So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1334: It is sinister (below)

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-four chapters are really insidious (below)

Seeing that the situation was uncontrollable, Xu Qianxing had no way to rush out from the background. He glanced at the angry students who stood up in the auditorium and said, "Everybody, everyone, can you tell me two sentences?"

"What do you say? Do you have to protect the two dogs under your hand?" the students below asked.

"Students, Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng's affairs, the incident suddenly, we did not know beforehand, and they were also injured, were sent to the hospital, this matter, I see it after the end of the party, after listening to the school Notice, let's have a party first?" Xu Qianxing tried to make his voice sound more intimate.

However, he was in vain, his pro and fart was not used, the following classmates still do not care: "What is the waiting notice? Do you want to use the drag word? We are not fools, you dragged it, you can't go Don't think we don't know."

"Yeah, do you think that you are a contractor and we are a migrant worker? We can't wait, you can tell us about the treatment now, what should these two people do!"

Xu Qianxing did not expect that the situation would develop to such a level. The heart was irritated by Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng, who are now trying to tell everyone that he wants to expel these two scums from school! But he can't say it! Although he is the president of the student union, he has no right to expel other students!

It is true that the school will definitely consult his opinions on how to deal with Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng, but that is also a consultation. The real decision is the school leader, not the president of the student union!

If there is no school leader sitting underneath, Xu Qianxing casually slaps a short check to get things down, but the school leader is sitting underneath. Does he dare to talk about it? This is not the time to get away with it. Every word that I say, in the eyes of the school leader, represents his own real thoughts. How dare he overstep his authority?

Just as Xu Qian’s behavior was difficult and he didn’t know what to do, Yang Ming smiled and walked over and patted him on the shoulder: “President Xu, or I will come and talk to them.”

When Xu Qianxing heard Yang Ming’s words, his heart suddenly moved, right! How did you forget him? As the saying goes, the bell must be tied to the bell. The anger of these students is entirely due to the injustice of Yang Ming. So, as long as Yang Ming is relieved, are they afraid that these students will not depend on it? Thinking of this, Xu Qianxing looked like a peach blossom, and quickly gave the microphone position to Yang Ming, and made a gesture.

"Classmates, let's be quiet." Yang Ming's voice is not big, and their voices are smaller than Ning Wei, Lai Mingxu, and Xu Qianxing, but they seem to have magical powers. Yang Ming’s voice just fell, the original person The sound of the hall, the hall of sorrow, was quiet at once.

Xu Qianxing and Lai Mingxu couldn’t help but have a big eye and a small heart. This is amazing. When Yang Ming opened his mouth, he solved the problem? I knew that I had to let him go at the beginning, and the province itself was struggling.

However, there is one person who is very uncomfortable in my heart. This person is rather 忱! She was very upset when Yang Mingyi opened her mouth to appease the students who were excited at the stage. Some of the annoyed Yang Ming was in the heart of these students! It stands to reason that the president of the Student Union is the supreme being in the eyes of these students. Is Yang Ming the green onion?

She is not angry because she has not been listened to by her students. She is angry that her favorite Xu Qianxing brother is not as good as a Yang Ming who is on the stage in the eyes of the students!

Secretly stunned Yang Ming, and turned his eyes to Xu Qianxing, tenderness like water.

"Classmates, everyone is very uneasy about me. I can understand it very well. Because I am also very angry with Li Jiasheng's despicable behavior, I am excusing him before!" Yang Mington said: " However, everyone should not be too excited. Before a classmate said it was very good, people are doing it, and the sky is watching! They have done those despicable things, and the results have been retribution, so they are considered to be condemned. Moreover, I believe that in this matter, the school leaders will never tolerate these two individuals. How to deal with these two individuals, the school leaders are not likely to give an answer to everyone immediately! After all, the school is not a one-person school, is All of our schools, school leaders are not alone, and they have to be decided after a meeting. So we all have to wait patiently for the results! I believe the school will give you a satisfactory result. I think, these two people have done such a bad thing, the lightest result of the school will be expelled from school?"

Xu Qianxing and the school leaders listened to Yang Ming’s words. The heart is very much in agreement. The mind is that Yang Ming’s student is still good. He has been very serious. It’s really about everyone’s heart.

Of course, this is the idea that I heard before Yang Ming’s words, but Yang Ming’s last sentence surprised everyone’s heart! The lightest result is expulsion? Is this still the lightest?

Yang Ming’s words can’t be said to be ridiculous. In the face of so many students, the lightest result is to expel the students. If the school does not expel them, then it will become a fuss in the eyes of the students!

It is sinister!

The school leaders suddenly had a headache, it seems that Yang Ming is still a vengeful! But there is no way, who is not angry with this situation? School leaders can only go back and study later, and now the festival can be carried out smoothly is the top priority.

Otherwise, if the party is forced to end, it can become a laughing stock in the eyes of other schools. No school festival party will be interrupted because of such a situation.

"Since Yang Ming said this, then we will continue to see the party."

"Yeah, it’s fine to fire them. We don't ask for anything else. It's scary to study and live with this scum!"

"Yeah, it’s so insidious, it’s even worse than the rogue in society!"

After Yang Ming finished speaking, he handed the microphone to the host around him, Ning Yu, but he snorted and turned his head. Yang Ming is somewhat inexplicable. How can he provoke this chick? Is she a neuropathy?

Turning the hand and handing the microphone to Lai Mingxu around Ning Yi, Yang Ming and Lin Yuyun retired together. Xu Qianxing saw that the situation had stabilized, so he also went down with Yang Ming and left the things on the stage to the two hosts.

The party finally went smoothly. The next program was a sketch, a comedy by the students. They were already in the background for a long time, and the performance time was over, but there was no staff. Inform them to come to power, and let them wait for the fire, and vented a few times to sigh inside and wonder if their program was temporarily brushed down?

Just when they had to give up, the staff finally ran over to inform them to perform on stage, and the students just hurriedly went to the stage.

However, when I was nervous and excited, I made a few wrong lines on the stage. However, this word is even more ridiculous, causing a burst of laughter from the students. The expected effect is better than the previous essays, but it is active. A bit of the atmosphere of the venue that was suppressed before.

"The Yang Ming is too stinky. Who did he think he was? You have robbed your limelight on the stage." Ning Hao had some uncomfortable micro-brows, and Xu Qianxing complained.

"Where is this robbing the limelight?" Xu Qianxing shrugged his shoulders. "We still want to thank him. If he didn't help us, we really don't know how to do it!"

"I still be a modest brother, you are generous, don't care about him." Ning Xiao smiled and looked at Xu Qianxing: "The original thing is because of him, what do we thank him? He is a bitter Lord, naturally he wants to talk!"

"You can't say that, his appeal is still very strong." Xu Qianxing naturally knows that Ning Yu's heart is toward himself, but the more Ning Yu is like this, the more uncomfortable Xu Qianxing is, the person he likes is Lin Yuyun, not Ning Hey.

"What is strong, look at him like that, it is the singer's favor. If he is not guilty of Ren Jianren, Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng will not target him. I think there is a reason for it, a slap in the face, he It may not be true." Ning Shudao.

Xu Qianxing smiled and began to calculate the relationship between Yang Ming and Lin Yuyun. Does Yang Ming really want to have something to do with Lin Yuyun? Although Yang Ming’s girlfriend is Chen Mengyu, but the male unmarried woman is not married...

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