So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1312: What about your boyfriend? (on)

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-two chapters of your boyfriend? (on)

"Let me think about it..." Wang Xiaoyu was proud of his heart, but on the face he said quietly, still pears with rain, can not see her true thoughts.

Yu Chi is a little embarrassed, but he is really a little scared. He feels that his happy and beautiful life has just begun. How can it be destroyed by Wang Xiaotong?

Yu Chi found that he is more interesting in the company than in the small place in his hometown. In his hometown, there are at most a few followers to follow his own aunt, but here, there are many people in the company who are welcoming themselves. The gap between them naturally makes Yuchi feel that life is much better now than before.

And in the company, nothing is done, every month salary, a lot of money, and the level of middle-level leaders, which makes Yu Chi almost a little fluttering! He was afraid that if this matter went out, he would pass it to his cousin's ear and said that he would not go home. So he was very careful: "Xiao, you promise me, what else to consider? The tricks are good to each other, and what should be done should not be done. What else can you consider?"

"That... well..." Wang Xiaoyu finally nodded very restrained, and agreed to the pursuit of Yu Chi.

Yu Chi listened to Wang Xiaoxuan's affirmative reply, and his heart was overjoyed. He was full of expectations for the future life. His mood was refreshing, and other thoughts were also alive. Looking at the beautiful people around him, Yu Chi’s heart moved: “Xiao Wei, now It’s still early, let’s go again? I drank too much last night, I don’t remember what it feels like...”

"You guys really hate it, people are the first time, you don't know how to pity people..." Wang Xiaoyu's voice is soft and makes the bones of Yu Chi crisp...

Therefore, under the "half push and half", Wang Xiaoyu and Yu Chi came once again, but Wang Xiaotong was very acting, with pain in the pain, so that Yu Chi did not doubt it, thinking that she is really the second time today...

I thought that after a night, things would calm down. Jing Xiaoyu went home and thought about it carefully. The rumor stopped at the wise man. If he was eager to clarify something, it was doubtful. The best way at this moment is to pretend to be dumb. I don’t know what to pretend, and things are slowly passing.

However, Jing Xiaoyu was wrong this time. She came to the company the next morning, and even the company's cleaners looked at her with a weird look. It is conceivable how fast the rumor spreads, just The effort of one night is well known.

At the beginning, Jing Xiaoyu was still calm, but more and more weird eyes and whispers, let Jing Xiaoyi feel uncomfortable! Especially when I went upstairs, there were still a lot of people who commented on their own body. The previous fear of her in the company was gone.

Before, most people heard that Jing Xiaoyu had a very good background. Her boyfriend and the head of the head office had an unusual relationship, so everyone was very polite to Jing Xiaoyu.

But now, when that post came out, many people still believed, three people became tigers, one or two people said that it was the same, but people all over the company said that everyone thought that the post was true. And the background rumors before Jing Xiaoyu became that she was bragging. After all, no one has seen her legendary boyfriend, and this post on the Internet is what everyone really sees, so whoever? Will tend to say online posts.

And Jing Xiaoyu, also in the eyes of everyone, lying, worshiping gold, saying things differently, Jing Xiaoyu wants to blow up, but there is nothing to do, his mouth grows on others, he can’t control himself, and everyone can’t explain it. Anyway?

Back to the office, Jing Xiaoyu feels more and more wronged. What is this? Who is so wicked and has come up with such a thing? Are you so awkward? One month of use right to change the right to use the BMW car for a week? Are you stupid?

Throughout the whole day, Jing Xiaoying’s whole person was dizzy and did not know what he was doing. He only felt that no matter where he went, there were many eyes behind him looking at her, staring at her, and whispering. Sound, although I can't understand what they are saying, it must not be a good word.

However, Wang Xiaolan is proud of her. She has always regarded Jing Xiaoyu as her own enemy. This time, she not only got better with Qi, but also made Jing Xiaoyu lose her name. Wang Xiaotong felt that she was too genius. Just posting a message can cause this. Big storm.

When I got off work at night, I was holding hands with Yu Chi, and I saw Jing Xiaoyu, who was frowning on the first floor of the company. I was a little excited and couldn’t help but go forward: "Xiao Xiao, your male who opened the BMW." Didn't your friend pick you up?"

From the time of going to work, Jing Xiaoyu did not have any boyfriends who drove BMW. So Wang Xiaolan obviously squinted and talked nonsense. Nothing to look for, how could Jing Xiaoyu not hear her secret irony?

Cold and cold looked at Wang Xiaolan, Jing Xiaoyu said: "My boyfriend is very busy, what is the problem?"

"Very busy..." Wang Xiao blinked, some yin and yang said: "I thought it was true on the Internet..."

Jing Xiaoyu looked at the woman around him disgustedly. Before he changed it, Jing Xiaoyan had a slap in the face, but now Jing Xiaoyu has become more restrained, because Yang Ming said that he does not like the kind of girl like Xiaotaimei, so Jing Xiaoyu Let yourself change a lot.

"I am also very busy. If there is nothing, I will leave first." Jing Xiaoyu opened his side and walked quickly toward the door. His figure fell into the entrance of the subway station.

Wang Xiaotong was proud of his own run on Jing Xiaoyu. However, when he turned his head, he saw his boyfriend, Yu Chi, staring in the direction of Jing Xiaoyu’s departure. It was a bit uncomfortable and could not be put down now. Then he sighed: "What? You still have that woman in your heart?"

"No..." Yu Chi was shocked. He didn't want to offend Wang Xiaotong at this time. He quickly shook his head: "I just watched this woman all the time, still so proud, really cooked duck, hard mouth!"

Wang Xiaoxuan’s heart, count you, since you have already got into the trousers of the old lady, do you think I can let you go?

"Dear, where do we go to eat later?" Wang Xiaoyu said that he said that his expression became a sweet one.

"Diet? Hey..." Yu Chicai thought of a serious problem. His future expenses are much more than before. The thousands of dollars earned each month may not be enough for Wang Xiaotong to eat.

However, even so, Yu Chi had to slap the scalp and agreed, and it seems that he has to find a way to get some money in the future.

At night, the school had a class. Jing Xiaoyu took the subway and went back to the dormitory. He planned to change his clothes and went to class. On the other hand, he saw what Lin Shuyun and Ge Xinyao said.

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