So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1324: Looking for cooperation (on)

The first three hundred and twenty-four chapters to find the door to cooperation (on)

I went back later. The main purpose of returning here is to teach Jing Xiaoyu. What I can’t think of is that there are still unexpected gains.

"To say high-end, that is Songjiang International Hotel, it is the most high-end hotel here." Yan Kechang said: "But the price, it is more expensive."

Liu Jifei said, I am not paying the bill, saying that I am a guest, and I definitely want a reason to call the violent Sanli who took the initiative to buy the order. Then said: "Then be there."

Where does Yan Kechang know the flowers and intestines of Liu Jifei? I thought that he really wanted to treat the guests, so he nodded and said: "Okay, I will call a private room for a while. I will inform you about the violent Sanli. How about we will be at 11:30? ”

"Okay, it’s eleven and a half." Liu Jifei nodded, and he began to ponder over how to take advantage of this famous security company.

Yan Kechang took the initiative to book a room. Songjiang International Hotel is the only five-star hotel in Songjiang. At this time, the reservation time is a bit late, after all, it is very hot.

However, Yan Kechang said that it is the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. Although it is a section chief with no real power, it is a section chief. He has no real power, but his colleague has, who can guarantee that he will not have a good job in the unit. What about real power?

Therefore, when Yan Kechang self-reported the door, Songjiang International Hotel gave him a reserved private room. Each hotel will have such a reserved private room, even if it is full, it will not be booked outside, just to prevent such an emergency.

The relationship in this society is complicated. There are many ways to find a way to find a relationship. For example, Yan Kechang has some small powers, but there is no more powerful force in the circle behind him. No one can say it.

Therefore, if the face of such a person does not violate the principle, he can take care of it or try his best to take care of it.

"Become! Booked a room." Yan Kechang is a little proud, and his face is still very useful. "The private room of Songjiang International Hotel is very bad to book, it must be two or three days in advance, Even the foreign guests have to book in advance! However, give me a face! It is hard to squeeze out from others!"

"Oh, I know that Yan Shushu must have a way." In the face of Yan Kechang's self-selling boast, Liu Jifei disapproved a word, Liu family has to run the hotel industry, how can the rules of this do not understand?

People like Yan Kechang book a room, of course, will take out the reservation in advance. However, he did not smash his lie, and he confessed that he brags, but he is calculating in his heart. Can he take advantage of the strength of Yan Kechang to take over the company of violent San Li as his own.

The violent Sanli hangs up the phone inexplicably. The phone says that there is no head. The person from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau introduced a person to cooperate. The violent Sanli did not dare to make his own decision. The phone called Yang Ming and wanted to ask. What should he do about this?

When Yang Minggang returned to school, the phone rang and looked at it as a violent Sanli, so he picked it up: "Big brother, how can I just call me when I am separated? Is there anything?"

"Yang Ge, I just got a call, it was called by the Trade and Industry Bureau."

"Industrial and Commercial Bureau? Industry and Commerce Bureau to ask you what to do?" Yang Ming is also a bit strange, but his company's companies are paying management fees on time, there is no illegal operation, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau at this time to find a door to do.

"He said that there is a foreign customer who wants to cooperate with our security company. At noon, I will arrange to eat and eat together. I don't know if I really have the sincerity in this respect... Or simply want to fight the autumn wind..." The storm has hesitated. I talked about his own thoughts. The longer he worked with people from all walks of life in the society, the more he knew how deep the business was. Although he used to be a small gang in the bottom society, he really dominated it. If you want to get something on the table, there are people who can overwhelm him.

"Oh? If you only want money through relationships, if you don't have a large amount, then just let me know." Yang Ming can't worry about these little things every day. These things are entrusted to the violent San Li to deal with it.

"Okay, I know." Storm Sanli got Yang Ming's instructions, and there was a bottom in his heart. After all, his identity is not likely to be shouted and killed. If a company wants to be big, it must be done in every aspect. It is also necessary to guard against these villains who are fighting the autumn wind. These people are not enough to make a mistake. If they really offend them, sometimes things will become difficult.

"What's the matter? The company's business?" Jing Xiaoyu heard Yang Ming mentioning the violence in the phone, guessing that it should be the company's above, only to ask, Yang Ming's other things she did not dare to ask. And if there is no problem with the company, she is now the vice president of the company, and it is not a big deal to ask these things.

"Oh, violent San Li called and said that the people of the Trade and Industry Bureau introduced him to a businessman. They should cooperate with us. I don't know if I am going to fight the autumn wind." Yang Ming did not take Jing Xiaoyu: "Agree to have dinner together at noon." Face."

"Oh? Cooperation? Or will I follow it and look at it for you?" Jing Xiaoyu asked.

"You? OK." Yang Ming originally wanted to say that you followed to join in the excitement, but thought that Jing Xiaoyu is very savvy, will not be easily deceived, she will follow, and prevent the other person's lion from opening, taking advantage of the unscrupulous .

"Then I will return to the company for a while." Jing Xiaoyu nodded.

Liu Jifei let Yan Kechang set the time, and then called the violent San Li, and decided the time.

Of course, Yan Kechang will not go to dinner together. This old fox is very clear about where he is. It is impossible to act rashly until everything is clear.

Liu Jifei said that he is here to talk about cooperation, but he has a big career in Liujia, and this cooperation is fair. The other party is willing to say that it is not easy to say that if he rushed into the business, he might not be able to get it. Instead, he was regarded as a collusion between government and business. My future career is a bit gray. Therefore, Yan Kechang is not so stupid, he first set up a bridge, let Liu Jifei go and talk about himself.

There is no relationship between him and him. When the matter is confirmed, he can pick the peaches again. After all, this is his lead, so he will not suffer.

"That Cheng, I have already arranged for you to have a violent storm. At noon, you will go to the Songjiang International Hotel 208 box to go to the appointment, I will not go." Yan Kechang said: "There is still a meeting in the afternoon, time is too late. ”

Liu Jifei was originally a conspiracy, so he certainly did not want to be followed by Yan Kechang. When he said something, it would be difficult to say something, but it was still in the way. What he has to do with Yan Kechang is to match the bridge, let him contact the violent Sanli, other things, do not need him to worry, hear Yan Kechang can not go, Liu Jifei suddenly overjoyed.

Before he was still worried about this, he thought about what kind of interface he could find. Yan Kechang should not follow himself. As a result, he had not waited for an opening. Yan Kechang himself did not say it, but there is more than this. Ok?

Therefore, Liu Jifei pretend to be regrettable: "Yan Kechang, you can't follow it. It's a pity... Hey, but the meeting can't be delayed, it's still important. You can help me match the line. I am very grateful, I am alone. Please have dinner."

Yan Kechang put on a smile and said: "Let's say something." The heart is still calculating, this cooperation is really promoted by yourself, then you are also a hero, how to lead the invitation there?

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