So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1523: Shock and shot

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-three chapters shocked and shot

Vistruff finally couldn't help but be amazed and exclaimed: "Killer? What? You are a killer?"

"How? Is there anything wrong?" Yang Ming looked up and asked Weisdruff.

"I'm afraid, are you just talking about it?" Wisdrup smiled and smiled. "Don't think that killing a few people will become a killer. Do you know what a killer is?"

Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse. I didn't expect Weisdroft to be very cautious. His own words did not make him move. It is completely different from the previous glasses man, Park Da Niu and even Lokovsky.

But it is no wonder that if it is not a calm person, how can he serve as the deputy helper of the Blackhawks?

"What, isn't Mr. Visdrup, listen to what you mean, you know the industry of killers?" Yang Ming smiled and asked.

"Understanding can't be said, but I do what I want. I want to come to you too clearly," said Wester Rolf. "As a deputy leader of a gang, I still know the industry of killers. Mr. Li Muyi, Which organization do you belong to?"

Weistrov is naturally using words to test Yang Ming. Yang Ming can be surrounded by his own luxury car, naturally has his extraordinary, so Weisdruff does not dare to act rashly. I have been taking the name of Yang Ming.

However, he is not a believe in Yang Ming’s words as a killer. Because there have been many famous killers in China, most of the killers are distributed in Europe and the United States, including several large killers, Wisted. Luf also knows one or two.

"Which organization I am, you will not know if you say it." Yang Ming said faintly: "However, on your side, is there an organization called the Hawkeye Killer?"

"Eagle Eye Killer?" Visdruf looked at him and immediately restored the normal color: "We do have a Hawkeye killer group here, but what do you mean by me and this killer group? Don't tell me, You are the Hawkeye Killer, or do you know that the Hawkeye Killer group means you are an insider?"

"Eagle Eye Killer? I am not." Yang Ming shook his head: "Since you know this killer group is easy."

"Well?" Vistruff sneered aloud: "If you mentioned this killer group some time ago, no matter what you have with him, I will be jealous of it. Maybe I will return the two hostages directly. You, but now, you are in front of this eagle eye killer group, obviously your message is too occluded."

"Gua Ge? Directly return the hostage to me?" Yang Ming suddenly showed the strange color: "Does this killer group have such a big face?"

"It used to be natural," Vistruff said without hesitation: "Although I am playing the gangster, it is still very taboo for the killer industry. If you can not sin, try not to offend. After all, these Once a person gets provoked, it is very difficult to get around. But now, naturally, I will not be jealous of this eagle-eye killer group. I may as well tell you that the Hawkeye Killer Group has been removed from the Russian industry!"

"De-listing?" The expression on Yang Ming’s face is even more weird: “So, in addition to the delay of the 001 pillar, there are no other killers to take the shot? It’s no wonder that a third-rate killer can It’s not bad to have such a similar killer. When the delay 001 is hanged, the Hawkeye killer group will be finished."

"Do you know the delay man 001?" Wesdrew finally got a little shaken. There are a lot of people who know the Hawkeye killer group. As long as they are mixed, they know a little, but they know the man of Delay 001, but Not much, but it is not absolute. After all, Delay Man 001 is the pillar of the Hawkeye Killer Group and is also famous.

"Oh, I naturally know that he will die under my hand." Yang Ming said indifferently.

"Death under your hand?" The expression on Weisdruff's face became more dignified. Although not very convinced, Yang Ming finally caught his attention: "What evidence do you have?"

"Evidence?" Yang Ming shrugged. "I have to kill him. What evidence is needed?"

"Well, where did you kill him?" Weisdruff asked gloomyly, and he was now cautious about Yang Ming from the initial disdain.

"Macau." Yang Ming is not concealing. He looks at Weisdruff like a smile: "Right, in fact, I might as well tell you. The reason why I killed him is because there is a kid named Ouyang Junyuan. To my woman, I broke his finger and gave him a lesson. I didn’t expect this kid to die, but actually went back to find his big brother Ouyang Junwei to avenge him. His older brother actually He went crazy together, not only called his old man Ouyang Han from Russia, but also brought their family's number one killer Delay Man 001 to come to me for trouble, no way, for once and for all, I only have him and his late man 001 has been killed together."

The face of Wisdrup has finally changed color! Yang Ming said that the name of the person has an eye. The eagle eye group is backed by the Ouyang family. Weisdruff is very clear, but this kind of secret is not known to anyone, especially the eye of the eagle eye group. The real name, which is not known to most people, and Visdruf also knows these secrets because he has some business dealings with the Hawkeye group. He does not think that if Yang Ming is not an industry person, I can also find out about these things.

And in the words of Yang Ming’s words, where does Weisdruff understand? People like Vis Druff, naturally know what Yang Ming is suggesting.

Yang Ming’s remarks, where is it casually said? But it is dark, and the meaning is obvious. That is, he used to kill the entire Hawkeye killer group for a woman, but now he is looking for him, still for two women!

If Weisdruff is not smart enough, and blindly resists the end, then Yang Ming doesn't mind repeating the same mistakes!

"How can I believe you?" Visdruff finally understood that he is now in a dilemma. The person in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person. He must not deal with him with common sense. If you are not careful, it will give the Blackhawks a bigger disaster.

However, let him hand over Chen Mengqi's two hostages. He is not reconciled. There is still a trace of luck in his heart. Yang Ming is alarmist, and the purpose is to shock himself.

"I believe it..." Yang Ming shook his head and said: "In fact, the best way is that you refuse me now, then I will take you away or kill you directly, and then kill some of the black eagle gangs, not afraid. Vyjajiv does not take the initiative to compromise..."

Yang Ming’s words have not been finished yet. At this time, the door of the luxury car was opened. Chivanov was carrying two cups of coffee and his face was ready to go on the bus: "Mr. Weissruf, coffee has already I bought it... Hey? Who are you... Ah..."

The words of Jawanov had not been finished yet, and they fell straight on the ground. The coffee spilled over the ground and almost didn't heat to Vishdrup.

"He disturbed our conversation. I let my mouth shut up. Mr. Visdrup, wouldn't you be surprised?" Yang Ming smiled as if this thing was not what he did, but his heart was a little distressed. And wasted a flying needle.

Weistrov is already a man who has been through the battlefield. The number of people who died in front of him is not one thousand or eight hundred. He won’t even blink his eyes, but this time, Visdruff is afraid! Yes, it is really scared!

He didn't see how Yang Ming did it at all. It seemed that Yang Ming moved his fingers gently, and Janova became a dead body. Even the two struggled to resist, so it was so unclear. Dead!

Weistrov quickly swept a few eyes on the body of Jawanov, and did not see any trauma at all. However, with the eyesight of Vistrov, it was also seen that Jawanov was Really dead, he can still tell the difference between coma and death!

Weisdruff and Yang Ming talked for so long, the first time there was a feeling of cold sweat!

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