So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1567: Encounter villain

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-seven chapters encounter the villain

Yang Ming first went to the classroom to reveal a face, and then went to the center of the school center to look at Xiao Qing. As soon as he went out, he found that all the four tires of his car had collapsed.

"Is the car tire deflated?" Yang Ming smiled and looked up and looked around, but did not find out what happened to his car. The tires of the car were deflated, because they were blocked. Someone else will be subjected to malicious retaliation.

And Yang Ming’s car is parked right in front of the teaching building, and it will not hinder anyone at all. This is a bit strange. Is it specifically for yourself?

It’s no wonder that Yang Ming would think so. In general, if you mischievously, you can let go of a tire at most. It’s impossible to have four tires deflated! This is obviously deliberate and intended.

Yang Ming glanced at the surveillance camera on the upper floor of the building and shook his head. If the average person wants to drop the surveillance video of the school, there is basically no possibility. Besides, the tires are deflated, and there is no substantial loss. It is difficult for the school to cooperate.

But Yang Ming is different, especially here is the front door of the computer school teaching building, Yang Ming is more emboldened.

I took out my mobile phone and dialed Xiao Qing’s number. After a while, Xiao Qing’s friendly voice came from the phone: “Yang Ming, listen to Jia Jia, are you coming back?”

"Well, I am at school now." Yang Ming knows that since the last incident, Zhou Jiajia and Xiao Qing have been walking very close, so their own whereabouts, Xiao Qing will be able to know from Zhou Jiajia at the first time. .

"I still don't go to your guide Xie Yongqiang at the school to report it? I started to give you a long vacation! If you did not win the first prize on the program that you performed on behalf of the computer department at the school festival, I have been arguing for it, I am afraid that some people have been dissatisfied with you!" Xiao Qing groaned: "You also know that although I am the department head, this computer department is not my word, you are my brother. Everyone knows that if you don’t come to class for so long, there will be people who are dissatisfied!”

"I know... I am going to pass!" Yang Ming did not expect that the phone had just been beaten, and he was stunned by Xiao Qing’s face. However, Yang Ming also knows that Xiao Qing only complained with him. If the relationship between the two is not close to a certain extent, Xiao Qing will not say so much to him.

"Right, you call me at this time, should there be anything?" With Xiao Qing's understanding of Yang Ming, if he comes to see his own words, I am afraid he will come directly to the door, and will not call this phone in advance. I often call myself to find myself after I am out of the office.

"My car parked in front of the computer school building, was deflated, and all four tires were smashed. I want to see the surveillance video. Who did it?" Yang Ming was also polite, and directly said his own Claim.

"Is it deflated?" Xiao Qing said: "Isn't it that you are provoked?"

"I came back to school on the first day. Who can I provoke?" Yang Ming is innocent.

"Isn't someone watching you carrying the girls together to come to school, treating you as a rival, and letting you?" Xiao Qing thought about it and teased.

"It shouldn't be..." After listening to Xiao Qing's explanation, Yang Ming suddenly had some guilty conscience, let alone, it is really possible.

"Oh, this way, I will call Zheng, who is responsible for monitoring the video. He is also ours," Xiao Qing said. "You go to the computer room on the 12th floor of the teaching building. You can go to him. I will give him first. say hi."

"Well, I will go up." Yang Ming turned and walked back to the teaching building: "When I watch the video, I will look for you."

"Well, then I am waiting for you in the office." Xiao Qing said.

Yang Ming took the elevator directly to the 12-story computer room. After a little inquiring, he found Zheng, who was responsible for monitoring the video.

Teacher Zheng is a 30-year-old man with some bald-headed men wearing a pair of glasses on his nose. It is a typical literati image.

"You are Yang Ming?" Teacher Zheng saw Yang Ming, but it was very kind: "The director Qing Qing has called me and said that her younger brother is going to watch the surveillance video. I have already prepared for you!"

