!

She didn't think she was just dreaming, but real. Xiao Qing suddenly sat up from the bed and pushed Yang Ming in a panic. "You don't mess, Zhou Jiajia washes clothes outside and lets her see what to do." ?"

Xiao Qing was really scared. She didn't think that Yang Ming was so bold. She ran to her bed without saying anything. She thought of Zhou Jiajia who was still washing clothes in the bathroom outside. Xiao Qing’s face suddenly changed. Got red.

Yang Ming’s heart smiles, Zhou Jiajia? Let her see what to do? Now it is not a problem of how to do it, but Zhou Jiajia has already seen it!

Indeed, when Yang Ming entered the room, he did not notice that there were individuals in the restroom. He directly pushed the door in and went to Xiao Qing’s single bed.

However, what kind of occupation is Yang Ming doing? He is a killer, and he is extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment. Just when Zhou Jiajia stepped in and came in, Yang Ming had already seen Zhou Jiajia!

Yang Ming has no other way than the secret in his heart. Yang Ming is not the kind of person who can't take responsibility for doing things. At this time, it is impossible for Mr. Zhou Jiajia to see it. He will open Xiao Qing and be busy with her.

Since Zhou Jiajia has already seen it, Yang Ming does not matter. The continuation will continue. As for Zhou Jiajia's problems, he can only study it later.

Therefore, Yang Ming saw Zhou Jiajia push the door in, and he retired with a red ear, and pretended not to see it. He can only do this now.

If this time, eager to Xiaoqing and Qing relationship, Xiao Qing will try to cover up the facts, but Yang Ming knows that Xiao Qing's heart must be difficult to accept.

She is also a normal woman. Why don't you want to be alone with yourself? However, because of all kinds of scruples, two people can only sneak a private meeting.

Yang Ming will never forget. When he was in Hong Kong, Xiao Qing was carefree. The two people enjoyed the sweetness of playing in Disneyland. If possible, Yang Ming would rather let Xiao Qing leave the city and know that no one else knows. The place.

Yang Ming knows Xiao Qing's mind very well. Therefore, since Zhou Jiajia has already seen it, Yang Ming’s heart has also made a calculation in an instant, so there is no need to continue to squat.

If you don't say anything with Chen Mengxi, Yang Ming hasn't thought about it yet, but he must also let Zhou Jiajia know about himself and Xiao Qing.

Yang Ming is familiar with Zhou Jiajia. She is not a girl with a big mouth. Moreover, the most important point is that Yang Ming is sure that Zhou Jiajia will definitely stand on the same position as him.

No matter who it is, Chen Mengxi or Zhou Jiajia’s parents and relatives, when it comes to Yang Ming’s interests, Zhou Jiajia will stand on the side of Yang Ming without hesitation.

"Isn't I still have someone?" Yang Ming saw Xiao Qing wake up in advance and couldn't help but smile: "There is no need to take advantage of Jiajia..."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Qing just woke up and was a little confused, could not help but see, but then Xiao Qing responded, widened his eyes, his face was red, and the voice became a little trembling: "You ... Are you saying that Zhou Jiajia has seen it?"

"Jia Jia just was outside. If nothing unexpected, she should have seen everything..." Yang Ming looked at Xiao Qing's nervous look, some funny, shouting at the door of the room: "Jia Jia, come in. Don't hide or hide..."

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