So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1581: The wicked still need the wicked

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-one chapters of the wicked still need wicked people to grind

Yang Ming smiled and parked the car on the temporary parking line on the side of the road. Then he took out a big wrench from the trunk and walked in the direction of Chen Xiaolong.

Chen Xiaolong was worried about the taxi driver. Naturally, he did not see Yang Ming coming over. When Yang Ming came to him, Chen Xiaolong still did not pay attention, because he was already full of onlookers, he did not care, still eloquent. While photographing the machine cover of the Jetta taxi, the taxi driver pointed at the screaming: "Look, you see, you broken car, or the old Jetta, what is the ratio with my BMW? You If it is a Mercedes-Benz, even if it is an Audi, I will not say anything when I hit me. The key is that your car is too broken. You have no self-knowledge to drive. If I am you, I have to be inferior!"

The taxi driver stood there with a smile and helplessness. He could only wait for the traffic police and the insurance company to deal with the problem. He did not answer, because he knew that the second generation of Chen Xiaolong was like this, very arrogant, and he would accept it. The words did not help, but it made him even more fierce.

The taxi driver is thinking about it, and he simply doesn't talk. If you are tired for a while, you will shut up.

But who knows that Chen Xiaolong saw the taxi driver not talking, but it was even more fierce: "Your **** eyes are on your long legs? Tell you, don't say my car hit your car, that is, I put your The car crashed, and you won't be able to pay you a new one, but do you pay for my time? I am a person with identity, I am very nervous in minutes. Is it a small person like you?"

"Hey!" A loud noise, Chen Xiaolong's voice just fell, Yang Ming on a wrench on the Xiaolong's BMW car glass, the car windshield without the explosion-proof membrane was immediately smashed.

When Chen Xiaolong heard the loud noise, he immediately turned back, but saw Yang Ming holding a wrench and looking at him with a smirk! Chen Xiaolong suddenly became mad. Was he not called by his father? How can it still appear here? Is it too *** egg?

"You - Yang Ming, what are you doing?" Chen Xiaolong’s car had just been bought by a taxi. Although it was not very serious, it had already made him very distressed. This was directly followed by Yang Ming. Broken the windshield, Chen Xiaolong is bleeding in my heart, my car, this is the car I used to soak Chen Mengxi...

However, for Yang Ming Chen Xiaolong, he is not too daring to act rashly, nor dare to open up like a taxi driver! He knows the title of Yang Ming’s Super Fighting King. Now that the two bodyguards are not at his side, he dares not to provoke Yang Ming!

In case this Yang Ming ignores the occasion, he is not too bad luck.

Yang Ming did not take care of Chen Xiaolong, but rushed to the taxi driver and waved: "Hey, Kun Ge, I haven't seen you for a long time."

“Yang Ming?” The taxi driver was Sun Kun. The taxi driver that Yang Ming met when he was in high school sent Yang Ming and Zhao Ying home. He also sent Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu...

After that, Yang Ming had his own car, so he didn't have to take Sun Kun's car again. Plus Yang Ming was getting busy all the time, and he had no time to do anything else. He hadn't contacted Sun Kun for a long time.

I did not expect that this encounters Sun Kun here, and Sun Kun is obviously very surprised! He had a deep relationship with Yang Ming before, but then they gradually alienated. He thought that Yang Ming went to college, and he didn't bother with them. He didn't take it too seriously, but only occasionally remembered the previous things. Some feelings.

At this time, suddenly met Yang Ming again, and Yang Ming obviously came to help himself, which made Sun Kun very moved. It seems that Yang Ming did not forget him.

"This kid is a ***, IQ has problems, like his father, the family is a bit of money, I don't know how to get better." Yang Ming pointed out that Chen Xiaolong said to Sun Kun.

"Oh..." Sun Kun listened to Yang Ming’s words and couldn’t help but laugh. He heard that Yang Ming was so stunned by Chen Xiaolong, and his heart was very comfortable. After all, he was stunned by Chen Xiaolong for a while. The stomach is angry.