Qing Qing Director? Yang Ming’s brow is slightly wrinkled. How does this person call Xiao Qing? However, Yang Ming did not make a fuss. For Mr. Zheng’s diligence, he just smiled and said: "That troubles Zheng teacher."

"Don't say, you are the younger brother of Qing Qing, and my brother!" Teacher Zheng said with a smile: "You don't call me Teacher Zheng, just call me Zheng Ge!"

For Teacher Zheng, it is so obvious that he has a close relationship with himself. Even if Yang Ming eats it, he will notice something! This Zheng teacher, I am afraid that Xiao Qing has that kind of thought!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming is somewhat unnatural, and he is disgusted. "This is the school, I still call you Teacher Zheng!"

"Oh?" Zheng teacher stunned, and Yang Ming did not hesitate to refuse, some strange, but did not mind: "You are right, here is the school, or some of the formal is better, you call me Zheng teacher also Correct."

Although Yang Ming couldn't talk about this abhorrence to Zheng, he was still somewhat disgusted, especially the words he made in his relationship with himself. Yang Ming shook his head.

I am afraid that this is only a single-sex person. Although Xiao Qing is also thirty, but the person is no different from the 20-year-old girl. Together with Chen Mengyu, she can only be regarded as a sister. And this Zheng teacher is a veritable uncle.

The news that Xiao Qing was infertile, although it was not a secret in Songjiang University of Engineering, was originally promoted by Song Hang, Xiao Qing did not come out to blame, so the authenticity of this matter is naturally clear.

Teacher Zheng in front of this is obviously also aware of it, but for his younger generation, can he find a girlfriend and say two more.

For this kind of person who did not have the slightest threat, Yang Ming did not pay much attention to it. He just watched him skillfully pick up the surveillance video. Soon, Yang Ming saw two people who deflated their tires.

One of the men, some familiar, the other, Yang Ming did not have any impression. However, the familiar one may also be unable to contact because of the lack of contact.

"Li Boliang? How can he do this kind of thing?" Teacher Zheng looked at the people on the screen and suddenly exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

"Li Boliang?" Yang Ming frowned. The name is still a little familiar. I don't know what this person is doing.

"Li Boliang is the president of our computer science association!" Teacher Zheng probably wants to please Yang Ming. Naturally, what is said and not concealed. May hope that Yang Ming will give him a beautiful sentence in front of Xiao Qing. .

"It turned out to be him!" After Mr. Zheng's reminder, Yang Ming remembered Li Boliang. Before, Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia met this person in the school to lobby them to join the Computer Association, and also boasted that he knew the first hacker. I love Xiao Ming"...

Of course, after Yang Ming knew that "I love Xiao Ming" was Zhou Jiajia, he had no feeling for Li Boliang.

If it is him, it is a bit strange, is it because of Zhou Jiajia? However, there is no intersection after lobbying there? I didn’t even listen to Zhou Jiajia saying that someone was pursuing her!

"It's weird, why should he deflate your tires?" Teacher Zheng also doubted Li Boliang's motives.

The surveillance video is not very clear. It was shot from top to bottom. Yang Ming couldn't see the dialogue of their conversation. So I planned to copy it back and zoom in and analyze it carefully: "Mr. Zheng, I took a copy of this surveillance video and went back. No problem?"

"No problem, then what's the problem!" Zheng's mouthful promised. He is now afraid of Yang Ming's dissatisfaction. Going back to Xiao Qing's mouth, he has no hope of pursuing: "You Is it with a u disk? If you don't bring it, I can burn it to a CD."

Yang Ming took out a u disk from his pocket and handed it to Teacher Zheng. Yang Ming usually took a u disk with him in case of emergency.

Teacher Zheng was very enthusiastic to help Yang Ming copy it, and smiled and sent Yang Ming to the door of the computer room: "Yang Ming, have time to play!"

Yang Ming nodded and quickly left the computer room. Some of them could not stand the enthusiasm of Teacher Zheng, which made Yang Ming feel very weird. My own woman is being jealous, but she can’t say it.

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