So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1502: got engaged

Chapter 1 502 Engagement

It’s been half a month since the Lancer family was annihilated. Jitterson has been killed for half a month. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu also held a grand engagement ceremony in the Butterfly Family Butterfly Fort. European high society, almost all families of all sizes. They all sent a heavyweight in the family to come to congratulations. Most of them came to the family or the elders personally, and they were not good enough. They were also the first heir to congratulate.

Even the heads of some small countries have come in person, and some hidden families, such as the royal family who fled at the beginning, have also appeared. It is conceivable that the reputation of the butterfly family has reached a point of horror!

No one is a fool, how horrible it is to destroy the power of the entire Lancer family in an instant, and everyone knows! Moreover, after the Lancer family was eliminated, there was no official organization to find a butterfly family, which is impossible to explain. At this time, the old Buffon family owner, Buffon, came forward and took part in the engagement ceremony. Those other families asked themselves that there was no such thing as the Buffon family. The old Buffon personally went there. What are they still worse? ?

Ever since, familiar, unfamiliar, previously known, or not known, who received invitations, did not receive invitations, have come to visit, which makes the butterfly family that was originally under-prepared to be somewhat unprepared. !

There are so many VIP rooms available, but the number of people who came here is doubled. Which allows the extra people to live there? Fortunately, these people are all to express their wishes, not to enjoy what, so Wang Qishan rushed to let the servants and the disciples pour a part of the room, only barely enough to live, but there is no one Any complaints.

Originally, it was to express kindness. If someone thinks that it is to find something, it will not be worth the loss, so even if it is divided into a very bad room, everyone’s face is full of sincere joy.

As for the servants and disciples who gave up the room, they squeezed with other people, but they could just take it.

According to Yang Ming’s pre-existing embarrassment, Lao Buffeng did not appear as an emigret of Yang Ming’s disciple, but as an ally of the butterfly family, but even this identity made the people present move!

The prestige of the Buffon family has become an ally with a killer family. This is intriguing. Is there anything tricky in the middle?

However, even if people think about it mentally, no one will be stupid enough to ask questions. Anyway, it is a fact that the Buffon family and the butterfly family have a good relationship. How can they be good, as long as they are not guilty? .

The Charles family, Yang Ming did not tell them to come, know that Yang Ming and the Charles family, only a few people, in addition to Fang Tian, ​​Wang Qishan, Wang Weichui, Mu Butler, Wang Xiaoying and the Charles family, No one else knows about this again. Therefore, Yang Ming does not intend to go public now, but to use the Charles family as a hidden weapon to be a backhand, and maybe it will play an unexpected role.

As for Yang Ming’s identity, Wang Qishan did not introduce it. Only the insiders knew that this young man who appeared to be a young man was a descendant of the king of the killer. Other ordinary family guests did not know Yang Ming’s identity.

However, everyone feels vaguely that it seems that Yang Ming’s identity should be very simple. The butterfly family can make a good Buffon family and destroy the Lancer family this time. It should be more or less related to this new grandfather.

Otherwise, how many years ago, how have you not heard of the butterfly family and the Buffon family? Why have you been subject to the Lancer family in the supply of arms? These all illustrate some clues.

These days, it is the happiest day of Wang Xiaoying's life. Although I know that Yang Ming and Chen Mengxi have several other women, I am afraid that I am only one of them.

Although he is a latecomer, but the latecomer's position, Wang Xiaoxiao is very happy. At the very least, I was the first woman to hold this grand ceremony with Yang Ming.

Or, these things are just illusory virtual images. They are just an engagement ceremony. There is not much fundamental change in the relationship with Yang Ming. It is just an external title, but most women value these things very much. Wang Xiaoyu not excluded. Wang Xiaoyu is very serious about this kind of swearing sovereignty engagement ceremony. After a few days of socializing, although it is very tired, it is also a pleasure.

"Yang Ming, didn't you think about it? Your first thing is actually me..." Wang Xiaoyan was tired for a few days, and now he is still energetic in bed, which has forced Yang Ming to admire.

"The life of the teacher is hard to violate. What can I do?" Yang Ming rolled his eyes and wondered how many complaints he had before the other day and Wang Qishan.

"Hey..." Wang Xiaoyu said after listening and said: "Then you don't want to marry me?"

"I didn't say it, I just felt too far." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "I didn't put this marriage contract in mind before, but I didn't expect that the object of engagement would be you! In this way, I still can't Not bad."

"Haha, have you promised Chen Mengxi before?" Why is Wang Xiaoyu so clever, naturally heard the helplessness and bitterness of Yang Ming's words, but she does not feel that there is anything wrong with it. After all, she only interacted with Yang Ming. Just month, I am engaged, which makes the harem of the harem, Chen Mengxi, so embarrassed?

"Okay, don't get it cheap and sell it, this is the case, but you can't talk to Chen Mengyu in front of you!" Yang Ming said helplessly.

"When I am sick, I am going to show her in front of her. This kind of thing I know is just fine. If I fall out with her, you will definitely help her, I will not find myself uncomfortable!" Wang Xiaoxiao grinned. Said a certain look.

"I don't want to be biased..." Yang Ming said something inconsistency: "Just, don't do anything with her..."

"Look, is it still biased towards her?" Wang smiled and said: "You are not afraid that I will kill her? You are stupid, kill her, you don't kill me?"

Yang Minggan did not answer with two laughs, but he did not know how to answer it. If Wang Xiaoyu really kills Chen Mengyu, how will Yang Ming do it? Is it possible to kill Wang Xiaoxiao again?

Yang Ming shook his head and seemed to be unable to do it himself, but he did not know how to face Wang Xiaoyu.

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