Chen Xiaolong heard that Yang Mingqi himself was a "***". Although he was angry in his heart, he was afraid to speak out. Yang Ming was alone in Chenjia Village’s occasion, and dared to go against Chen Qiye. Chen Xiaolong is a self-sighing sigh.

"Yang Ming, what are you doing with my car?" Chen Xiaolong asked.

"Oh, don't do it, I am willing." Yang Ming shrugged.

"You--" Chen Xiaolong really has a feeling of Sun Kun's worries at the moment, and he dares to say that he is too arrogant.

"Don't you say that? The car is better than you, you can hit your car, and you can smash your car? Isn't that what you said?" Yang Ming patted the wrench in his hand, looking like a smile The crowd next to the crowd: "Is this what he said? Everyone heard it?"

These onlookers, who used to be afraid of Chen Xiaolong’s behavior, suddenly came out with a strong person, and suddenly put Chen Xiaolong to dry fire. These people are naturally very happy, clapping their hands in their hearts.

At this time, I heard Yang Mingyi ask, although he was not willing to openly offend Chen Xiaolong, but Yang Ming strengthened his strength, especially when he saw the big wrench in the hands of Yang Ming, he had to echo and said: "Yes, that is what he said!" ”

Once someone first spoke up, others didn't care, and they all said: "Yes, yes, he said, as long as the car is better than him, it doesn't matter if he drives his car!"

Chen Xiaolong’s face was green, but I didn’t expect to see a hilarious look after it, but now I’m starting to support Yang Ming! However, Chen Xiaolong is not stupid. At this time, Yang Ming is strong, and of course everyone is supporting Yang Ming.

He didn't want to cause public outrage, and then was beaten by a bunch of people.

"Well, even if this is what I said, your car? Do you have a car?" Chen Xiaolong asked with a sullen face: "Don't tell me, is your bicycle?"

"Is there, you know it right away." Yang Ming said faintly: "Since you really want to know if I have a car, then as you wish."

After that, Yang Ming turned and left, and then went to his car. The onlookers didn't feel anything. When they saw Yang Ming walking towards a BMW x5, they all had a look on their faces. In their view, Yang Ming dared to fight Chen Xiaolong, which is definitely more powerful than Chen Xiaolong.

However, Chen Xiaolong was gloomy and looked at Yang Ming with an unbelievable look. He did not believe that Yang Ming had any more expensive cars than him, so he would have asked this before. But when he saw that Yang Ming actually went to a BMW x5, he suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Sun Kun, although somewhat surprised, but not too much, he has long seen that Yang Ming's extraordinary, coming to Japan will become a climate, so there is no special feeling for Yang Ming owning his own car.

In Chen Xiaolong’s 10,000 unwilling to believe, Yang Ming still saw the BMW car door opened with a remote control! Chen Xiaolong’s face has become extremely difficult to look at!

Indeed, he said before, if the car is better than him, he can smash his car! But that is only for Sun Kun, which is based on the premise that Sun Kun’s car is broken than his car, and he dares to be so arrogant!

Moreover, he does not think that someone will make a head start for Sun Kun at this time. After all, it is not a matter of high hangs. Who will be okay to find something to help Sun Kun to bring trouble to himself?

However, he never dreamed that he met Yang Ming so coincidentally here, and Yang Ming really put a bar in it! Originally, he only thought that Yang Ming had contradictions with himself, so he took the opportunity to retaliate against himself. So he took the words and squeezed him, telling him that he said that the car was better than himself, he could drive the car. If you don't have a car, just leave as soon as possible!

So I had the previous question, in order to let this comet rush to get out, don't mix it here, but I didn't expect that Yang Ming actually opened a BMW x5, although he was BMW with himself, but The gap between the two can be too big, one is 300,000, and the other is one million, so those who don't understand the car can see the good or bad of both.

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