So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1316: Suspect (on)

The first thousand three hundred and sixteen suspects (on)

"What?" Yang Ming glanced at the violent violent triad: "If there is anything, just say, who is that who..."

"Yes... your five cousins..." violently said a little embarrassed.

"Oh, he." Yang Ming and the five cousins ​​didn't have any deep feelings, and they didn't even see each other before, so they couldn't talk about any good feelings. They should have a faint voice: "He just came to the day." Give him a place to pass the time, no matter what he is."

Seeing that Yang Ming had no feelings for the five cousins, the violent San Li also let go of his heart, and he would not have to leave him a face in the future. It would be nice to give him a free job and not let him do anything.

"Ah!" Jing Xiaoyu suddenly yelled and stunned Yang Ming, violent San Li, Zhou Jiajia and others.

"What's wrong with you? What are you shouting?" Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaoyu strangely: "What a surprise, who is scared?"

"I thought, if there is a contradiction, it is grace... that Wang Xiaoyu!" Jing Xiaoyu hesitated, and he said affirmatively: "When I got off work today, she came to me to sneer and ask me what my boyfriend did not Picking up with a BMW car, I am bored..."

"BMW car?" Zhou Jiajia stunned. Some strange look at Jing Xiaoyu, and looked at Yang Ming, seems to think of something, but she is not a girl who likes to pick things up. Some things, even if they know, will not Just say something and talk about it.

"I have been driving Jing Xiaoyu several times. Some people may have misunderstood it when I saw it." Yang Ming saw Zhou Jiajia's doubts and explained: "Then rumors were passed."

"Oh, that's it." Zhou Jiajia nodded and didn't ask much more: "This Wang Xiaolan is suspected, but it is only because of this, but it is still not certain that she is, and I will know it after a while."

"I thought of it..." Jing Xiaoyu was reminded by Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia, and thought of something, saying: "It is her, she must be her!"

"Oh? Why are you so sure?" Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaoyu's sure look, and asked some doubts.

"Before, that Yu Chi, that is your five cousins... He has been pursuing me, I did not care about him. But today, I suddenly found him and Wang Xiaotong together, it should be after this matter, will Wouldn't it be Wang Xiaoying's ghost behind him?" Jing Xiaoyu is a conspiracy, so a little clues, immediately associated with the ins and outs of things: "If Wang Xiaoyu likes to gallop, and Yu Chi does not like her like me, then She can smear on my face and take the opportunity to let Yuchi die?"

Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaoyu's analysis and took a breath of cold air. This Jing Xiaoyu is really powerful. Just a few words, he has drawn out so many ins and outs, and as she said, this possibility is still very high. This Wang Xiaolan is indeed a major suspect.

Of course, Jing Xiao’s powerful Yang Ming was not the first to teach, so I didn’t think it was too strange. On the contrary, I felt very happy. Yang Ming is not the kind of person who sees girls smartly and does not want to see them, although some are big. Men's, but the more intelligent the woman around, the more he can continue to improve.

"What you said is that according to this, this Wang Xiaolan may harm you, we will check it out from her machine, otherwise, there is no goal." Yang Ming now feels that this Wang Xiaoyu is suspicious.

The elevator stopped and came to the first floor of Jing Xiaoying's office. This floor is where all the secretaries and assistants work in the company. Wang Xiaotong is also one of the secretaries, and the desk is here.

"That's that one!" Jing Xiaoyu pointed at a desk and said: "Jia Jia, look?"

Zhou Jiajia looked at Wang Xiaotong's computer and was one of the most common Lenovo office brand machines. He opened the computer and sat in the office of Wang Xiaotong.

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu also stood on the sidelines and did not dare to disturb Zhou Jiajia. However, Wang Xiaotong's computer configuration is relatively low. It takes a while to enter the system. Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Jiajia took out his own small netbook and looked at Yang Ming. He hesitated: "Yang Ming, I want to check the mp community. Posting the ip address, can you... take everyone to avoid it first?"

"Well?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, some strange look at Zhou Jiajia, this check ip, is not a matter of unspeakable, what to avoid?

Seeing Yang Ming’s doubts, Zhou Jiajia had some red face, biting his lip and whispering, “Yang Ming...”

Although Yang Ming was wondering, but seeing Zhou Jiajia's appearance at the moment, she had to respond to her meaning, so she said, "Okay, let's wait for you..."

After that, Yang Ming said to Jing Xiaoyu and Violent Sanli: "Let's go, let's go there and take a break, let Jiajia be responsible for the things here."

The two thought that Zhou Jiajia had some hidden technical means to show it to outsiders, and didn't think much about it. In their eyes, the hacker profession is mysterious, so it is natural to go to the sofa with Yang Ming. rest.

However, Yang Ming is still very strange, especially Zhou Jiajia’s weird look, like deliberately trying to hide anything... Is there anything she has to do to avoid it?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming can't sit still, Zhou Jiajia has never concealed himself, but this time, what is going on? Yang Ming couldn't help himself, and looked at Zhou Jiajia with his ability.

It turned out that Zhou Jiajia is logging in to qq. However, when Zhou Jiajia chose the qq number, she did not choose the qq number she used. Instead, she chose another strange qq number in the qq drop-down bar!

This is a five-digit qq number, which is the earliest number of qq. Now it has not been applied for. Zhou Jiajia can have such a number, but it is also in line with her identity, and the number is still very good. However, Yang Ming never knew that Zhou Jiajia still had such a qq number.

Is it true that Zhou Jiajia is ready to log in this qq number, what secrets can't let myself know? Thinking of this, Yang Ming suddenly got nervous.

Although at the beginning, Yang Ming did not feel anything about Zhou Jiajia, and even was very abhorrent. However, as time went by, the two people had resolved the misunderstanding and became a relationship of love, so Yang Ming still cares about Zhou Jiajia. And Zhou Jiajia actually has a hidden identity, which makes Yang Ming somewhat uncomfortable.

Even if there is another identity, Yang Ming feels that Zhou Jiajia has nothing to tell himself. Now Zhou Jiajia intentionally let himself avoid it. Yang Ming is even more uncomfortable.

Eyes stared at Zhou Jiajia's computer screen, watching Zhou Jiajia click the landing button, the little penguin in the lower right corner of the computer screen began to swing, is logging in...

"Drink or drink?" Jing Xiaoyu took a few cups of pure water at the water dispenser on the side and handed one of them to Yang Ming.

"Oh, thank you..." Yang Ming took the cup from Jing Xiaoyu's heart and took a sip. His mind was not on this. His attention was all focused on the small notebook in the hands of Zhou Jiajia.

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