So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1325: Marriage (on)

Chapter 1,325, retiring (on)

"Ok, no problem!" Xu Xiaobin's mouthful promised. He was deeply honored and delighted to be able to participate in Liu Jifei's investment plan. This is his chance to wait for many years. If he can make this order, then he The position of the manager of this small Songjiang company is naturally rising. There is a real business here, and it is made by oneself. The people in the head office just want to grab the peaches and have no way. After all, I am the office manager myself, either to promote myself to the group, or to continue to be the manager of the office, but at that time, I can’t be the current commander. At least upgrade the company level.

Of course, Xu Xiaobin is not afraid of the group's children who will give him a sneak peek and transfer to the post of the group. It is obvious to all of us that this business has been promoted. If the group treats heroes like this, I believe that who will dare to expand business in the future? Who dares to sell for the company? It’s just that Liu’s father, who doesn’t care much about company affairs, will not allow such things to happen. This hurts the roots of the group. These problems may destroy a towering tree.

"One of the most important businesses of our Liu family is the bank banknote business. Do you know this?" Liu Jifei began to introduce his own business to Xu Xiaobin in detail. He wants to give Xu Xiaobin an illusion that Liu Jia is very sincere. Only in this way can he provoke the famous security company of the violent Sanli to be deceived step by step.

Now, Liu Jifei has not been concerned about whether this famous security company has a relationship with Yang Ming. Even if the relationship is not big, he decided to engage him. After all, this is a good opportunity. Who makes this storm unlucky? In the eyes of Liu Jifei, he represents the Liu family. When the violent Sanli took a loss, he asked him to find Liu Jia’s account. He was a low-end person who was born in a small punk. How could he not do it?

Liu Jifei thinks that any individual character is weak in the face of the absolute family unity. Liu's father can make him rebel in a word, and can no longer mix in the business world!

Therefore, Liu Jifei came up with a sinister idea of ​​borrowing chicken eggs. If this famous security company has a relationship with Yang Ming, it should be a lesson for Yang Ming. If the security company has nothing to do with Yang Ming, then It’s a bad luck to become a violent Sanli.

"It turns out that we have to do bank **** business here!" Xu Xiaobin listened to his eyes, and the group's Liu Laozi valued this business very much. He also knew that if he succeeded, Liu Jia would smoothly do this business. When it comes to Songjiang, Liu’s father will surely look at himself and entrust him with a heavy responsibility. That is a problem sooner or later. Think about it, Xu Xiaobin feels excited.

"Well, however, you better not mention me, I don't want to show up. When you talk about business, you can say that you represent the Jiangyan Group of Haicheng." Liu Jifeidao: "I am different, I am after all It’s surnamed Liu, but it’s a subordinate of the sidelines. If I’m too embarrassed to jump up and down, it’s hard not to give people the impression that they want to fight for power, which is not good for my future development. But you are different, you are Liujia. The younger brother, but after all, is a foreign surname. No matter how much development in the future, it can only exist as a group of high-level white-collar workers. It is impossible for Liu’s father to hand over the power of the group to you."

"It is indeed like this." Xu Xiaobin was overjoyed, and Liu Jifei was a low-key person. The more his own merits were, the more he thought of it, the joy in his heart was hard to describe: "Flying brother, rest assured, I will not mention you! You are worried It is well-founded, after all, you are surnamed Liu, and you are very close to Liu’s father. You can’t be a distant relative, so it’s wise to avoid those direct children who are suppressing you.

"Yeah, I am bothering you." Liu Jifei is as usual, but his heart is awkward, stupid, do you really think that I am low-key? How can I give it to you if I really have the opportunity to show myself? It’s just that Yang Ming has seen himself. He is not very good at coming out. He is not afraid of 10,000. If Yang Ming recognizes himself, he will remind him to be vigilant and his plan will not be open. Therefore, he decided to be a manipulator behind the scenes. Moreover, the identity of this violent San Li did not completely make him not jealous. Although he was dismissive of his mouth, he still knew the person who was born in this confession. There was some suffocation, and if he had swallowed up the property of his company by then, he jumped into the wall, but everything could be done.

In Liu Jifei’s view, this kind of person can’t turn the wind and waves, and can’t shake the roots of Liu’s foundation! But people are bad, what if they are desperately trying to fight with themselves? I am a porcelain, he broke a stone, he hit him, isn't it silly?

With Xu Xiaobin's participation, when he took his **** and left, Xu Xiaobin still stayed in Songjiang. When he was violently looking for revenge, he could only find Xu Xiaobin's body! Thinking of this, Liu Jifei sinister smile.

He felt that he was too genius, and he could think of such a mighty idea. Looking at Xu Xiaobin, he still didn't know how excited he was. Liu Jifei felt that he was a conspiracy.

In a small, single-family villa, an old man dressed in plain, squinting, holding an old-fashioned radio in his hand, listened to the drama in a leisurely manner.

The elegant and luxurious decoration around it and the old man's clothes are in stark contrast to the broken radio in the 80s. But he didn't care.

This person... is Fang Tian. Because the revival of the shantytown is imperative, Yang Ming has no way to let Fang Tian make a nail house in it. It is simply too conspicuous, and the identity of the other party is unfavorable.

So Yang Ming bought a villa for Fang Tian in a relatively quiet neighborhood. Originally, Yang Ming meant to buy one in the Chinese business district, but Fang Tian did not want to come over and had feelings for the old place. Yang Ming had to The wealthy area next to the shanty town, which is the Dabo family, bought a villa for Fang Tian.

Sun Jie also has a villa there, but she generally does not live there. She usually lives in a high-rise apartment not far from the company. The villa is only occasionally and Yang Mingcai.

Since Fang Tian bought a house here, Yang Ming also bought a set for himself and bought a set for Lin Yuyun’s family. Although I don't live there for a while, but it is good to have a foothold. Yang Ming sometimes needs to ask Fangtian for some things. If you don't have a place to live, you can't live in Sun Jie.

Fang Tian didn't have much luggage, a few broken boxes, a few clothes, a broken TV, a broken radio, although Yang Ming gave him a 55-inch LCD TV and high-end audio equipment, but Fang Tian insisted on taking his tattered Come, Yang Ming has a hard time understanding Fang Tian’s feelings, but it has not stopped.

A phone call rang, and Fang Tian touched it and touched a mobile phone. This is a large-screen large-volume cottage for the elderly. Yang Ming bought an apple iphone for him and told him to throw it away. He spent a hundred dollars to buy the cottage.

For his actions, Yang Ming is speechless. The reason is very simple. Fang Tian thinks that the apple has too many functions. It is not convenient to use... Yang Ming is really ashamed, and people have too many functions to him.

Looking at the caller ID, Fang Tian’s sleepy eyes suddenly opened up, and he also restored the savvy look on weekdays. The mobile phone card has already opened the function of international caller ID. Fang Tian’s friends are all over the world. Many people are foreign, such as the fat man in Vietnam.

In order to be able to confirm who is coming from the phone, Fang Tian has handled the international caller ID function. The monthly function fee is still a lot of money. Most people will not handle this business, except for Fang Tian, ​​which has special needs.

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