So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1490: Bad things are bad

The first thousand four hundred and ninety chapters are not good

"Uncle Thomas said, how can I be honored? On the contrary, in the decades when Uncle Thomas led the Lancer family, our Lanser family really turned from a second-third family to a high class. A member of the society!” Kvittan’s words are not wrong, because the Lancer family’s real accumulation of wealth has also started from the generation of Thomas’s family. The arms business has grown bigger and faster, and the family has developed rapidly. It’s really important to grow up!

Hearing that Kwetan did not arrogate himself, Thomas suddenly felt a joy and said: "However, the day when people always have an old age, now, is the world of your young people! After the family has something to tell, even if it is good, can Do it, I will never give up my second uncle!"

When he heard Thomas’s solemn statement for the first time, Kwetan was beaming. It seems that Thomas really wants to decentralize, and the forces he cultivated are estimated to be handed over. This also shows that this is his own. The position of the owner will be able to sit down continuously.

"Home, not good, big things are not good, big things!" A family inside the family rushed to the side, shouting loudly as he ran.

Ke Weitan was happy at the moment, and suddenly heard this crying voice, suddenly frowned, whoever was destroyed, this harmonious atmosphere created by the hardship, the mood will not feel good!

In particular, Keweitan has just reached a consensus with Thomas and is planning to continue to talk a few words in depth. However, he was interrupted by violently. He could not help but be annoyed: "What is messy? What is it? What? What's the big deal? What's the big deal? The most important thing now is to wait for Jeter's cousin to come back and celebrate!"

"Yes--" The child did not dare to attack Kwetan, and quickly bowed his head and said with care: "But the owner, there are indeed important things to sue!"

"Hey, what is the obituary, what is the system of yelling?" Kwittan glared at him: "Remember, we are the people of the Lancer family, and now the Lancer family and the former Lancer family. Different, we are now a first-rate family, how can we be so unruly?"

"Yes, the owner!" The child was trained and could only bow down and said carefully: "Sorry, my family, I will be careful in the future, but this time, it is really important, so it’s only Such a panic!"

"Hey, there is a cousin of Jetson, what else can't be done? As for this?" Kwetan still did not deflate, sneered and snorted, and continued: "Okay, what's the matter? Hurry and talk."

"Homeowner, the servant responsible for the living of Master Goode, found him young Master...he..." The child said that some of them stopped.

"What's wrong, have something to say!" Kwentan asked impatiently.

Thomas was also shocked at the moment, wouldn’t it be a big disaster for his grandson? Seeing that this family is so nervous, it is really possible! With this in mind, Thomas’s heart glimpsed and just showed up with Ke Weitan. He intends to focus on getting Ke Weitan to support Gude in the future and make him the owner of the Douglas family, so that although he is not the helm of the Lanser family, But it can also give Gourd some support for the support, but now, at a glance, I don’t see this kid, what will not really happen?

"He is not dead, Master Goode!" The child was shocked and said quickly.

"What? What are you talking about?" Keweitan didn't seem to hear the child's words, widened his eyes and looked at him. However, the look on his face was very clear and told everyone that he heard the name. The words of the younger brother just can’t believe it.

Thomas was also shocked at the moment. He caught the child and asked aloud: "You said that Gude is dead? My grandson is dead? Is there something wrong? This is not a joke!"

"Homeowner, two elders, where dare to make jokes, the younger servant's servant has already called the doctor, but the doctor said that Master Goode had already died, and then he came over and reported it!" The child bitter face Said.

"Goode, my grandson!" Thomas's voice became fierce, and the eyes became blood red: "You tell me, how did Gude die? How could he die? This is for no reason, it was still good." What?"

"Two elders, you are angry first, I really don't know under the ah. According to the doctor who went there, the young master of Goode has no trauma at all. He can't see how he died. You have to check it carefully before you can know!" Be careful.

"You told me about the situation at the time!" Kwetan didn't care about Gude's life and death, but at the moment it was a good time to make a good deal with Thomas with Goode. This Goode is so inexplicable. The death, how can we let Kwetan not fire? It’s too time for this death?

"Yes!" said the child: "Things are like this. You are not told by your family. Waiting for Mr. Jetson to return after triumphantly, hold a large-scale celebration feast, so the servants in the family do not know the owner. Do you let the younger generation in the family participate, but it is necessary to prepare in advance! So the servant responsible for the life of the young Master, went to the young master with a hair stylist, but after knocking for a long time, no one answered. At first, they thought that Master Goode fell asleep, so the servant found the old butler Uncle Salt, and opened the door with the spare key. As a result, he found that Master Goode was still in bed. .

At first, everyone thought that he was asleep, but after calling him a few times, there was no movement, so the servant went forward and planned to shake the young Master, let him wake up. As a result, he found that Master Goode had already No breathing!

At this time, everyone was rushing to ask the doctor to come. After the doctor’s examination, Master Goode had already gone..."

"This is impossible, how is this possible!" Thomas's whole person suddenly became arrogant, waving his hands, like crazy: "He was killed by someone, was killed by that Yang Ming! Certainly Yes! It must be like this..."

"Uncle, you should calm down first!" Ke Weitan saw that Thomas entered a state of madness and quickly pulled him: "Two uncles, that Yang Ming is being chased by Jetson's cousin at this moment, how can he still be divided? Heart to assassinate Goode? In this case, I am afraid there is another hidden feeling? Or, everyone is wrong, maybe?"

"It must be that Yang Ming went to Goode one step at a time, and killed Jetson after I had killed my grandson! It must be like this!" Thomas did not believe in Kwetan's explanation, shook his head and roared and said. .

"Uncle, you know, how strict is our family's defense, how can Yang Ming slip into the Goode to kill him? And no one on the way found this, is this possible?" Weitan said: "And, so far, I have not received a news that a disciple has been killed. How did Yang Ming find out the residence of Goode, and how did he bypass the heavy defense to find Goode?"

As a result of Ke Weitan, Thomas has calmed down a bit. After all, Ke Weitan said that it makes sense. How did Yang Ming find Gude? How can you avoid the patrol guards who are defending?

"No! In this case, how did Yang Ming find Jetson? It is reasonable to say that he did not kill any disciples. How did he find the place where Wang Qishan was held?" Thomas is not a stupid person, but rather smart. At once, I thought of the unusual things!

"This--" Keweitan was said by Thomas, and immediately felt that something was wrong, Yang Ming, how did you know these things?

"Must be Yang Ming killing Goode! I want to smash him into corpses!" Thomas thought more and more likely, although he did not know how Yang Ming did it, but before and after the incident, I thought it must come. It is no doubt that Yang Ming did it!

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