So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1301: Wanted order (on)

Chapter 1st, 2003, Tonghua Order (on)

"You tell Captain Zhang that I can call Yang Ming, he will know." Yang Ming nodded and said: "I am bothering you."

The policeman on duty called the captain of Zhang upstairs. After a while, the voice of Zhang’s captain was heard on the stairs: “Mr. Yang, how did you come back to Songjiang yesterday, come to me today?”

Because I knew Yang Ming’s true identity last night, the case was handed over. Zhang’s captain couldn’t tell the ease, the mood was good, and the tone of the speech was naturally very pleasant.

However, he is somewhat strange. Yang Ming should have just returned to Songjiang from the East China Sea yesterday. How can he rush to Jingshan to find himself today? Even if Yang Ming came to Jingshan for business, wouldn’t he come here?

"Let's find a place to sit down and talk." Yang Ming smiled and shook hands with Captain Zhang and said.

When Zhang’s captain heard Yang Ming’s words, he knew that he had some secret things to find himself. He could not say it in public, so he nodded and said: “Let’s go upstairs and talk to my office.”

Yang Ming and Captain Zhang went all the way to the office of Zhang’s captain. Captain Zhang personally gave Yang Ming a cup of tea. Yang Ming quickly thanked him. Although the two had no direct relationship with the executive, Zhang’s captain was very courteous to himself. Yang Ming naturally won't take any shelf.

Captain Zhang closed the door of the room and then sat down. Yang Ming said: "Mr. Yang, this time you came here..."

"What else can I do? I am not trying to enter the case." Yang Ming shrugged and said with a smile: "Otherwise, I can't run here."

"Oh? That case, hasn't it been handed over to you? How come you find me?" Zhang’s heart was inside, but Yang Ming didn’t regret it. The case was a bit tricky. They didn’t want to pick it up. Push back to yourself?

"Well, this case still needs the captain Zhang to help." Yang Ming nodded and said.

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, Zhang’s face changed slightly and his heart complained. Yang Ming really came because of this matter and pushed the case back. How can this be good?

"Mr. Yang, are you over there, have you been fully responsible for this case?" Captain Zhang hesitated and said: "The characters involved in this case are more complicated. I think it is better to be responsible for your side... ”

Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse. After listening to Zhang’s tone, he knew that he had misunderstood. Some of them were crying and laughing. They waved their hands: “Captain Zhang, are you not misunderstood? I didn’t mean to push the case back to you...”

"Oh? That Mr. Yang means..." After listening to Yang Ming, Zhang’s captain was somewhat inexplicable. Yang Ming did not mean this. What did he say?

"On our side, although there are responsibility for scouting some mysterious files, when the case is closed, it is still necessary for the police to close the case. After all, our institution cannot be outside." Yang Ming said: "It’s like Songjiang’s for a while. A haunted case, although I was involved in the investigation, but when I finally closed the case, the credit was still Songjiang police."

Captain Zhang listened to Yang Ming’s words and nodded, but he still didn’t quite understand Yang Ming’s meaning. Yang Ming said that he also knew, but Yang Ming said these at the moment...

"I mean, the suspect has already found it. On our side, you can also hand over the case back to you. You can send the order directly," Yang Ming said.

"What? The suspect has already found it?" Captain Zhang looked at Yang Ming with incredible eyes. How is this possible? Less than a day later, I just handed over the case to the Mystery Bureau of Investigation last night. I have a result at noon today and I have found the suspect. What is the speed?

Although Captain Zhang knows that the mysterious investigation bureau is very capable, the speed of handling the case is indeed too surprising, and it is simply unbelievable.

"Yes," Yang Ming nodded. "I have already got the complete surveillance video of the Xianren Building of the Weishi Group."

"Complete surveillance video?" Captain Zhang showed the color of surprise. As long as this complete video is available, finding the suspect is a breeze.

"Just here," Yang Ming said, took out a DVD disc and placed it in front of Captain Zhang: "The video I have burned on this CD, can be played directly with a computer or dvd player."

"This... then let's take a look now?" Captain Zhang was excited to pick up the CD. The case was broken. The Mystery Bureau of Investigation naturally won't have any credit. The credit will naturally fall on the captain's Jingshan police station. Body.

"The trouble captain Zhang called the person in charge who took the case file on the other side yesterday. I don't have his contact information." Yang Ming is a little embarrassed. He is a colleague of an organization. Yang Ming has no contact information. This is somewhat unreasonable.

However, Yang Ming has not been involved in this mysterious investigation bureau for a long time. The contact information of contacts without this side is also normal. Captain Zhang did not think much, and directly called Qin An, the person in charge of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation.

"Mr. Qin, I am Zhang Dahai of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau," said Zhang, the captain of Zhang. "Mr. Yang Mingyang of Songjiang came over, right here, he has found the criminal suspect who killed the Yue Group."

"Oh? Yang Ming is coming?" Qin An had some surprises. He had already heard from Xia Donghai that Yang Ming was a capable person. He had already met and had no chance to meet.

He and Yang Mingtong belonged to Xia Donghai. Although they are colleagues, they have no orders or tasks because of their special institutions. Private contact is very evasive, so Qin An did not take the initiative to find Yang Ming.

Now that there is such an opportunity to jointly handle the case, Qin An naturally wants to see how Yang Ming got it, and can make his own boss, Xia Donghai, full of praise.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, can you come over?" Captain Zhang’s tone was very polite.

"Okay, I will pass now." Qin An responded.

Hanging up the phone, Zhang captain and Yang Ming smiled: "Mr. Qin said he will come over now."

"Then let us wait for him for a while, then watch this video together." Yang Ming nodded and said.

Although Zhang is very keen to see the video disc that Yang Ming took over, but since Yang Ming said so, he is not good to refuse. This case has plagued him for a long time. Now that he has a solution, he is of course anxious.

Two people chatted about some trivial things in their daily life. For the things in the system, no one of them took the initiative. Zhang was not curious to ask, some things could not be asked, but Yang Ming would not say, but instead It will be annoying.

As for how the video came out, Captain Zhang did not ask, Yang Ming naturally has his channels and means, these things are not open.

After a short while, the door of Captain Zhang’s office came knocking at the door. Zhang’s team said: “Please come in, the door is unlocked.”

A tall man in his thirties pushed the door in. He was Qin An, the head of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation in Jingshan. Because of business contacts, he was a frequent visitor to the Jingshan police station, so the police on duty at the door did not ask Yang captain in advance, let him in.

Zhang Zhangzhang, the sea captain, Qin An naturally knows, then the man around him must be Yang Ming, although it looks young, but his face is very determined and vicissitudes, people will involuntarily overestimate his actual age. Minute.

Qin An is aware of Yang Ming’s identity. He is currently only a first-year student, but if you look at it at first glance, you should be twenty-seven or eight years old or even more mature.

This kind of maturity is not to say that it looks old. On the contrary, Yang Ming looks very young. The so-called maturity is just a kind of temperament, the natural temperament after a lot of things.

"Mr. Yang Ming is right, I am Qin An." Qin An walked quickly to Yang Ming's side and extended his right hand.

Yang Ming did not dare to swear by Qin An’s identity. Xia Donghai’s men had no mediocrity. This Qin’an must also have something extraordinary. Seeing Qin’s enthusiasm for himself, Yang Ming naturally could not be left out, and quickly stood up. Qin Er’s cordial handshake: “Call me Yang Ming, what Mr. is not Mr., then awkward, we should be a level relationship, I will call you a big brother.”

"Since you say this, then I will also be your big brother. I will call you Yang Laodi." Qin An saw Yang Ming with ease, and there was no arrogant shelf, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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