So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1481: Touched a lifetime

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-one chapters touched a lifetime

"One is to wait and see what the Lancer family is playing, but this is not a good strategy," Yang Ming said. "When the Lancer family wants us to announce that Uncle Wang is in their hands, I think that is It’s time for them to fully grasp, so although this is the safest way, it will be bad for us."

"Yes, we can't give the Lancer family too much breathing space, which is very unfavorable to us." Mu Butler nodded and said: "So, should I go to the Lancer family dignitaries now?"

"I want someone?" Yang Ming couldn't help but smile: "Uncle Mu, don't say that we go to someone, will the other party admit it, even if you admit it, do you think we can get people out? Even Uncle Wang is not Lan The opponents of the family, can our people be more powerful than Uncle Wang? I am afraid that they will be left behind by each other?"

Yang Ming’s words are said to be on the soft underbelly of everyone, so that the people in the conference room suddenly face each other. Indeed, Wang Qishan’s skill is not weaker than the people present. To say that it is stronger than Wang Qishan, I am afraid that there is only Fang Tian. One. Of course, this is not the case of Yang Ming's ability. If Yang Ming's ability is counted, it is an unknown number.

"Yang Ming said that there is a reason." Fang Tian agreed: "Pharaoh is not a reckless person. Once he is defeated, he will not be able to harden his opponents and avoid the edge. There is no news yet, and most of them have already been Lancer. The family's people counted, and if the other party has the ability to count the Pharaoh, then any one of us will not be sure."

"Or, or am I going to take a trip?" Yang Ming stunned and thought about it. In any case, now Wang Qishan has become his father-in-law. This is an indisputable fact, and he and Wang Xiaoyu The relationship is there, and if you sit back and ignore it, you can’t say it. When Zhou Jiajia’s father had something to do, he was the first to go to solve it, and Huang Lele’s family was in trouble, and he also helped to solve it himself. These did not look at Wang Xiaoying.

Therefore, if there is nothing to say this time, Wang Xiaoyan may not say anything on the surface, but in my heart, really do not mind? Although this time it seems to be a lot of trouble, but Yang Ming has been weighing for a long time, and I understand that I am afraid that only when I come forward, can I have some grasp of the odds, and others will not help.

Of course, Yang Ming is pinning his hopes on his own abilities. He can detect all the terrain and hidden piles inside the Lanser family in advance, so that you can know each other and know how to win.

As for the victorious battles, there are some big words, and it is possible to successfully rescue Wang Qishan, and it will be a good one.

"Would you like to go?" Fang Tian listened to Yang Ming's words and was a little surprised but also somewhat appreciative to see Yang Ming. Before Fang Tian was still calculating, these people, I am afraid that only their own strength is the strongest. Others are not as good as Wang Qishan. There is no point in going to it, but even if you are yourself, there is no way to face the strangeness of the unknown!

Because, for so many days, even a little bit about why the Lancer family has become so arrogant, how can they leave Wang Qishan, the news of what they rely on, have not been passed.

In the case of this unknown person's depth, Fang Tian did not dare to go rashly! Even if it is the king of the killer, under the circumstances that the other party is fully prepared and seems to have invited the master to sit in the town, Fang Tian is not likely to find any benefits!

You must know that although Fang Tian is proficient in the assassination method, it is only an assassination. It is only when the other party is not prepared, but it is not a positive confrontation!

Even if Fang Tian assassinated Kwetan, it would be much easier than to go to the Lanser family to inquire about the message to save Wang Qishan! After all, the assassination does not have to enter the traps set by the other side. There is no need to confront the other side of the confrontation and want to assassinate Kwetan. Unless he hides in his life, he will not come out. Once he comes out, Fang Tian has many ways to set him up. Dead!

In this world, there are still many people who are more powerful than the martial arts. The king of the killer does not mean that the world is invincible! It can only be said that his accomplishments in assassination have reached the peak, and the target he has been eyeing has rarely missed. But let Fang Tian go to participate in what one-on-one competitions, I am afraid that will lose very badly!

This is the original reason, Yang Ming judged that even if it is Fang Tian, ​​it may not be the reason of Tian Long's opponent! Because Tianlong’s Shaolin Kungfu has been immersed in the game, if it is not an assassination, if it is fighting in front, Fang Tian is likely to be defeated.

And Yang Ming was able to beat Tian Long to defeat him and break his practice. It was also because Yang Ming’s ability was in the body. He suddenly saw Tian Long’s cover door and directly abolished it. It is.

This time, Yang Ming’s initiative to go to the Lanser family to investigate is also the result of Yang Ming’s deliberation. After all, only he has a card in his body. Other people have gone. I am afraid that it will not be sent to death or arrested. Yang Ming is not afraid of being After catching it, after being arrested, it will not be possible to turn into the appearance of Kwetan, and then choose to escape.

"I think we should go to the Lancer family to investigate the truth." Yang Ming nodded and said: "And this candidate, I am afraid that only I am the most suitable."

"You go, I am not at ease." Fang Tian hesitated a moment, still said: "Yang Ming, this time you can stand up, I am very pleased, do not care about my love and cultivation for you, but now it is not awkward When you are a hero, everything needs to be cautious and cautious!"

"Master, this is the result of my deliberation!" Yang Ming's first formal, sincere heart called Fang Tian is the master, showing his determination.

Fang Tian listened to Yang Ming’s name as himself, and it was a slight sigh, and then he smiled bitterly: “Yang Ming, this is really not a joke. Now, I’m afraid I have a big chance to go back, you Why bother to take this risk?"

"I don't want to, and I won't let you regret what happened in this life." Yang Ming took a deep breath and said.

"Yang Ming--" Wang Xiaoyan took Yang Ming's hand and shivered tightly. Yang Ming's words deeply touched her heartstrings. Such a man is worthy of her life! The plain words are enough to make one's life touched.

Even if Yang Ming doesn't do anything, Wang Xiaoyan will not blame him. After all, things are too strange. It is not because of the strength of the butterfly family. Yang Ming can still be with him at the moment to face difficulties with himself. It’s already hard to change. It’s going to be a man of ignorance and seeing the butterfly family’s catastrophe, and his fiancée is the woman of the other’s super power. If you don’t turn around and run away, you can still be here. Suggestions?

No one is a fool. It is obvious that the Lancer family now has a backer that is not known but very powerful. At this time, when Yang Mingming knows that he can’t be invincible, he can still treat himself like this. Wang Xiaoyu thinks that even if he is dead at the moment, there is no What a pity! Although Wang Xiaoying’s heart is remembering his father’s affairs, she is not an irrational person. Since her father has been left behind by the Lancer family, what strength is the other side, Wang Xiaoyan can also predict that it is only stronger than his father. weak!

Under this apparent strength gap, Yang Ming was asked to take the risk test. How could Wang Xiaoyu agree? The father has been left by the other party, she does not want Yang Ming to do anything more!

"Yang Ming, let me take a trip!" Fang Tian also saw Wang Xiaoxuan's thoughts and smiled: "You little guy, it's not a disciple, how can Master let the apprentice take risks?" ?"

"Grass, old man, do you mean that I am not as good as you?" Yang Ming was a blink of an eye, restored the original face of the big thorns: "You and my wife, newly married Yaner, have lived in the world at home." Let's go and do what? Do you think this is going to honeymoon?"

"You - your kid -" Fang Tian was stunned by Yang Ming's one hundred and eighty degree attitude: "I know what you mean, you don't want to excite me, I won't let you go, I am afraid that you have Danger, you are my descendant, if something goes wrong, isn't there a succession to the king of our killer?"

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