So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1452: Go to the riverside

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-two chapters went to the riverside

"What are we going to do next?" The office building, which was out of the city, was rushed to the car and asked Jing Xiaoyu on the driver's seat. Violent Sanli is not a person who is greedy for power. Since Chen Fei has a positive attitude toward Jing Xiaoyu, it proves that Jing Xiaoyu really has the ability, and he can't solve it well, then it is no problem to give the leading power to Jing Xiaoyu!

Moreover, this is the woman of Yang Ge, that is, her own nephew, and the violent San Li does not even think that there will be no face. Before the Jing Xiaoyu topped the position of the deputy general, one was because of Yang Ming’s relationship, and the other was because the company’s two vice presidents fled, and there was a vacancy, so Jing Xiaoyu was able to go up smoothly.

But for Jing Xiaoyu's ability, it is not too much to do. However, yesterday, Jing Xiaoyu suddenly discovered the flaws in the contract, and today it has been confirmed that it is indeed the case. Violent Sanli thoroughly admire Jing Xiaotong’s young girl.

"Let's try to contact the people of Jiangyan Group first." Jing Xiaoyu thought about it and said: "I will go to Xu Xiaobin in a moment, go with him to the riverside city, and get to know the top of the Jiangyan Group. There is evidence in hand, not afraid of him not admitting."

"Also...but, if you go to a girl..." violently asked some questions.

"It's okay, I am with Xu Xiaobin, and it is not to fight. It is not a fight. I want to come to such a large company as Jiangyan Group. I will not use some means of abuse." Jing Xiaoyu said.

"Speaking of the means of the next three abuses, they have already used it!" The violent San Li did not agree. "Before using incense, this kind of thing can be done. What else can't be done? I see, we have to prevent it." !"

When the violent Sanli’s words are reminded, Jing Xiao’s heart is a glimpse! Yes, it is said that Jiangyan Group may not play these three ways, but one person can’t say it, that is, Liu Jifei, now Liu Jifei is at the Jiangyan Group headquarters, if he went there. If this kid is stalking from it, it is not impossible. When thinking of this, Jing Xiaoyu suddenly hesitated.

"Small, this way, I will bring a few people to accompany you, although we are not familiar with life, but it is not good to bully, so that the other party does not dare to act rashly!" said the three violent.

"Okay, it can only be like this, but it is not a last resort. We must not take the initiative to find things. Otherwise, on the other side's site, we will definitely suffer. Jing Xiaoyu thought about it, but he should still be down. After all, he is also afraid. What is the means of Liu Jifei, it is not that he can cope with it. After Sanli returned to the company, he did not stop, directly called Bihai, Yan Lei and others, and rushed to Jiangyan City with Jing Xiaoyu.

On the highway, a BMW x5, followed by a gold cup of business bread, a line of two cars, quickly went to Jiangyan City. Jing Xiaoying opened the BMW car of Yang Ming, not his own. However, because Yang Ming’s car has a business pass, it can be protected from some traffic control in the province and can save a lot of trouble. The speed of the two cars was very fast, but when the traffic police saw the pass in Jing Xiaoyu's car, they were released smoothly. It can be seen that this small document is of great use.

However, if this thing is compared with the documents of Yang Ming’s mysterious investigation bureau, it is a small witch. Yang Ming’s certificate is the true all-around pass.

This is the first time Xu Xiaobin saw the energy of the famous security company. Although he was in Songjiang, he even got the pass issued by the Donghai provincial capital. The background behind the famous company can be seen.

However, he did not know that the actual owner of this car was Yang Ming. If Yang Ming had the special status of a special consultant of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, there would be few passes in the province and it would not be issued. Yang Ming’s hand.

However, Xu Xiaobin is somewhat different in his eyes. He is deeply worried about the affairs of Jiangyan Group. Some of them are fortunate. It seems that the famous security company not only has power in the local area, but also has a considerable background in the province! This time, I have stood on the same frontline jl with the famous security company. If this matter is solved smoothly, then the famous company will certainly not let itself suffer, and how the newly established **** company will have its own. Location.

If this time did not solve the problem smoothly, Xu Xiaobin also wanted to open it, and he would not be able to resign! Going to his uncle, the hatred between himself and Liu Jifei has reached a point where he can't be reconciled. Even if he can't fight him, even if he avoids his own edge, Liu Yufei may not let himself go!

When you use your position, you can wear small shoes for yourself. It is possible to make your own meal! Say no, it’s not impossible to make a fake account and swear by yourself. A guy like Liu Jifei, can't do anything? Therefore, Xu Xiaobin simply thought that if things could not be solved, then he would resign himself. I believe that at the time, in the famous company, there will still be a place for him, such as Jing Xiaoying and violent San Li, who are loyal, May not care about him!

Therefore, this time, it may not be a bad thing, but it is indeed cheaper for Liu Jifei to occupy his wife in vain! Thinking of this, Xu Xiaobin could not help but sigh a long sigh, the man is doing this to his own point, it is really wrong!

Being worn by a green hat, I still don't dare to sing. In the final analysis, I still have no ability. If I have enough ability and strength, what is Liu Jifei?

Looking at the side of Xu Xiaobin sighed, violent San Li seems to understand what he is worried about, comfortably patted his shoulder and said: "Xu, rest assured, don't think so much, whether this matter can be solved, we are all If you can't, please come to our company, the vice president can't give you anything, but the department manager is still OK, at least it is much stronger than your previous office manager!"

"Thank you!" Xu Xiaobin nodded gratefully: "Overwhelming, with your words, I am relieved."

"When your girlfriend arrives, I can also arrange for you to enter the company, do a civilian job, don't have any ideological burden." The violent lord said with a smile.

"Then I will thank you for Wang Lixia first." Xu Xiaobin did not expect that Liu Sanli still remembers his girlfriend, and his heart is even more grateful.

The group finally arrived at Jiangyan City before sunset and parked the car in the parking lot of Jiangyan Group. Looking at the magnificent building in front of you, the violent Sanli could not help but sigh, the gap between himself and others is really not a little bit!

His own famous security and famous entertainment, is also one of the best companies in Songjiang, but compared with others, it is simply worth mentioning, such a magnificent momentum, such a majestic building, violent San Li has reached a lot of pressure.

It seems that I still need to work hard, sit down and watch the sky, and never become a big weapon! This time, it may not be a bad thing, so that the violent Sanli is also clear, what is called a big company, a big group. "What are you doing?" Jing Xiaoyu and his party had not entered the hall of the building, and they were stopped by the security guard at the door. They asked.

Originally, if there was only one person and two people, the security guard would not ask but directly let go. After entering the lobby of the building, the receptionist would be in charge of the inquiry. However, Jing Xiaoyu and his party were too many, and several young men, this made the security guards have to be vigilant.

"I am Xu Xiaobin, the manager of the Songjiang office of the group. This is my ID card!" Xu Xiaobin took out a card and handed it to the security guard who stopped several people. Then he said: "These are the company's partners, I I want to bring them to see President Liu."

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