So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1513: Got the news

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-three chapters get the news

"Is it?" Yang Ming snorted and naturally wouldn't believe his brother's words. Even if he said it was true, what could he do? Before I met myself, my brother yelled at the tiger and sold for the ghosts. After meeting myself, he was miserable and forced to help. How could Yang Ming have any sympathy for him? This is typical of bullying and fear.

"Yeah, the killer uncle, we are also forced to helpless, here is close to the port, the power of the Blackhawks has already infiltrated, we will not have a way to serve the Blackhawks." My brother did not see Yang Ming. When I set a killer, I thought I saw some hopes and explained it quickly.

"Is forced to be helpless?" Yang Ming sneered aloud: "If you don't do the black eagle's dog leg, is there anyone forced you to do it? According to you, there are so many people in Bianhai City, it does not work for Black Hawk. Are you dead without a place to die?"

"This -" Xiao Ge dumb, Yang Ming said is not unreasonable, but it is only relative to ordinary people, for him mixed society, if you do not rely on the Black Hawk help, where is there any way to live? But it is not easy to explain anything, after all, even if he explained, Yang Ming has to believe.

"Now I ask you a few questions. If the answer makes me dissatisfied, hehe... you know the consequences." Yang Ming didn't bother with his brother, and now he hasn't alarmed the white sneaky upstairs. Knowing how bad the vigilance of the guy is, the following four men have already been killed by himself. He also has the mind to slap the woman on it, and the heart is big enough!

Yang Ming’s eyes were slightly pointed at the ceiling, and the situation on the upper floor was clear. The white man did not seem to notice the movement below the floor. He still laughed with the two yellow women, but watched the two women talk. The mouth shape is not like the Chinese language, it seems to be a slang word.

For these women, Yang Ming still has a lot of compassion. After all, Yang Ming is not a hard-hearted heart. These women also belong to the kind of poor people. However, in order to vanity and enthusiasm, it is also a self-defeating, especially Yang Ming found that these two people are not After the compatriots, the pity in the heart disappeared, and the chickens were all brought to foreign countries. This shameless woman would be destroyed.

"Kill killer, I know what must be answered truthfully, you can rest assured, I am not the core of the Blackhawks, bullying you have no benefit to me, and I have not given them the duty of confidentiality!" The answer is determined.

"Well, I ask you, who caught the two girls yesterday, who participated?" Yang Ming is quite satisfied with his attitude. If this guy is jealous, Yang Ming does not mind using acupoints, etc. The means let him cool for a while and then answer the truth.

"I led the team, and a few of them..." said the brother with a finger that was lying on the ground with one finger left.

"Oh? Isn't there only four people?" Yang Ming frowned, looking at his brother's gaze became fierce.

"Kill killer, I didn't lie to you. At that time, the bald drive came, did not get off, and we got off the other few!" He was afraid that Yang Ming did not believe, and quickly explained.

"Oh, it turned out to be the case, then let's continue." Yang Ming asked: "Where did you bring them both?"

"I brought it here..." Brother said carefully: "We have handed it to Lokowski... Next, it is his business. We are just his beaters and dog legs..."

"Who is Lokowski?" Yang Ming also guessed vaguely, I am afraid that this Lokovsky is the white man upstairs.

"He is upstairs, the deputy lord of the Golden Eagles." My brother said quickly.

"Deputy lord? So, what is Nikola Sevich?" Yang Ming nodded and continued to ask.

"Yes, he is the only son of the Blackhawks and the leader of the Golden Eagle!" He did not dare to hide and said carefully.

"It turns out that you didn't know about the two women?" Yang Ming glanced and asked the key points of the matter.

"No, no!" The brother's head shook with the blue-and-drum drum, and repeatedly denied: "How dare we do it, the two women, according to our deputy lord, are of great use to exchange hostages. Where do we dare to move our hands!"

After Yang Ming listened to his brother's words, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Ming was most afraid of what was insulted after Chen Mengxi was arrested. As for Victoria, Yang Ming did not care if anyone dared to act against Victoria. It is estimated that it was killed by the chick.

"What do you know?" Yang Ming asked.

"The killer uncle, I know that I have told you, really no, we are just a small, not a core person, you should not be embarrassed about me..." My brother repeatedly pleaded, he did not dare In the slightest rebellion, four bodies have been laid down in the ground. They are all killed by Yang Ming without any effort. Even if he has the courage to dare to act rashly, he does not think that he can be Yang Ming’s opponent.

"Okay, if this is the case, then I will send you on the road." Yang Ming saw that this elder brother had no value for survival, so he raised his hand and prepared to solve him.

"Killer killer! You didn't promise me not to kill me?" He was shocked and screamed: "The killer, I have nothing to say, you can't repent, you are big." How can you lie to me as a little person?

"Cheat you? When did I fool you?" Yang Ming said with some disdain: "Would you like me to cheat?"

"Then, before you said, I didn't say that as long as I told the truth, wouldn't I kill me?" He said quickly.

"Have I said that?" Yang Ming sneered a sigh: "I said that if the answer makes me dissatisfied, the consequences you know."

"That's not the same..." He didn't expect Yang Ming to play a word game with him.

"Almost? It's much worse." Yang Ming said faintly: "If your answer makes me dissatisfied, I will torture you slowly until you tell the truth. If you say something that makes me satisfied, then I It will give you a good time and let you suffer less."

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, my brother suddenly looked awkward and showed a desperate expression on his face. But suddenly, he widened his eyes and shouted: “Llocksky’s deputy lord, someone came to the door. Come, run fast-"

Yang Mingfei's quick palm was photographed on the scorpion's celestial body, and the whole man suddenly twitched, and then he lay on the ground with **** sorrows.

"You are dead, it is really unreasonable. The traitor actually did this. Before the death, he still preached the warning to the master. Where is the general dog leg can make it?" Yang Ming mocked the body of the brother. Despised.

As for whether the Lokovsky upstairs can hear the warning of his brother, Yang Ming is not concerned about it. Yang Ming does not care. Hearing it will be heard. Yang Ming is not afraid that Lokowski will run away or do it. What preparations are made.

However, to make Yang Ming speechless, Lokowski is still upstairs and two gorgeous girls laughing, turning a deaf ear to what happened downstairs. Yang Ming shook his head, and this person was considered to be dead.

Ignore a few bodies under my feet, Yang Ming stepped up and went upstairs. The attic’s lifting frame was very high. The back of the first floor was connected to the freight yard, so it was normal for Lokovsky to hear the sound downstairs. What makes Yang Ming wonder is that this Lokovsky's vigilance is really too bad.

Before Nicholas Sevich had been caught by the police, he was not afraid of what Nicholas Sevich said, and then the police followed the clues to give his site a porridge?

Or is he confident that Nicholas Sevich will not reveal anything?

However, these are not the concerns of Yang Ming. Yang Ming went up the escalator in the attic. He did not hide his footsteps and walked to a closed door. Yang Ming frowned and reached for the door. .

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