So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1484: Night into the Lancer family

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-four chapters entered the Lancer family

Watching this group of arrogant people screaming there, as if Yang Ming in their mouth has become a dead person, Yang Ming smiles coldly. He does not despise these people, but feels that these people are too arrogant, even if there are There is no need to grasp the victory.

Keep a vigilant heart at all times, in order to live a long life, otherwise, whoever is dead is not necessarily!

Yang Ming did not have the mood to continue to explore what these people said. That Jatson seemed to have confidence in himself. He did not mention the killing plan at night. Instead, he was swayed by the group of people in the Lancer family.

Turning his gaze away, Yang Ming began to search for Wang Qishan's figure. Yang Ming determined that Wang Qishan had a 90% chance of being in the Lancer family. Yang Ming searched very carefully. Yang Ming almost looked at every inch of the land in the Lanser family estate. Because Yang Ming was looking for Wang Qishan, he also explored the terrain in the Lanser family estate.

Yang Ming is not as arrogant as Jessson, and under the loss, Yang Ming is looking for the best escape route. After careful investigation by Yang Ming, I am afraid that even if people who have lived in the Lancer family estate for many years, Yang Ming is not familiar with the terrain inside!

Because many places are places where some people in the Lancer family can't go, such as kitchens, warehouses, boiler rooms, laundry rooms, etc., where the servants work, it is impossible for these Lansell family to go, and this is inexplicable. It is even more unlikely that Jetson will have been there, so these very secluded places are the foundation of Yang Ming’s life.

"Uncle Wang has nothing to do, it seems that he can finally breathe a sigh of relief." When Yang Ming saw that Wang Qishan was being held in an independent small attic, Yang Ming nodded heavily: "Fortunately, otherwise I will be disappointed this time."

Yang Ming closed his eyes and began to recall the terrain inside the Lanser family estate, and thought about the plan for the action of the late earth. Although, knowing that Jessson is still ready, Yang Ming must also act.

What's more, Yang Ming has already murdered at this moment. Even if he can save Wang Qishan without a word, this Jetterson can't keep it. Otherwise, if he keeps his words, he will always be good to himself or to the butterfly family. A big threat.

Yang Ming reached out to call the waiter, settled the account, then stood up and turned to the small bar. The bar is still noisy, no one knows what Yang Ming did for this trip, and no one is concerned.

Standing on the street, Yang Ming reached out and stopped a taxi, and then said to the driver: "Go to Lancer Manor."

The driver readily agreed. In the vicinity, many of the poor children of the family work in the Lancer family, so there are often Lanser family servants who travel between the town and Lancer Manor.

"Sir, the car can only be parked here. The front is the private site of the Lancer family. We can't drive in." The taxi driver parked the car under a warning sign on the road and pointed to the text above to say to Yang Ming. .

Yang Ming glanced at the warning sign. The above was nothing more than a private site in front of the Lancer family. Without permission, it was not allowed to enter.

Quickly paid the fare, Yang Ming did not say anything, just got off the bus, and then walked alone in the direction of the Lanser family estate, Yang Ming has already planned the chest at the moment, so I am not afraid of Teson confronted each other.

When Yang Ming walked, he did not deliberately avoid anyone, because there was no place to escape from this road. When he met a stranger, he was so sorry that he would sleep here. However, I don't know if it was a coincidence or that there was no one in the Lancer family. This time, Yang Ming did not see a person. He went to the Lanser family's manor very smoothly.

Before, at the bar, Yang Ming had already found the way and location to sneak into the manor. At this time, standing outside the manor, he only explored the movement inside again.

However, the situation of this exploration is similar to that of the previous one. There are still many guards guarding outside the loft where Wang Qishan is being held. The difference is that in a small pavilion nearby, sitting alone!

This person, who was seen by Yang Ming at the meeting of the Lancer family, was named Jetson, and the current family of the Lancer family, Kvitan’s cousin.

Europe is a very cold season in April. The temperature difference between day and night is very big. This time should be the coldest moment. This person is sitting in the pavilion. Isn't he cold? Yang Ming is very surprised and admired, because this person wears a very thin shirt!

It seems that the Lanser family is ready to cope with this. They know that the purpose of this trip is to save Wang Qishan, so Jetson simply sits directly at the gate of Wang Qishan's detention!

Yang Ming sneered a little, this Jetson is really arrogant to a certain extent! He is sitting here, is not equal to the public announcement of others, is Wang Qishan detained in the attic next to him?

Of course, Yang Ming is an actor with no ability to do anything. Yang Ming already knows the place where Wang Qishan is being held. If you change someone who has no power, I am afraid it is not so easy to find out. Terson's approach has just turned into a bright light.

However, Yang Ming did not think that Jatson was not arrogant, but had already arranged it in advance. As in the last plan for Wang Qishan, he had greeted all the children and servants of the family beforehand. As long as Yang Ming came to hold them, they told the truth to tell Wang Qishan's place of detention!

This is also a plan for Yang Ming to directly vote for the net, and Jetson does not have to be on the lookout for Yang Ming to appear elsewhere, as long as you stay here.

Just, how can Yang Ming let Jetson do it? Since Jetson is waiting for the rabbit in Wang Qishan, let him wait for the first time. Yang Ming can't forget the sentence he once said, that is, let Goode look good, so Yang Ming came here first. One thing is to go to the residence of Goode and turn to a picture!

Therefore, when Yang Da’s killer thought that Yang Minghui would look for the residence of Wang Qishan for the first time, Yang Ming went against it and went to Gude’s residence first.

Before, there was a teaching lesson that Wang Qishan killed several disciples, so this time the Lancer family also learned to be smart. For the servants and children who walked around the manor these nights, each person had an alarm on his finger. And told them to press the alarm when they saw Yang Ming, and the conference room could immediately locate the position, so that Jetson could be prepared to reduce unnecessary accidents.

However, Yang Ming did not go to the thoughts of the troubles of the children and the servants. Yang Ming did not need to know anything from their mouths. Yang Ming had already completed the exploration through the power beforehand. At this time, he was hiding from the Lancer family. The people inside are too late.

Since it was so smooth on the way that it was not discovered by anyone, Yang Ming was even less likely to be careful at this moment, but with the ability to see through and night vision, Yang Ming easily escaped the children who went back and forth and the patrols of the manor. Team, as for some cameras on the corner, Yang Ming is also very easy to go around.

To deal with these cameras, Yang Ming is very experienced. In the Xianren Building in Jingshan, Yang Ming has already explored the law, so at this moment is no exception. While watching the picture on the other side of the monitoring room, it is easy to change the time according to the screen switching time. Bypass the surveillance of the camera.

Goode is very proud of these two days! After a few days of nervousness, I saw that Jessson had easily smashed Wang Qishan. Gude felt that he could finally sit back and relax. Especially, I heard that Jetterson was very supportive of Wang Xiaodie, and he was very happy. .

And tonight, this is even more true, because Goode also got the news, Wang Xiaodie’s fiance, Yang Ming, may come to rescue Wang Qishan, and Jetson is waiting to kill Yang Ming in one fell swoop!

Therefore, as soon as Yang Ming was about to die, Wang Xiaodie could put himself into his arms without any hindrance, and Gude began to dance with excitement.

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