So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: Chen Zhifu's invitation

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-eight chapters of Chen Zhifu's invitation

"Hey!" Chen Zhiye was stupid when he was on the scene. Looking at the documents that Keck handed over, he didn't know what to pick up, and there was a blank in his head! I was really fired like this? Didn't Kek know that he had done some small moves in the back? But that's all in the past. I don't know the family power behind Keck. When I know the power of the Keck family, I have no other thoughts.

"Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you?" Keck had some inexplicable look at the ruined Chen Zhiye.

"No...nothing..." Chen Zhiye quickly regained his mind and said with pity: "Mr. Keck, I have been single-minded to you over the years. I am also unconcerned with the company. Please believe me... ..."

Chen Zhiye cried out with a tear in his nose. It is no wonder that anyone who fell from the top of Yunding to the ground next time felt uncomfortable.

"Mr. Chen, what you said, of course, I know, this is the case, I will let you sign this document." Keck is even more inexplicable, and my heart, this Chen Zhiye will not be moved, can you add it? It doesn't seem like it!

"Ah, then you still have to fire me?" Chen Zhiye did not understand a bit, so in this case, what else do you want to dismiss me?

"Who said that you want to fire you? Look at this document and say it!" Keck was a little crying and laughing at Chen Zhiye, pushing the document to his front.

Chen Zhiye carefully took the document and took it in his hand. He read it carefully. At first glance, he stopped, and his face showed an incredible expression: "Mr. Keck, you want to take the company's hundred All of the forty-one shares are given to me?"

It is no wonder that Chen Zhiye would not believe it. Before Keck had already given him 10% of the shares, the market value was already around 100 million yuan, and this time he gave him 41%. That adds up to not more than 500 million. ?

Moreover, the key issue is not this, but Chen Zhiye’s own shares add up to 51%, that is to say, the company’s largest shareholder is the company’s chairman!

The chairman became himself, what did Keck do? Moreover, although the company is not listed, but the company holds not only one share, but other people are small, but the scattered and scattered together is also about 5 percent, that is to say, the shares in Keck’s hands are only left. About forty-five percent.

This made Chen Zhiye extremely confused. What is the matter? Is it Keck to test yourself? At the thought of this possibility, Chen Zhiye’s mind was immediately awake! This is definitely the case. Otherwise, how can Keck make such illogical things?

When Chen Zhiye thought of this, he quickly and respectfully returned the document to Keck, and he was careful: "Mr. Keck, I am not a greedy person. You have been waiting for me. How can I accept it with peace of mind?"

"Haha!" Keck laughed after Chen Zhiye's words and said: "You can rest assured, Mr. Chen, since I want to give you shares, it is not a joke, but a well thought out! Just like me. As I said before, how have you been to me over the years, I know clearly, so these shares are what you deserve!"

"But, that's too much." After listening to Keck's words, Chen Zhiye said in a suspicious way: "Mr. Keck, I have to know that I have owned 10% of the company's shares before. This forty-one percent is more than half of the shares... but you are the chairman of the company!"

"You are looking at the document below!" Keck did not directly answer Chen Zhiye's words, but indicated that he would continue to read the documents.

“Oh?” Chen Zhiye read the transfer document in his hand, and then took out another document below. At first glance, he could not help but be shocked!

"Mr. Keck, do you let me be the chairman?" The second document in the hands of Chen Zhiye is the appointment document of Chairman Chen Zhiye.

"It seems that you are very confused, then I will tell you the truth!" Keck smiled and said: "Original, I thought you knew what I was leaving, now it seems that you I don't know, it was before I got worse."

"You want to go back to China, I do know, but what do you mean?" Chen Zhiye looked at Keck in confusion.

"At the moment, there are some things that don't need to be glaring at you. My true identity is actually the second heir to a big family in Europe," Keck said. "Before, because I have a first successor in front of me." Therefore, I have no hope of inheriting the position of the family in this life, and I am not willing to stay in the family to fight against other people. Therefore, I took the family’s entrepreneurship fund to run in China to start a business. With the influence of the family, the international trade business is I also did a good job. I originally wanted to stay here for a lifetime, but I didn’t expect it. Just a few days ago, I received a family report, and the family had a big deal..."

"Big thing?" Chen Zhiye looked at Keck in confusion.

"Yes, it's a big thing!" Keck nodded and said: "The first heir to our family was actually dead! As a result, I became the first heir, I am this time, It was recalled as a family owner!"

"What? You want to be the owner?" Chen Zhiye's thoughts in the heart of a hundred turns, quickly calculating the gains and losses, and instantly figured out that Keck is going to go back to be the owner, then this Chinese business must not be personally Hosted, so I handed the business to myself, his most trusted conviction! Moreover, once Keck has become a homeowner, I am afraid I can't always come to China. Moreover, compared with the position of the owner, this little business is probably nothing to the current Keck!

Thinking of this, Chen Zhiye quickly said: "Congratulations to Mr. Keck, and successfully inherited the position of the owner!"

"Oh, I didn't think that I would become a homeowner!" Keck said that he was very happy. After all, how could Keck be happy in the shadow of the second heir? Depressed for many years, actually inexplicably became the first, the gap between this before and after is a little too big, he was not stupid at that time is not bad.

After knowing all this, Chen Zhiye was also relieved, and successfully signed two documents and completed the handover with Keck! As for the shares that Keck retained, Chen Zhiye did not think about encroaching, and even he was glad that Keck did not directly leave all the shares of the company to him!

Chen Zhiye is not stupid. Keck went back this time but was a homeowner. Before he was a master, Keck’s relationship was enough to make the company’s international trade a success. Now it’s the homeowner, and the relationship is not broader. ?

I have been maintaining the relationship with Keck, and I am not developed in the future! Although the shares are all given to themselves, it seems to be a good deal between the moments, but in the end it is not a long-term solution!

After sending away Keck, Chen Zhiye became the chairman of the company. There is a saying called something, and the clothes are back home!

Chen Zhiye felt that it was time for him to return to Chenjiacun in Songjiang! My own achievements, I am afraid that Chen Jiacun is the most brilliant! Therefore, Chen Zhiye thought of doing it, and gave a phone call to his hometown brother Chen Zhifu, telling him that he would fly back and ask all the people in Chenjiacun to have dinner.

So, after Chen Zhifu received a call from his brother, the first one called Chen Fei! In addition to his younger brother Chen Zhiye, Chen Jiacun is now the best person to mix up with Chen Fei, the director of the Songjiang Police Department.

However, at this special moment, Chen Ms. Chen Fangyu picked up the phone and wondered how Chen Mengyu was kidnapped by Chen Zhifu.

"Big cousin? Is there anything?" Chen Fangyu asked strangely.

"This is the case, my brother Chen Zhiye, coming back to Songjiang tonight, banqueting our successful people with Chentou Village," Chen Zhifu said: "Chen Fei is also one of the successful people of Chenjiacun, this is not, I Just call the first one, are you free at night?"

"This way..." Chen Fangyu only understood the purpose of Chen Zhifu’s call. It was not because of Chen Mengyu’s case that Chen Fangyu had let go of his heart. After all, this kind of thing is not a good thing. Chen Fangyu is not willing to publicize. However, Chen Mengxi just came back and didn't know if he could participate in such activities. So he hesitated: "The big cousin, I don't know if there is anything in our family at night, you know the nature of his unit, and work overtime... ”

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