So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1505: put on a show

The first thousand five hundred and five chapters play

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense!" Liu Yannan interrupted Xiaoxia's words, and said coldly: "Take your mouth well, don't talk around."

"People are not just talking about you in front of Liu Ge, where others will say." Xiao Xia saw Liu Bangan really angry, suddenly shocked, and quickly said.

"Know it, I want to change a new image in front of everyone, you must not break my business, otherwise, you know the consequences." Liu Fennan faint warning.

"Do not worry, Liu Ge, I know, you are going to be a pro-people president!" Xiao Xia said with a sweet smile.

"People who are close to the people? Is it ......" Liu Yannan nodded. "And, call me Liu Youjun later, don't call Liu Ge or Liu Zong, let others hear bad."

"Liu deputy? Liu Ge, have you not hated others in your title before adding a deputy word?" Xiao Xia asked some doubts.

"Before it was before, now is the present." Liu Duannan said: "There is no rule, it is not a rule. My current position is a vice president. If I call my president, let the old man listen. I feel that this person is eager for quick success. Oh no."

"Yes, my vice president of Liu, people know!" Xiao Xiajiao's response.

Liu Yannan and Xiao Xia quickly went downstairs and saw that there were a lot of busy employees in the lobby on the first floor of the company. However, these people saw Liu Yannan coming, and they automatically let open. Come, let Liu Biannan enter the center.

"Everyone is scattered, go back to work, don't look around, this matter is handed over to Vice President Liu." Xiaoxia saw the company's people are onlookers, and quickly said.

Although Liu Biannan has recently become close to the people, the employees in these companies are losing money. Now it’s time to go to work. It’s not like this. It’s like this, and it’s been smashed by Xiao Xia. The sly expression came, I was about to leave, but I heard the voice of opposition.

"No, everyone can't go. If everyone walks away, when they turn over their faces, they don't accept the account, what should my old father do?" The voice of the **** team's vice captain Liu Xiaolei, Practice a good speech.

Liu Biannan was trying to say what Xiao Xia said. The result was preempted by Xiao Xia. The heart was loose. It seems that this little summer is quite smart. She said that it is more natural than she said. After all, she is now the president of the people. The image is not good, but if you don't swear, you can't tell Liu Xiaolei's words.

In the dilemma, Xiao Xia solved the problem for him. In this way, as long as he sings his face all the way, he will show his image as a president of the people.

"Oh, this young man, I understand your mood very well, but who is my Liu Yannan, should you be able to prove it?" Liu Yannan smiled faintly, calmly asked the staff of the company. .

He did not open his mouth to continue to rush, but asked questions, so that the staff present at the scene also stopped to walk. After all, they also wanted to see how the fun was going on. I heard Liu’s questioning, several ambushes. The shackles of Liu Biannan among the employees have been opened: "The vice president of Liu has always been very concerned about the welfare of our employees!"

"Yeah, he always thinks about us from the perspective of the staff, young man, you believe he is right!"

"What difficulties do you have, Vice President Liu will be able to help you solve it."

With the beginning of these few people, other people recalled what Liu Yannan had done in the past, but it was as a few people said that they had made a lot of benefits for their employees, although Liu Duannan had some arrogance before. However, after all, it is already a thing of the past. As long as it is getting better now, who cares about the past?

Besides, Liu Yannan is standing on the spot now. No one is stupid. At this time, when he speaks against it or says something bad about Liu Yannan, isn’t he waiting to find himself uncomfortable?

Therefore, under the praise of the previous few people, everyone has also said that they are. The sensation caused by this was not even expected by Liu Biannan himself! Before, he didn't expect anyone else to say that he was good. He just put a few nails in it. Some of them spoke up. Others didn't object to it, but they didn't expect the effect to be so good.

For a time, even Liu Yannan himself was a little fluttering. I didn’t expect to make a fake play, and raised my reputation in the company to the top. This is too big.

Originally, Liu Xiaolei also came to act. What these people said, he could not make any influence on him at all. He was secretly surprised in his heart. This Liu Zhannan is really awesome. In a short period of time, he has already controlled so many people. It seems that it is a wise choice to rely on him to do things for him! Once Liu Yannan is in the upper position, he must have contributed. Think of Liu Xiaolei's enthusiasm here more.

Where does he know that these people are only temporarily raised, but these are not important. Liu Xiaolei’s eyes reveal a look that will be suspicious: “Really fake? Don’t you lie to me? Although I was sent to Songjiang I have been working for some time, but I used to serve the group. Although I am not familiar with Vice President Liu, I have never heard of any welfare."

"Young man, don't talk nonsense!" At this time, an old man walked up to his front and lowered his voice and said: "In the past, there was a slap in the face of the director of Liu Lei, and Liu’s vice president had nowhere to show his skills. Now Chairman Ying Ming , Liu will be transferred away, and our vice president Liu will start to show their talents!"

This old man is one of the confidants of Liu Biannan, and is also one of the company's veterans, Liu Bansen, deputy director of the personnel department. It is also said that Liujiang’s uncle is a long-distance person along the Liujiang River.

However, he himself knows that his identity is special, but it is impossible to mix a world in the group. After all, this relationship is too far away, so he has already secretly invested in Liu Nan.

However, it is precisely because of his special status that he dared to call Liu’s name and dare to say something that others could not say. I believe that even if Liu Jiang knew it, he would not say anything else. After all, people are uncle Liu The characters of the generation, saying a few words of the junior, are also normal.

Although Liu Pansen's voice was very low, but everyone in the room heard it clearly. This is true and false. It is not a secret to fight for power before Liu Yannan and Liu Mei, so this is not a secret. When Liu Pansen said it, everyone will have nine points to believe. Think carefully, the transformation of Liu Biannan really started after monopolizing power, so he completely believed in Liu Pansen’s words.

At this moment, Liu Biannan pretended not to hear Liu Pansen’s words. He smiled and walked over. He came to Liu Xiaolei’s front and said: “Listen to your words, you are also a group employee? Your old father. It is also the old staff of the group. Like you, a family of two generations is serving the group. If there is any difficulty, I will not only solve it for you, but also solve it first! If there is any difficulty, I will speak it out, in front of so many people. I promise to you, no matter what the difficulties, as long as the company can solve, and does not involve those things that are illegal, I will try my best to solve them!"

"This - well, since there is the vice president of Liu, then I will believe you!" Liu Xiaolei nodded, showing a grateful glance.

"Well, let's go to the conference room to talk about it in detail!" Liu Yannan said: "There is a company lobby in the end, where people come and go, it is hard to say anything here. With so many people testifying, you still Are you afraid of anything?"

"Okay, then go to the conference room." Liu Xiaolei nodded, and then walked to the conference room with Liu Yuannan. When the company saw no excitement at first sight, they all dispersed and went to work.

After the meeting, Liu Duanan waved his hand to Xiao Xia, a secretary behind him, and said, "Xiao Xia, you should go back to the office first. Let me talk to this Mr. Liu. You should deal with the things over there. Someone is looking for My words record things."

"Okay, Vice President Liu" Xiao Xia didn't think much about it. She didn't know that Liu Yannan deliberately gave her a branch. She thought that Liu Nannan had trust in her and sent important things to her. ! However, it does not blame Xiaoxia for thinking. After all, what is important to talk to a staff member who is coming to the ***? Xiao Xia is too lazy to listen to these broken things.

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