So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1583: Sun Kun’s trouble

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-three chapters Sun Kun's trouble

"It is not bad to drive a taxi. This year is not a city overhaul road. Many people are traveling as taxis?" Yang Ming smiled.

"That's right, but... oh, it may be that I am unlucky. When I meet such a rental company, the cost is too high, and some can't be eaten!" Sun Kun smiled bitterly: "Looking at his son will go to elementary school in the second half of this year. The school fees are not ready yet."

"The cost is high? Is your car not bought out?" Yang Ming is a bit strange.

"It was bought out. I have a high fee for this company. My contract expires this year, but the rental company is still not allowed to go. I want to transfer to another company, and I will not give me a certificate... I am forced to renew my contract. Sun Kun smiled bitterly: "There are a lot of unreasonable mortgages on the contract, but there is really no way for a vulnerable group like us... Whoever makes the owner of the rental company has a big fortune, I can’t afford it. ......"

"Is it out?" Yang Ming frowned. "What do you rent a company?"

“Da De Yazhi to the company...” Sun Kun said.

"I haven't heard of it..." Yang Ming shook his head.

"You are not in this industry, I certainly don't know." Sun Kun smiled and said: "Nothing, I can make up enough of this money, but the money for the children to go to school is not settled. Let him go to the primary school in the school district. After waiting for the money, I will transfer to school."

"Why didn't your company let you go? Have you had a breach of contract before?" Yang Ming nodded and asked.

"That's not there, that is, the rental company unilaterally refuses to let go, people are gone, who is the money he earns?" Sun Kundao: "There are many companies in my company, but there are many relationships. As long as the trustee and the boss say something, they will leave."

"This way, I will accompany you to see it that afternoon." Yang Ming thought about it. This is Sun Kun's. If you change your mind, Yang Ming will definitely not take control. There is an industry's unspoken rules in an industry. Yang Ming is not a hero. Yang Ming will not harm the big interests. To interfere, just as some industries before the violent Sanli belong to the gray area, Yang Ming just let him gradually end, and did not impose what to do.

"You?" Sun Kun was a glimpse, and immediately realized that Yang Ming is different from the past. Maybe it can solve the problem. So, "That's great, if it really makes me go to something else." Company, I can spend some money on the benefits!"

"Let's go and see it first." Yang Ming waved his hand.

Sun Kun nodded, although he felt that Yang Ming was not the same as before, but Yang Ming did not understand the taxi industry after all, can not help, not necessarily, but Yang Ming's enthusiasm makes Sun Kun very moved.

Yang Ming and Sun Kun first ordered the dishes, waiting for Zhang Bin to come over. Not long after, Zhang Bin went into the food stalls together with Zhao Sisi, Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun.

Sun Kun saw Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun walked side by side and smiled into the food stalls. Suddenly, if he remembered correctly, these two women had a relationship with Yang Ming, and they actually came together at the same time. Laughing, this makes Sun Kun very surprised. Is one of them, has given up, and then the two turned into enemies?

"Boss, how is your car done? How do you hit a piece of paint that is so big?" Zhang Bin entered the door and saw Yang Ming squatting: "There is a taxi next to it, it is also a piece of paint, not you." Hit it together?"

"Kun Ge." Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun used to see Sun Kun together with Yang Ming. When they saw Sun Kun here, they all had some accidents and they greeted him.

"Chen Mengyu...Lin..." Sun Kun knows Chen Mengyu, but he can't name Lin Shuyun. Yang Ming just happened to have a Sun Kun's car with Lin Yuyun. There is not much intersection, even in " It is not mentioned in the main line of "Pure", so it is normal for Sun Kun not to name Lin Shuyun.

"Lin Yunyun, my girlfriend." Yang Ming introduced to Sun Kun.

"Girlfriend?!" Sun Kun's eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Mengyan eccentrically. He saw that Chen Mengying had no strange expression on his face. It was even more strange in his heart. This Yang Ming, there are really two girlfriends. Can these two girlfriends coexist peacefully with each other? This is amazing, right?

"Kun Ge." Lin Yuyun is also very friendly and nodded to Sun Kun.

"Oh... hello, Lin Yuyun." Although Sun Kun’s heart was puzzled, it was not easy to ask so much. He could only nod his question and nodded to Lin Yuyun.

"Zhang Bin, my good brother died," Yang Ming pulled Zhang Bin over and patted him on the shoulder and said to Sun Kun: "I used to mention that you didn't have a chance to get together."

"Kun Ge, I heard the boss talked about you, he didn't have a car, and often took your car to my house!" Zhang Bin said with a smile: "This is my girlfriend Zhao Sisi!"

"Kun Ge." Zhao Sisi also smiled and nodded to Sun Kun.

After a few people sat down, the dishes were also on the 7780, and Yang Ming was not polite. He picked up a crab and picked it up. All the talents got started. Unconsciously, Yang Ming’s faint has become the leader of this place, and everyone is watching Yang Ming acting.

This makes Yang Ming somewhat helpless, but there is no way. With the change of status, it is impossible to find the previous feelings. Although Sun Kun has adapted a bit, it is not as open as before. No scruples.

Because there was still something in the afternoon, everyone did not drink. After the meal, Yang Ming asked Zhang Bin to send Chen Mengxi and others back to the school. He accompanied Sun Kun to his rental company to see if he could solve the problem.

"Let's go, Kunge, you lead the way ahead, I am following behind." Out of the food stall, Yang Ming said to Sun Kun.

"Go!" If Sun Kun is alone, he will never go to the company again, because he is very clear that the company’s boss has asked some people. Last time, he clearly saw himself. The peers who watched the car were called out by the boss.

It can be said that these people are no different from the hooligans. They are arrogant and unreasonable. Sun Kun was frightened by him. If there was Yang Ming, he said that he would not dare to mention the matter of transferring the company.

Sun Kun took the lead in front, Yang Ming followed, and soon came to the front of a three-storey building with a slightly cheaper location, with a sign hanging on it: Songjiang Dade Elegant Taxi Co., Ltd.

Sun Kun parked the car in front of the building, and Yang Ming also stopped the car next to him.

"Yang Ming, it is here..." Sun Kun said to Yang Ming who got off the bus: "After a while, don't *** after entering, there are not any good people here, it’s scary, these people Playing the gangster is almost the same, there are a lot of thugs, we don't have a head-on collision with them."

"Hit a hand?" Yang Ming looked at the three quarters and sneered in his heart. If you change to the previous little mix Yang Ming, you may still be scared, but now Yang Ming is even the people who can give up the door to the Golden Eagle, and will care about these little people?

"Yeah, look at it for a while, if you can't find a relationship, even if I drive here, it's just a matter of spending more money, but there is no problem in life." Sun Kun said .

Yang Ming knows Sun Kun’s family status, and his wife divorced him. It’s really not easy to leave him alone. This is the main reason why Yang Ming intends to help him.

"Let's go, go in and have a look." Yang Ming nodded, indicating that Sun Kun was leading the way.

Sun Kun light car familiar road into the company, the gatekeeper on duty at the door and reception room looked at him and found that he was Sun Kun, he looked down and ignored him.

Yang Ming followed Sun Kun on the second floor and went to the door of a room with a "business consulting" sign. Sun Kun knocked on the door.

"The door is not locked! Come in!" There was an impatient male voice.

Sun Kun is nothing, obviously has become accustomed to it, Yang Ming has frowned, this attitude is too bad, I heard that taxi companies are serving taxi drivers, it seems that there are some black sheep.

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