So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1342: Dream lover

The first thousand three hundred and forty two chapter dream lovers

"No wonder how I think he is weird!" Chen Mengyu is not stupid. "It turned out that he had seen you and Lin Yuyun too close, and ran to me to tell you the way! I said how suddenly he and I talked about Lin’s sister.” “I hope he can settle down.” Yang Ming sighed, and some helplessly said: “My family doesn’t like me to beat people, but some people are owed!”

After listening to the words of Yang Ming Chen Mengyan, could not help but smiled: "What do you metaphor Yeah, we ignore him left, I do not believe I'm faithless sister you can to beat him, you mean you do not trust us. ""

After listening to Chen Mengxi’s words, Yang Ming quickly explained: “Where is I not writing to you? I am not afraid that this guy is annoying.”

"There are more annoying people, can you still have a meal? Are you an ambassador for peace?" Chen Meng said: "You, still, this is not small, you can't be safe? You don't know, you How worried do I have to fight?"

"Juan Juan, I listen to you." Yang Ming also knows that Chen Mengxi never likes to fight. Unlike the girl who is stabbed, Chen Mengxi’s tutor is different from an early age. She is not excited when she sees a boy fighting for her.

Although Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu entered the auditorium in a low-key manner, they walked from their aisles to their seats, but the students at the tip of the eye saw them.

"Yang Ming! Yang Ming! Yang Ming..." The students who saw Yang Ming and Chen Mengxi shouted. "Kiss one! Pro one! Pro one..." Seeing Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu holding hands, the students can't help but pick up...

In their view, Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu are both beautiful women. They are simply ideal couples. Seeing their affection on the stage and going down the stage, I hope they will go further.

On the stage, several actors are singing rock and rock, and suddenly heard the sound of the color of the audience. At the beginning, they were still complacent. They thought that their voice was more powerful than Xu Wei and Cui Jian.

But when you listen carefully, you are not right. How do you call the "pro-one"? What are you? Who is it?

After listening carefully, my face turned green, because the people under the stage shouted "Yang Ming" instead of his rock prince. This guy was depressed for a while, his grandmother’s legs, his own program is not as good as one. What is the poem?

He had been preparing in the background just now, so he didn't see the scene of Yang Ming and Chen Mengxi's horror and sorrow, so the rock prince was very puzzled. How could a poetry reading a lot of people attract so many people?

Estimated or because of Yang Ming’s popularity! Everyone supports the poetry reading, and it is nothing more than support for Yang Ming, so it is good. Thinking of this, the little rock prince was a little discouraged.

Originally, I wanted to make a hit at this school festival. His idea was to set up a campus band, and then write some tunes, make a concert, and it is best to have an album. .

Therefore, before the rehearsal, he deliberately found the cadre of the school, so that he said that he had arranged for a poetry recital performance! Why is this arranged? Because the little rock prince thought about it, cross talk, small movies, piano performances, solo singers and the like are very attractive, but this poem is not interesting, so the little rock prince asked the students of the students to arrange their own programs. The back of this poem is recited!

The purpose of this is actually that there was an boring poetry reading before, and then he made a rock and roll prince to play, and the rock and roll shock and the previous poetry reading in sharp contrast, can also get more support from the students.

However, what I did not expect was that Yang Ming temporarily replaced the right political person who had wanted to go to the stage to perform poetry reading. As a result, it was better, and he set up a stone and smashed his own feet.

But there is no way, since it has already come to power, the little rock prince can only admit that he is unlucky, and he continues to scream on the stage with his voice, and the audience under the audience is also very enthusiastic in responding, just not responding to him.

Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengyu and looked at it. Chen Mengxi was ashamed and confused and bowed his head. Yang Ming suddenly chose Chen Mengxi’s little face with his hand, and kissed him awkwardly.

At the touch of a finger, Yang Ming did not kiss for too long, and he did not want to be seen by the people in the audience, but even then, the students in the audience still cheered!

