So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1336: Yang Ming's mind (on)

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-six chapters of Yang Ming's mind (on)

"Do you worry about this? I thought you looked at Chen Meng's long and beautiful, not willing to give up this opportunity to perform with her." Xu Qianxing smiled and made a joke. He knew that his performance was too fierce, and he was afraid of causing bad ideas from the right political people. Therefore, he deliberately made a joke and was close to the right political people.

"Haha, how can it be? Chen Mengxi is a man with a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is Yang Ming. Even the president of the Taekwondo Society can be beaten by him. How can I have the courage to grab a woman from his hands? "Right Politics heard that Xu Qianxing did not blame himself, and made a joke with himself, and quickly smiled: "I am not afraid of affecting the image of the student union!"

I don't know why, I heard that the right political people will be so powerful that Yang Ming said, Xu Qianxing's heart is very uncomfortable! In particular, he said that he had the courage to grab a woman from Yang Ming’s hand, and even called Xu Qianxing unhappy! I have to go to pursue Lin Shuyun. Isn’t that a woman from Yang Ming’s hand?

Xu Qianxing is not convinced, is he a chairman of the student council, not as good as a Yang Ming? When I think of it, I can't help but sink my face: "I will arrange for the show, and you will do it according to what I mean."

The right political people did not know what they said and offended Xu Qianxing. It was still good. At this time, it was a sinking face, and the right political people were somewhat inexplicable.

Seeing that the right political people did not speak, Xu Qianxing thought that he did not want to, so he added: "If you don't want to, if you do, I will arrange for others to do it. The students will not need disobedient cadres."

Right Zhengmin really didn't know how he had offended Xu Qianxing. When he saw Xu Qianxing turned his face and said this kind of swearing, he suddenly was shocked: "President Xu, I have already said before, you call me I will do it when I dry up, you call me a dog, I will never lick the chicken!"

Right political people are really anxious. If you mean that Xu Qianxing means that he can't do it, he will reconside the question of the candidate for the vice-chairman of the student union. If you want to get the position, how can you say that you have no more? So the right political people also refused a lot of things. For a time, such rough words came out, and they gave Xu Qianxing a slap.

Seeing that the right political people are now, Xu Qianxing is very satisfied! He is also scaring and scaring the right political people. This matter is really right for the right political people to agree, and others are useless! It is now that right political people and Chen Mengxi perform poetry reading together, not others and Chen Mengxi perform together!

"Well, you can have this attitude, it is still very good, indicating that there is still a student union in your heart, and there is my chairman." Xu Qianxing nodded. "You will call Chen Mengxi now and tell her that you have something to do... ... Well, you have to make a reason for yourself. Anyway, you can't participate in a performance for a while."

"No problem! Chairman Xu, I will call this." Right political people said that they would not be allowed to participate in the performance. At most, they were embarrassed on the face. Later, they saw that Chen Mengxi was not good at talking, but Xu Qianxing covered himself, then No problem. People always have to make trade-offs. If they want to make progress, they can’t take care of it.

Right now, the attitude of the right political people is still very satisfying to Xu Qianxing. When Xu Zhengmin took out his mobile phone, Xu Qianxing took a slight step and thought about the next plan.

"Hey? Is it Chen Mengxi? I ​​am a right political person." Right Zhengmin called the phone to Chen Mengyu's mobile phone.

"For a while, I have to go to power. I am the vice chairman of the Student Union of the Department of Economics. There are hard rules. Student cadres must perform a program." Chen Mengyu looked at the sequence of the program on the stage and said to Yang Ming and Lin Yuyun.

"Isn't that poetry reading, but the dream sister, if you and Yang Ming together with the performance, why and the right political act?" Lin Yuyun some for Chen Mengxiu.

"Oh, he is the chairman of the student union of our economics department. Of course, he also wants to perform the show!" Chen Mengxi said with a smile: "When we talked about it, we just made such a music poem, and we didn't have to rehearse."

Chen Mengyu said that it is easy. In fact, she certainly wants Yang Ming to accompany her on the stage. It is a very happy thing to have someone who likes to perform on the same stage. But Chen Mengxi gave this opportunity to Lin Yiyun, although she felt that Some grievances, but no regrets. There is always someone who makes sacrifices, not himself, and that is Lin Yunyun.

How can Chen Mengxi’s mind win over Yang Ming? Yang Ming’s heart sighed slightly, Chen Mengxi’s child, his mind was hidden, and he did not tell himself beforehand. He knew that he would just direct a three-person show.

It’s not good, it’s no big deal to accompany Chen Meng’s performance again! For those who are irrelevant, Yang Ming will feel that it is a waste of time to perform on stage, but with his beloved girl, Yang Ming does not feel that it is a waste of time.

"Yu Yun, or you pray, what the right political people have broken at noon, ran away, and can not come on stage for a while, I will accompany the nightmare to come on stage." Yang Ming smiled and made a joke.

"Where are you cursing people like this?" Lin Yuyun suddenly laughed after listening, and Chen Mengxi also smiled and said, how is this possible?

Chen Mengxi was waiting to say something again. He felt the phone in his pocket vibrate and quickly took it out. He saw the phone of the right political people, so he quickly picked it up: "Right chairman? What are you looking for?"

"Chen Chen, I am really embarrassed. I may not be able to perform on stage for a while!" The right political people tried hard to make their voices weaker.

"Right chairman, what's wrong with you?" Chen Mengxi heard that the right political people were speechless, and suddenly he was surprised and asked quickly.

"Chen Chen, I have dinner with a few buddies at a small restaurant near the school at noon. It seems to be eating bad. When we entered the auditorium, we started taking turns to squat the toilet... Hey, what is this small hotel now using the waste oil? The real people..." The right political people are dying like this: "Well, let's not say it first. You have to call Xu Qianxing's chairman and arrange the program. I will hang up first."

Chen Mengxi looked at the mobile phone in his hand inexplicably, and turned his head in an incredible way to look at Yang Ming.

"What's wrong, nightmare?" Seeing Chen Mengxi's expression is weird, Yang Ming asked.

"Right Politics just called, saying that he had eaten the waste oil at the small restaurant at noon, and kept going to the toilet..." Chen Mengxi felt that this was simply unbelievable. Is Yang Ming the legendary prophet?

"Ah?" After Lin Linyun listened to Chen Mengxi’s words, his face was full of shocks and looked at Yang Ming: "Is this a dream come true?"

"I rely on, my mouth..." Yang Ming also widened his eyes. What is going on?

Chen Mengxi smiled a bit, then said: "I have to call the chairman of the student union, Xu Qianxing, and tell him about it. See what happens! The show is about to start!"

Yang Ming nodded and saw Chen Mengyu's anxious appearance. He put his hand on her lap and smiled kindly: "I can't do it. I will accompany you to the stage."

Chen Mengxi patted Yang Ming’s unfair hand, and stunned him with a glance. At this time, he still had a heart to take advantage of himself, but Yang Ming’s words made her settle down.

Xu Qianxing looked at the caller number of Chen Mengyu on the mobile phone, and he was very proud of his heart. He did not expect Chen Mengyu to call so soon. Was waved to the right political people on the side: "Without you, you can go to the bathroom."

"Yes, Chairman Xu, I am going to pick up the toilet. I must never leave the toilet before the performance of Chen Mengxi's show!" The right political man gave himself a military order.

Xu Qianxing nodded with satisfaction, it seems that this kid is still a little bit of eyesight. I got the approval of Xu Qianxing, and the right political people ran all the way to the toilet, and it seemed that they had to go to the end.

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