So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1323: Liujia Enterprise (on)

The first three hundred and twenty-three chapters of Liujia Enterprise (on)

Liujia’s business in the north is very big, and he has been involved in various industries. Among them, there are bank escorts and security companies. Therefore, Yan Kechang thought that Liu Jifei wanted to cooperate with the famous security company.

Although the famous security company has a good strength, but has not yet been involved in the **** business, now Songjiang’s **** business is entirely a company in the East China Sea. If there is a strong involvement of Liujia, plus the cooperation with the famous security company, I believe that It will soon be able to capture the local **** market, after all, the East China Sea is a foreign household.

When Liu Jifei saw Yan Ke’s long-term misunderstanding, there was no explanation too much. Hip-hop’s response: “Yeah, we want to see if there is any possibility of cooperation!”

"The legal representative of the famous security company is violent, this is not necessary to check, I can tell you that he is a celebrity in Songjiang." Yan Kechang listened to Liu Jifei just looking for cooperation before looking for the other party's information, I didn't take it seriously, so I opened my mouth and said: "Before the violent Sanli was a little punk, because the fight had also entered the detention center, but after coming out, suddenly mixed with the wind and water, it became a celebrity in the Songjiang society. , formed a famous security company..."

"A little punk?" Liu Jifei suddenly showed a disdainful expression on his face. In his opinion, the level of this violent triad is too low. It is actually a small gangster. In his opinion, it is only a encounter. It’s no big deal to get a good chance, so there’s no foundation for such a person. If you move, you will move. Don’t believe that a little punk can turn up the storm.

In Liu Jifei's view, no matter how much the storm is now, his relationship is built on the interests. How can he compare with his own family's decades of foundation? Even if he didn't have a violent temper, there was Li Sanli Wang Sanli, and he didn't have a lot of him. And that Yang Ming, even if the legal person of the security company is not, I want to come to be a small fish and shrimp, maybe it is By violently setting up this tiger skin, I thought of it here, and Liu Jifei would not take Yang Ming seriously.

"You don't want to look down on him. I dare say that there must be someone behind him!" Yan Kechang is not stupid, and he waved his hand: "With his little punk, how could he make his career so big? He Where does the money come from? If he really has such great strength, he will not enter the detention center because of several health bureaus!"

"Supreme person pointing?" Liu Jifei sneaked, think carefully, Yan Kechang's words are not unreasonable, indeed, a small gangster, no matter how powerful, it is impossible to suddenly rush out to form a security company, but also The police station got on the relationship. It was just what I thought about it. I didn't take this into consideration.

"I think that he should have met a noble person, helped him, or he is a pawn, he is just a spokesperson on the surface." Yan Kechang analyzed.

Liu Jifei is not the kind of young master who doesn't understand it. As a sideline of the family, he knows how to be more deceptive. Otherwise, he will not do this work to check the details of Yang Ming. It’s a matter of people’s fat Yang Ming’s deflation.

It is because he is afraid that Yang Ming’s forces will not be able to offend himself, so Liu Jifei ran several places early in the morning to check Yang Ming. Although his Liujia family is big, but it can't compete with it. Even if it is weak, he can't pull the banner of Liu's family to make people like it, because this kind of rival is not willing to provoke the home of Liu family. .

The reason why Liu Jifei must find Yang Ming trouble is because he feels that he can't swallow this breath! Before being smuggled by Jing Xiaoying, the little sluts, they lie to the hotel, they ate v brother and went to take a bath. After waiting for it to go out, they found out that Jing Xiaoyu had already run away with money. The money in his wallet is also taken clean!

Liu Jifei was dumbfounded at the time. In order to have a good mood, he came with a small resort with Jing Xiaoyu. There was no lady to find, even if he called now from the city, he would not be rushed. He has already wanted to burn himself.

The Liu Jifei, who almost burst into the body, was so helpless that he had to come five times and hit a plane. The next morning, his right arm would fall!

How can this kind of shame and shame be tolerated? It was a man who couldn't stand it. He vowed to retaliate against Jing Xiaoyu, and swearing at her, let her want to die.

However, the information that Jing Xiaoyu left for his school was fake. Even the name was fake. Later, with the photo of Jing Xiaolu, it was difficult to find out the real name of Jing Xiaoying, and she investigated the school where she was. I want to give her a lifetime unforgettable lesson, but I don't want to be inserted by Yang Ming from the middle!

This is no problem, let Liu Jifei endure unbearable, Yang Ming not only nostalgia, actually hit his face! Although Liu Jifei is only a sideline descendant of the Liu family, there is a banner of the Liu family. Since childhood, no one dared to beat him, but Yang Ming gave a Wuzhishan!

As a child of Liu family, he was bullied. If Liu Jifei did not find this scene, if this matter was to be carried out, he would not be able to lift his head inside the family.

So he didn't delay. After returning that night, he found the person who Liu Jia was in charge of Songjiang. He asked him for some contact information of people from all walks of life in Songjiang, and prepared to explore Yang Ming's life in the early morning the next morning. background.

Hearing that Yan Kechang said that there is a high-profile person behind the violent Sanli, Liu Jifei is a glimpse, is this high man Yang Ming? The reason why I think so is because he thinks of Yang Ming's license plate!

Song b88b88 this license plate is not just anyone can use, this brand auction price is at least tens of thousands, yesterday he did not see clearly, thought it was loose b88888, but today in the vehicle management, the loose b88888 model is not BMW x5, at that time, Liu Jifei thought it was a deck car. When he lost the knowledge of Wang Kechang, he asked if he was a brand of pine b88b88.

Liu Jifei did not see it clearly. It seems that there is such a possibility, so Wang Kechang helped to inquire about the car of the b88b88 license plate. It really is a lake blue BMW x5 car, and I saw it yesterday. When the model of the car arrived, it was confirmed.

If the car is opened by the violent Sanli, it is nothing. The boss of a security company is driving this car. It is normal, but the strange thing is that this car is open by Yang Ming!

Moreover, it was not borrowed from the security company, but settled in the name of the individual, but the address was registered in the security company. This shows that Yang Ming is definitely a person who can speak in the security company, otherwise the car It is also impossible to fall under his name.

Is it, as Yan Kechang said, is Yang Ming the person behind the violent Sanli? Thinking of this, Liu Jifei feels very likely! Because if Yang Ming has nothing to do with the famous security company, then his car can not fall on this address, but also a private name, indicating that Yang Ming's economic strength is very strong.

In addition, one thing is very important, although it is only speculation, but how much is somewhat reliable! Yang Ming, famous? Will there be any relationship between the two?

Coupled with the arrogant situation of Yang Ming last night, and even said that the unscrupulous fan slaps his face, this makes Liu Jifei think that Yang Ming is the backer of this person called the violent San Li, he is just a pawn.

With this in mind, Liu Jifei decided to start from the violent Sanli, but he could use the name of pretending to cooperate, and then click on the side to understand Yang Ming’s situation and background.

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