So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1494: Big secret

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-four chapters secret

The original heir to the first homeowner was his rule, but now it has become Kwetan. It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in the heart of Weizhi, but it has not been shown before because it has a strong The backing of the cousin, now that Jessson is dead, the heart of Weizhi is also alive. If you take the hands of others and kill Kwetan, then pretend to be the one you just arrived, and say something about Yang Ming’s secrets. .

This kid is a good idea to play? Yang Ming looked at the Weiji who came in front of him and took it as a gun. He also gave a fake look to give him a big advantage. It’s not a good thing to fuck.

Yang Ming’s heart has secretly made up his mind. This kid is even more dangerous than his grandfather. If he is kept, he will become a big worry in the future!

Yang Ming shook his head. If Weizhi is not so conceited, his secret will certainly attract himself. Before that, he took the part of the Lancer family to the elite and evacuated the place, looking for a secret place to recharge his batteries, saying that Yang Ming did not have time. Going to them, it is impossible to think that this is a martial art. It is not impossible to let him go. As long as he no longer takes the initiative to find Yang Ming, Yang Ming is too lazy to take care of him. But now, since Yang Ming has discovered that this person is not simple, how could he let him go?

As for the central thing, and why Jetson is so powerful, without Wei Zhi, Yang Ming has already learned about it, and Yang Ming does not believe that Weizhi will know more things, maybe only occasionally found somewhere. Some clues, but thought that I found something remarkable, and wanted to exchange conditions with myself. "Do you know the secret of the center? Do you know the secret of Jetson?" Yang Ming looked at Weiji's faint question, and there was no such enthusiasm for seeking knowledge.

Yang Ming’s attitude has made Weizhi somewhat awkward. He originally thought that Yang Ming would definitely agree to his own conditions as long as he opened his mouth. After all, Yang Ming has already provoked the center. More things about the center and Jetson are also a kind of shackles. In the future, the face-to-face confrontation with the center can be invincible.

However, after a moment of tension, the ruler calmed down. In his view, Yang Ming’s look at the moment was calm, and he asked himself if he was Yang Ming’s words, and he would certainly not let the news go. "Yes, Mr. Yang Ming, don't know what your intentions are? I believe that Mr. Yang Ming is also a person who speaks a lot. After making a guarantee, he will follow it!" Weizhi deliberately raised Yang Ming's identity. I am afraid that Yang Ming will regret it after knowing the news.

"How do I know if the things you said have any use for me? Or if you talk about the center first, I will judge the value of the news. If it is really useful, I will let you go." Yang Ming’s heart Sneer, screaming on the surface: "If it doesn't work for me or what I already know, then don't say it, it doesn't make sense."

"Good! I believe that Mr. Yang will not renege on words. I will talk about the center first! In the eyes of Weiji, it does not matter if you talk about the center first. The most important secret about Jetson is not prepared directly. Speaking out, but not seeing the rabbit does not scatter the eagle, the news is the most shocking news! "You say, I will listen." Yang Ming nodded and stood there in an inscrutable manner.

"The center is a mysterious organization in Europe. He is not affiliated with any country and an official leader. Some organizations are like a society." Wei Zhi said: "In the center, there is a group of Frankenstein who is doing some super The experimental and scientific research of the times, this organization is very mysterious, it is a terrorist organization, but it is not, because many big families and small countries recognize his existence, and even things are going to the center, so the center can be said It is a transcendental existence, but no one knows what the ultimate purpose of this institution is. They have researched many epoch-making high-tech products, but they have never surrendered to the market. Of course, this is also a hearsay. What is true, no one Clearly, only the center knows."

Yang Ming nodded secretly, no wonder he could make a super powerful robot like Jetson. This center does not seem to be a simple institution. It is an enemy of such a place. I really don’t know if I am too lucky or too miserable. It is.

However, Yang Ming is not afraid of anything. If he is not centered in the center, as long as he finds his own troubles, then I am sorry. You will continue to go to the center to open the center. The earth can no longer let you exist.

It is not Yang Ming’s arrogance, but Yang Ming’s belief that he does not admit defeat. I believe that one day, he will truly stand at the peak of the world.

"And many years ago, Uncle Jetson, a dying patient, was about to die. Dr. Benjamin of the center found Jetson and took him away. However, Jetson When the uncle came back again, it became such a strong existence..." When it came here, Weiji paused and said: "How, my news is not bad? Mr. Yang Ming, do you want to I know, how did Jessson’s uncle come from a dying person to what it is now? Do you want to know the biggest secret?”

"This is what you call a big secret?" Yang Mingge said in the eyes of a taunting "Do you want to use this message for your life?"

Yang Ming wants to know, but it is also the news of the center. But this Weizhi said that although Yang Ming is somewhat useful, but these things can be known since Weizhi, I believe that old Buffon will know, so he said the basics. Equal to not saying!

However, what Wei Ji said, the most important sentence is that Jessson was seriously ill and killed a few years ago, and was taken away by Dr. Benjamin. This is a message that he could not investigate.

As for the big secret that Wei Zhi wants to say next, Yang Ming has already known it. He does not need to say that the previous words have been set by Yang Ming, and this Weizhi has no value.

Although Yang Ming is a shameless person, he often does things that are rebellious, and his face is not red-hearted. He can agree to Weiji first, and then kill them after the end of the rule, but it is not bad to be able to pretend to be a gentleman at this moment. . "Don't you, Mr. Yang Ming is not curious?" Wei Zhi made a sigh of relief. Before that, he said that it was to pave the way and hang his appetite. I didn't expect Yang Ming to be hooked!

Even if Yang Ming didn't let him talk about the center before, he would definitely say it, which led to Jessson's business, but did not expect that Weizhi spent a long time, Yang Ming still indifferent. "Curious? Why are you curious?" Yang Ming snorted: "You said these things, I know, there is no value at all."

"Do you know? This is impossible!" Wei Zhi did not believe it, but in an instant it seemed to understand what it was, his face was red, and he said: "Yang Ming, did you listen to my explanation of the center before you? Do you want to go back? Do you think that the center is very heavy? Or, I tell you, the secret of Jetson is the biggest. If you don’t know, you will regret it. When the center sends a team. People like Jetson's cousin, you don't know their origins, then wait for death! I don't believe you can kill a pair of people!"

"Repent?" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Well, then I will tell you what I know. You see what I said is right, is it your so-called big secret."

"Well?" A glimpse of Wei Zhi, I did not expect Yang Ming to say so, some wonders: "What do you know?"

"Jetterson is actually a robot, a robot that has been modified. This is what you want to say to me, right?"

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