Standing up, shouting loudly, whistling, light sticks, and applause, filled the entire auditorium, Yang Ming also in this burst of cheers, pulling Chen Mengxi back to the seat. "What did you do just now, scared me to death." Sitting down, Chen Mengxi patted his chest, and he was worried: "You suddenly have a family, let others see jokes." "When in the background, you are not actively kissing me?" Yang Ming smiled. "That's not a small person!" Chen Mengyu finished, his face was red again. "Hey, you make fun of me, ignore you."

However, although the mouth said so, Chen Mengxi did not ignore Yang Ming's meaning, and the small hand was tightly held together with Yang Ming's big hand. "It is estimated that this rock singer on the stage will hate us." Yang Ming pointed to the rock prince who was struggling on the stage. "What is the relationship with us." Chen Mengyan whitened Yang Ming. "Right, can't you remember that we were sitting side by side in the auditorium?" Yang Ming suddenly had a very warm feeling, holding Chen Mengxi's hand, feeling very solid. "How can I not remember?" Where can Chen Mengxi forget it? For the first time, he and Yang Ming had a relatively close relationship, and they also started watching movies together from the third year of high school. Since then, the two people have been determined to have a thousand relationships. "It was killed by you. At that time, Zhang Bin was still preparing for our early love...

"Isn't it?" Yang Ming was a little brazen: "You helped me that time...and said that it was not my girlfriend?"

"Do you say it again? Believe it or not, don't help you again?" Chen Mengyan listened to his face hot and glared at Yang Ming, but then he was discouraged: "Hey, I can't threaten you now. In a month, I am not convenient." In a few days, you can find someone else..."

Yang Ming listened to Chen Mengxi’s words and seemed to be a bit jealous. He was shocked and wanted to say something, but he heard Chen Mengyu say: "However, I can join others to boycott you." Looking at Chen Mengxi's Looking, Yang Ming shook his head.

"I am tired, take a rest and rest for a while, you can find Lin sister to play." Chen Mengxi did not want to talk to Lin Mingyun because of Yang Ming and himself, so he rested his head on the back of the chair and closed 7 eyes. "Dream sister, you see, Jing Xiaoyu came to power!" Lin Yuyun suddenly turned his head and said to Yang Ming and Chen Mengxi.

"Oh?" Jing Xiaoyu Chen Mengyu naturally knows, when the misunderstanding has been resolved, and now she is helping Yang Ming to do things, Chen Mengxi has no bad feelings for her, but the usual relationship is not bad. When I heard Lin’s words, I quickly opened my eyes and looked at the stage.

Sure enough, Jing Xiaoyu came to power, just... How is her dress familiar? When Chen Mengqi thought about it, he knew who Jing Xiaozhen was imitating, and touched Yang Ming with his arm. He said, "Hey, your dreams are artificial."

"Ah?!" Yang Ming was shocked when he was in the heart. This Chen Mengxi would not be aware of any small flaws between himself and Jing Xiaoyu. The face changed when it was on the scene.

At first glance, Yang Ming was relieved and knew why Chen Mengyu said this! Because the dressing of Jing Xiaoyu on the stage was completely based on the imitation of the big star Shuya concert.

She is also a fan of Shuya? Yang Ming shook his head. It seems that Shuya is really red now, and even Jing Xiaoyu has become her fan. I don’t know when Jing Xiaoying’s big star Shuya is her sister, what will she feel... Wait... Yang Ming really wants to slap himself.

What is he thinking about his mother? Jing Xiaoyu has nothing to do with himself now. How do you count her in? Hurrying and shaking his head, can't you really like her?

Jing Xiaoyu sang the songs in Shuya's new album to find "Returning Lost Love", because Jing Xiaoying's voice is very good, and the imitation movement expression is also in place. Just sang a sentence, it attracted a lot of cheers. "I didn't expect it, Xiao Yan's singing is so good?" Chen Mengxi suddenly forgot to say that he had to rest before, and suddenly came to the spirit.

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