So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1436: Fight against

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-six chapters

"If you didn't provoke the butterfly family first, they wouldn't eat our tigers and eat our tigers, and they wouldn't eat our heads." Sorei said: "But these words are clear to everyone. Now let's talk about how to solve the problem! ”

After listening to the words of Solitude, Thomas couldn’t help but be angry. What do you say in your heart? Don't you still say that I am not suitable for being a homeowner? If a person has a mistake, the horse has a hoof. If you catch a small scorpion, what is going on?

"Since this is the butterfly family, it is definitely to achieve revenge for our purposes. Are we asking them what conditions are there?" Laucoff said. He also understands that the blow to Thomas is enough. After this incident, the position of Thomas's homeowner is in jeopardy. If this is a safe thing, if the Lanser family bleeds, then Thomas will wait for the abdication to let the sage!

"Yes, as long as we make a little sacrifice, I believe that the butterfly family will not hold on to us. After all, we can't fight with you and die." Sorei said that he said it was true.

"Who said that we can't fight a fish and die?" The conditions of the butterfly family were not mentioned. When the conditions of the butterfly family were mentioned, Thomas would not be able to fight one place. This condition is simply deceiving too much! Thomas even had an urge to die with the butterfly family.

"Thomas, you really stand and talk without hurting your back!" After listening to Thomas's words, Solitude watched him angrily: "Don't forget, the Lancer family is not your own family, but us. Everyone's family, do you want to disregard the entire family's interests? Going to the butterfly family because of a little personal grievances?

"A little personal grudge?" Thomas's eyes also became bloody: "Do you know what the butterfly family has asked for? Do you know how they will be willing to stop?"

"Oh?" Solitude sneered aloud: "I don't know, I want to hear it."

"Wang Xiaoshan said the bastard, let him stop, but I want to put Goode's neck on the head! Only one condition, the other is free!" Thomas muttered.

The reason why he said this at this time is also to let Solitude and Laukoff know that he does not have to end with the butterfly family, but the butterfly family is too deceiving! In any case, whether Solitude or Laukoff is a good old man of Goode, the two heard that Goode had a life crisis, I believe that he would not sit idly by.

As a result, as long as the three reach a consensus, then things will be easier! The so-called fight with the butterfly family to kill you and live is just a scary rhetoric! Because Thomas is determined that the butterfly family does not dare to fight with their own fish! Once the beginning of the Lancer family's death and the butterfly family are not dead, the butterfly family will definitely compromise!

Because compared to the Lancer family, the butterfly family is a precious porcelain. At this moment, it is impossible to make a hard hit with the Lancer family. This is the opposite of the development of the butterfly family.

As soon as I walked out of this step, the butterfly family compromised, and the rest of the things would be easier. The crisis of the Lancer family is naturally solved.

However, Thomas's wishful thinking was well played, but Solitude and Laukoff did not mean to be with him at all. Hearing that the butterfly family wanted Goode's life, not only was there no anger, but it was a bit of gloating.

Both Soledo and Laukoff thought, this is good, see how Thomas makes a choice! If you sacrificed Goode, then we can't say that this time it is too white, and the position of the homeowner can't seem to be easily shaken. But if you are hard-keeping Gud, and sacrifice the interests of the Lancer family, then well, in this case, we don't have to wait until things are resolved, and now you will abolish your homeowner!

Because there is such a family rule in the Lancer family, if the actions of the family owner are contrary to the family interests and may cause significant losses to the family, if the owner does not listen to the advice of other elders, and the willingness to do so, then the elders will have the power to waste. Lose the homeowner and re-establish a wise new homeowner.

Therefore, since this family rule is in place, both Solitude and Laukoff think about how to use this life, not the life of Goode! The joke is nothing but a grandson's character. It is not a surname, but a surname, Douglas. If you die, you will die. Is there anything worthy of being angry? If it weren't for this **** kid so much, the Lancer family couldn't fall to the point where it is today. "If this is the case, then you must have made a decision on Thomas." Solité asked again with a tone of yin. ”

"Not bad!" Thomas nodded and said with resoluteness: "At this time, we must not compromise. Our three brothers must work together to fight against the butterfly family!"

"Confrontation? When do we agree to fight against the Butterfly family?" Solitude interrupted Thomas's words: "Are you not going to find death? Knowing that we have a gap with the Butterfly family, we still have to go it alone?"

"Do not confront, do you have to agree to the unreasonable demands of the butterfly family?" The first opening of the list, Thomas faintly felt that something was wrong, and Solitude seemed to not support his suggestion at all.

"Yeah, that's right. Then when do we hand over the head of Goode to the butterfly family?" Lauchev also said: "Hurry and let this thing pass, the Lancer family can't stand the toss, it's a Autumn in trouble!"

"Three brothers, you--" Thomas widened his eyes, and he did not believe that his three brothers were so ruthless, and did not care about the life and death of Goode.

"What are you?" Soleil first waved: "Thomas, I think the three brothers are right. How about sacrificing a few people for the sake of the family? What about Gude? Is it a foreign surname? Was it for him? As for the current situation, it is a lesson for him to sacrifice him this time. It is good for him to be no longer so arrogant in his life!"

Afterlife? Is it good? Thomas was mad at the gas, almost turned his eyes! What is coming? Isn't this a shit? It is good for the future, what is the use?

"I see, just decide it. If you are embarrassed to do it, please give it to me, or send it to the butterfly family directly. If you want to kill it, you can scrape it with them." Laucoff said in an understatement.

"You - Laucoff, what do you mean?" Thomas heard that the two brothers were determined to use Gourde to sin and immediately angered, pointing to Laugh's voice: "I tell you, Goode, I am Baoding." It!"

"You?" Solitary snorted: "Thomas, since you disregard the interests of the family, and you are willing to go it alone, then I will declare it as the first elder of the Lancer family, and excused the position of Thomas's family. The family affairs are temporarily held by the two elders of me and the three brothers until you change your mind or choose the next owner!"

"What? You want to abolish the position of my homeowner?" Thomas finally understood the meaning of Solitude and Laukoff! They are borrowing from Goode to force themselves. If you are trying to protect Goode, you need to be the leader of the family!

Thomas is really sad. The family has arrived at this moment. These people think that they are still fighting, how can they drive themselves from the position of the owner! Can these people not be in one heart?

But why didn't Thomas think about it, if he was the one who insisted on keeping Gud and occupying the position of the owner, how could his brother and brother fight against him at all costs?

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