So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1521: Muddle through

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After doing all this, Yang Ming reached out and grabbed the phone in the secret place when he sneaked into the boat. He pressed the video stop button.

Before the camera of the mobile phone has been facing the glasses man, every word that the glasses man said is completely entered into the mobile phone. Yang Ming is going to give it to Park Da Niu, and he is also given an account.

Although, Yang Ming’s skill does not need to give an explanation to Park Dani, but this simple big cow is quite a combination of Yang Ming’s appetite, so Yang Ming will also return him with a human condition.

Otherwise, when Park Da Niu found that the glasses man disappeared, he might have thought that he had killed him. At that time, he would find trouble for Sun Sanshu.

Although Yang Ming is not afraid that Park Da Niu will be himself or Sun Sanshu, but this black pot Yang Ming is not willing to carry it back, especially for this wicked person, Yang Ming edited an email and sent it to Park Dani’s e-mail. I believe he saw everything in this video.

After doing all this, Yang Ming jumped into the water again and swam quickly in the direction of the town of Mei Tie Nai. The small boat was generally smuggled in the middle of the sea.

At the pier of Mei Tina Town, a middle-aged white man of forty years old sits in a luxurious RV. Through the glass of the RV, you can see the scene on the pier, but the man does not look at the pier. Because the dock is already full of his own hands dressed as a sailor, as long as someone goes ashore, they can't escape the sight of these people.

This person, the vice-president of the Blackhawks, Wesdrup, is also a relative of Nicholas Sevich.

"Mr. Mr. Visdruff, it’s already late, let’s take a break, we’ll be on duty!” said one of the men, respectfully to Weissrov.

Weisdruff waved his hand: "This person is a little weird. Although the glasses gave me the news before, this person is not a person of Songjiang police, but from the means of his shot, it is not like the average person, if Not a person on the road, then it should be on the underworld."

"Oh?"! ! Mr. Strouff, is this person really amazing? "The man asked carefully."

"Great? Hey, it’s more powerful. Golden Eagle helped him to be the whole one. The core figure didn’t run out of life. Our years of operation in Bianhai City was destroyed by him for a long time. You said this person has the ability. How?” Vistruff sneered: “I have an intuition that this person is not a police person. It is definitely a person in the underworld. Of course, the latter is more likely, otherwise it may not be so hot!”

"Golden eagle is called Li Muyi's people to kill?" The hand was shocked, although this matter has not been widely spread in the Blackhawks, but as the core leaders of these gangs, there are also heard, but It was the first time I heard that Li Muyi did it!

"Who isn't he?" Weisdruff said: "However, strange people, why is this person licking this drowning? The opposite of us is the Songjiang police, what is the name of this surname? Child? If he and the glasses were unintentionally revealed, he really came for the two hostages, we are still in the dark, I don’t know when I offended such a person!"

"Mr. Weisdruff, can you be the Songjiang police want to cover up, it is not easy to use normal means and identity to do this thing, so I got such a Li Muyi out, after all, this kind of thing is not good for the police." I thought about it and analyzed it.

"What you said is not impossible." Wisdrup said: "Every country has such a special agent to carry out special tasks. It is normal for the means to be fierce and hot, so this is why I value this person!"

"Oh? What do you mean?" Some of the people did not understand the words of Vistruff.

"You don't know another identity of my brother-in-law? He is a member of the town of Meridian and the honorary director of the police. If the surname is really an agent in China, if it is born to us, the brother-in-law will hand him over to the intelligence. The department has also made a great contribution, and it has a very good effect on the future development of our gangs." Weisdrutian said: "The more prominent the status of the brother-in-law, the gangs in the natural town of Mei Tie Na The bigger the trend."

"It turns out that Mr. Visdruff, you still think about it!" The man nodded deep and thought he was admiring.

"Guavanov, you go to buy a cup of coffee at a nearby convenience store. The age is big, and if you stay up late, you can't help it." Wesdrew sighed and said.

"Okay, Mr. Visdruff, I will go!" This man, who was in the mouth of Vistruf, quickly rushed down, got off the bus, and quickly walked to the dock. The coffee shop on the run. Weistrov also closed his eyes and began to raise God. Yang Ming slowly floated in the face of Shanghai, slowly sighed with relief and flew to the shore of the dock without any cover.

Several sailors who were carrying goods on the dock saw this scene and exchanged a clear look with each other, and then continued their work in a quiet manner. Yang Ming quickly swam to the shore and quickly climbed to the shore.

"Hula", the sailors who were carrying the goods suddenly put down the goods in their hands, and quickly went to Yang Ming, one of whom looked like a leader, coldly said to Yang Ming: "Don't move, who, Stand there and lift your face!"

Yang Ming did not hesitate to raise his head and looked at the leader, and his nose snorted.

"Ah? Chivanov?" The leader took a clear look at Yang Ming's face: "Mr. Chivanov, how are you here?"

Jawanov is the confidant of Visdruff, who does not know the people on the dock? So I saw that Chivanov came up from the water. Although it was very shocking, the attitude immediately came to a big turn of 180 degrees. It was respectful and did not dare to make the slightest.

"Mr. Weissruf..." Yang Ming said coldly and coldly, but Yang Ming did not want to explain the white, but Yang Ming learned this for a long time, only learned such a Russian.

This "Chiwanov" is the illusion of Yang Ming. This is the situation that Yang Ming observed in the sea for a long time on the shore. He found the car of Visdruff and saw Weisdruff and several watts. After the conversation of Nove, the decision was made.

Although Yang Ming did not know what the two of them said, it is obvious that this Janov was the confidant of Weisdruff, so Yang Ming made up his mind and used the image of this person to come ashore and wanted to come. These men don't dare to do too many cross-examinations. When they really want to ask themselves, they just need to say vaguely about Mr. Weiss Druff, who just learned.

Sure enough, Yang Ming’s unclear words suddenly made these few men stunned. Under the guise of ignorance, although he did not know what Yang Ming said, he did not dare to ask, but on this occasion, Yang Ming has taken a quick step to the luxury caravan of Vistruff.

The men on the docks shook their heads with a wry smile. Before the lead sailor, he shrugged helplessly. Chivanov usually did not look at Weisdruff very much, but before these other hands, the foxes were arrogant. These people also know that he is a red man in front of Weisdruff, how can he sin against him?

"What do you mean by Mr. Lukele, what does Mr. Jawanov mean?" After Yang Ming’s illusion of "Chiwanov" went away, one of his men carefully asked the leader of the sailor.

"Who knows? But who dares to ask? You guys are not ignorant of the temper of the guys in the market. I am not the confidant of the deputy. I usually don't put us in the eyes!" This is Luke. The captain of the column mentioned that Janvanov was obviously a grievance, but he couldn’t help it: "However, he must have gone to work for Mr. Weissruf, and we are not good to ask, this villain is still Less tricks are wonderful!"

"Yes!" It is also the talent of Captain Lukeley who dares to speak out against Jawanov. Although other men are very annoying to Jananov, they have to be respectfully called "Guavano". Mr. Fu

"Okay, let's continue to work, do what we do, and other things have nothing to do with us," said Captain Lukeley.

As a result, these men continued to be dressed as sailors, and they began to get busy on the docks. They drove some of the goods back and forth, and they were so tired that they just looked like they were.

If they know that the goal they are looking for has just slipped away from their eyes, they are still working hard, not knowing if they will die.

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