So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1474: Nightingale Lancer family

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-four chapters of the night Lancer family

Under the arrangement of Kevitan, Jetson lived in the room of Goode. In fact, Jessson did not say to these people that he did not need to sleep. The so-called sleep was just a cover-up.

In these few days, Goode has been in a kind of heart-throbing and thrilling. After he left his position as a grandfather, he has already understood how much disaster he has made! When I was forbearing for a long time, I might not have brought such a big disaster to my family for a long time, and I would not be implicated in my grandfather. But when I was fascinated by my heart, I wanted to take the big lady of the butterfly family home, and I would like to use my grandfather. The power of the family, a fatal blow to the butterfly family.

But after all this happened, it was not a day. As soon as the peaks and turns, the butterfly family actually took the oversized back of the Buffon family, which made Gude scared the scalp and fried. In particular, I heard that the conditions of the other party were actually their own. The head of the neck is even more frightening to Gude. When he knows that his grandfather has lost his position as a homeowner because he is trying to protect himself, he is even more disheartened.

Later, there were two opinions in the Lanser family. One was to give himself to the butterfly family to seek glory, and the other was to protect himself. Later, the grandfather insisted on it and was able to temporarily hold himself. This makes Gude feel that he is at stake. Who can guarantee that the Lanser family will not hand over it?

It was not until the arrival of the strongman of Jetson that Gud felt a sense of security! Although he did not see it with his own eyes, he did go to see the marble conference table that turned into a gravel in the conference room. Where can manpower do it? It’s just Superman! When he heard that Jessson claimed to be the Terminator, Goode was full of confidence!

Since Jetson has said that he wants to protect himself, his life must be saved. Especially, Jetson insists that the big lady of the butterfly family marry him, which makes the ancient ecstasy ecstatic. This Jetson is really a good man, save himself in the dangers of water and fire, let himself suddenly exalted, and before the gloom, Gourde's face is full of smiles.

I don’t have to worry anymore. To be honest, for the big lady who can pick up the butterfly family again, Goode has no big hopes. As long as he can save his life, what else does the woman have?

Just as Gude sighed with relief, there was a good news that ushered in a big day! That is what Jetson actually wants to live with in his room! In this way, your life can be guaranteed with super!

Before, although Goode was very confident about Jetson, who knows if there is anything unexpected? Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid that if the people of the butterfly family come, they will find themselves and Jetterson will not be able to arrive in the first time. Isn't it a life-threatening situation?

Now, Goode is 100 assured. If the people from the butterfly family can beat Jatson and then kill themselves, then they will die if they die.

The person who can defeat Jetson is no longer a grade of Goode. If such a person comes to take his life, Goode simply does not want to live. It is better to die sooner or later. It is better to die early. Forget it.

It is night, in the Lancer family, although it can not be said that the lights are brilliant, but in several important crossings, there are street lights, the Lancer family's patrol guards are intensively inspecting every corner of the family.

Although these people do not have any blocking ability for the real master, but at least it is a shock to the intruder. Even if it is not, it will send out the signal as soon as possible.

Goode has already entered a dreamland. This is the night when he sleeps most peacefully. With the super bodyguard of Jetson protecting himself, what is Gude afraid of?

Jetterson didn't fall asleep at the moment, although the Lancer family prepared a very high bed for him, but Jetson was lying quietly on it, with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep, but actually awake. Very.

He knows that his physical structure at the moment is almost impossible to count as a person. To say that he is still the original Jatson, what remains is only the previous memory.

I don't know how Dr. Benjamin did it, but Jetson knows that Dr. Benjamin is a normal person. Unlike them, he is a science madman.

There are many people like Dr. Benjamin in the center, and Jateson doesn't know that these are not the layers that he can reach. He is only responsible for Dr. Benjamin, and he listens to the command of Dr. Benjamin. Dr. Jieming’s fanaticism, he still knows a little, but to say the ultimate goal of the center, Jatson is not clear at all.

Even, he has never seen the face of a higher-level leader behind Benjamin, or even the name doesn't know, just knowing that such a person exists.

And the status of Dr. Benjamin in the center, it is not known, is the high-level or just a subordinate? These Jetterson still know nothing about it. Dr. Benjamin will not tell him.

This time, Dr. Benjamin wanted to send him to China to help a man named "Falcon". This person seems to have a high position in front of Benjamin, so after Jetson went there. It is only to assist the Falcon and obey the Falcon's orders, rather than occupy the dominant position.

This is the first task that Dr. Benjamin sent to himself. This time, he helped the Lancer family, and Dr. Benjamin took into account that he had too little experience. Before going to China, it would be a good experience to have such a experience. I reluctantly agreed to my request.

However, Jetson can't escape, because his body is no longer his own. If he is out of Dr. Benjamin's control, it is estimated that he will die very badly, that is, the former Jetson, in the hospital. In fact, it has already died. Today, Jetson is just another person who is born again for the center.

But Jateson doesn't regret it, because it takes more to live a day, and it is earned. Moreover, this time, it is also a human condition that owes Kevin's cousin before.

"Someone--" A disciple of the Lancer family from the night opened his mouth and was about to call for help, but he was stunned by a mouth and a cold knife attached to his neck.

"Don't talk, you will kill you when you move." This person is just a peripheral child of the Lancer family. To put it bluntly, it is just a man. What kind of courage? Suddenly a big jump, did not dare to speak again, quickly nodded and understood.

Wang Qishan loosened the hand of the disciple and asked: "Where is the room of Goode?"

"In the front yard, on the second floor of the red villa, the third room on the left..." The next man naturally knows the residence of Goode, and this afternoon he received the owner Kewetan. A strange order!

That is, from today, if there are outsiders who ask the people inside their family to inquire about the residence of Master Gud, then tell the truth and tell the other person where it is. Although these people and disciples are not clear about the intentions of the family, since it is said by the owner, it will be done.

When the disciple heard the question from Wang Qishan, he did not hide it, because the owner had already agreed to what else he could hide.

Wang Shushan nodded and then asked: "I heard that the Lancer family recently had an Austrian aid, is it true?"

"Yes...really..." The disciple hesitated, and chose to tell the truth, because the former owner, Kwetan, did not hide the arrival of Jetson, but told the whole family, so this It’s not a secret. The disciple said truthfully: “It is said that the cousin of the owner, Kvitan, is coming, and he is a big master, and he is invincible.”

Invincible? Wang Shushan’s heart snorted and he dared to blow! However, he understood that the Lancer family suddenly became tougher recently. It turned out that there is such a backing that is called "the world is invincible"!

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