So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1586: Open the zoo

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-six chapters opened at the zoo

"Yang Ge, I... I haven't repented yet..." Zhang Yuliang didn't think that Yang Ming had machined the original thing. He bitterly told Yang Ming: "Yang Ge, this is all Zhao Dabao." This kid has no eyes, but it doesn't matter to me, and I have taught him too. Don't be angry with me!"

Yang Ming looked at Zhang Yuliang's expression. Some of them were funny: "I didn't want to anger anyone. Before, I thought about the relationship with Zhao Da's nose. I have tolerated his speech several times, but Zhao Da's nose seems to be Don't appreciate it!"

"Yang Ge...this..." Zhang Yuliang looked bitter and bitter, but he couldn't explain anything.

"Nothing, I just want to let my friend turn to a company, and I don't want to find you trouble!" Yang Ming said faintly, but the words revealed an unquestionable majesty.

Zhang Yuliang was trying to open his mouth and the door of the office was pushed away again. He had not seen anyone yet, and the voice had arrived first.

This is a lazy but very arrogant male voice: "Who wants to transfer to the company? Is it awkward? Forgot the end of Wang Yiding?"

Wang Yiding, what Sun Kunkou said, was the half-dead taxi driver who had a conflict with the company and Zhao Da’s nose.

In this case, Yang Ming, Sun Kun and Zhang Yuliang are all a glimpse. What Yang Ming is surprised is, who is this talking person? Is there a third-party power in this taxi company?

What Sun Kun is surprised by, is that the general manager of Zhang Laibao, who rarely comes to the company, how come today?

And Zhang Yuliang is the heart of the bitter, heart, Yang Ming, the great god, just comforted by yourself, how come you provoke him!

This person who came in was Zhang Laibao, the general manager of Da De Yazhi Taxi Company, which is Zhang Yuliang’s distant relative. He finished drinking at noon today, and he was free to come to the company to make a random turn. When he went to the door of the consulting office, he heard someone saying that he wanted to transfer the company. He still had trouble, and he was angry when he arrived!

Has the previous Wang Yiding’s business not let these taxi drivers learn the lesson? How dare you dare to mention the company?

As a result, Zhang Laibao’s anger was on his mind, and the mind said, these little drivers are stabbing again? Ok, you are not honest, then take one out and open the knife, let you know how powerful!

When I thought of it, Zhang Laibao went to the consulting office and saw Zhang Yuliang inside. I suddenly saw it and immediately thought of it. This rain is also fast enough. It is better, don’t say anything. Let's start playing directly!

"Zhang Yuliang, who said that I want to transfer the company? Don't ink him, give me a slap in the face! I want to let others see, what is the end of the company!" Zhang Laibao shouted with a mouthful of alcohol.

Yang Mingra looked at the middle-aged man who had just walked in and was full of alcohol. He didn't know where the man came from, and what he did: "What are you doing?"

"You ask me? You asked me what I did?" Zhang Laibao saw that Yang Ming didn't know himself. When he was on the scene, he was angry. When he slaps, he fanns over to Yang Ming and prepares to teach Yang Ming: "I let you know, What am I doing!"

"啪", a crisp sound, but not a slap in the face of Yang Ming, but Zhang Laibao's hand was caught by Yang Ming, a little force, Zhang Laibao's wrist dislocated.

Then Yang Ming took a hand, a slap on the face of Zhang Laibao, directly gave him a red Wuzhishan!

Zhang Laibao didn't think that Yang Ming's skill was so swift and awkward. He felt the pain in his hands and face for a long while. He screamed out, "You dare to beat me? Do you know who I am?"

"Oh?" Yang Ming listened to Zhang Laibao's question. A look at the fool's expression looked at Zhang Laibao: "I asked what you did before, you don't say, now ask me who you are, are you stupid? ”

Sun Kun saw Yang Ming playing Zhang Laibao, and his heart suddenly screamed, secretly complaining! The heart of today's transfer of the company's things, I am afraid it really ruins!

Before Zhang Yuliang's retreat, let the whole thing turn around, Sun Kun's heart still ignited hope, and the dark road Yang Ming did not know when he had a relationship with Zhang Yuliang, this thing would be easy!

But what I didn't expect was that Zhang Laibao suddenly appeared and inserted a bar, making things complicated.

"Zhang Zong, don't be angry, Yang Ming, he doesn't know your identity..." Sun Kun was so scared that Zhang Laibao explained: "He is not a taxi company, it is my friend!"

Then Sun Kun said to Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, this is the general manager of our taxi company, Zhang Zong!"

"Zhang Zong?" Yang Ming looked at Zhang Laibao, and his mouth showed a smile: "Before, I was afraid that Zhang Yuliang couldn't do the Lord. Since you are here, then you are good, turn a company to Kunge, in a word, Yes or no?"

Before he was drunk, Yang Ming was so arrogant that Zhang Laibao would think about it. Does Yang Ming have any guilt, but now that he is drunk, how can he think so much?

Moreover, he listened to Yang Ming Guan Sun Kun called Kun Ge, and he had a general idea with the previous Zhao Dabao. Since Yang Ming had a taxi driver called a brother, his identity must not be higher. Estimated to be a grade, but it is a fight! Don't be afraid of yourself!

Thinking of this, Zhang Laibao resisted the pain on his wrist, pointing to Yang Ming, and said to Zhang Yuliang: "Zhang Yuliang, give me a death! This little nephew dares to hit me! I want him to know, what is my character Zhang Laibao!"

Zhang Yuliang secretly complained in his heart, and his heart, his distant relative Zhang Laibao, but also Yang Ming offended, how can this be good! He quickly said: "Four uncle, this is Yang Ming, when I was at school, I followed him..."

Zhang Yuliang wants to explain Yang Ming’s identity. However, Zhang Laibao interrupted his words without waiting for him to finish: “School? Zhang Yuliang, are you still old? They are all old things eight hundred years ago. You can still remember? Don't forget, who are you doing now! What kind of brotherhood you have to take care of, then you don't have to do it for me since today!"

Zhang Laibao’s heart is mad, heart, now this is Yang Ming’s own fight. Even if Yang Ming and Zhang Yuliang have any good friendship, it’s useless. If you don’t take this Yang Ming’s knife today, don’t give him some Look at the color, your prestige in this taxi company will be completely finished, who can scare people in the future?

"Four grandfather, you should listen to me first!" Zhang Yuliang anxious, and quickly said.

"When you have finished talking about it, don't need to say it, hurry up!" Zhang Laibao ordered Zhang Yuliang: "Do you want to do it?"

"Four grandfather, I beg you, you can listen to me before I can finish it!" Zhang Yuliang must cry, and the eyes are watching the sneer Yang Ming, Zhang Yuliang almost sat down on the ground.

"What do you want to say to me, hurry up and say, have a fart and let go!" Zhang Laibao saw Zhang Yuliang not to be reluctant, although some uncomfortable, but thought that Zhang Yuliang did his best to do things for himself, so he snorted. Some people who are intolerant are forced to say, "I will give you a minute. When you finish, you will give me a swearing! If you want to plead with this kid, I will see you still. Today is the king of heaven." I want this kid to become disabled!"

"Four Grandpa, Yang Ge is now the buddy of Leopard and Hou Ge!" Zhang Yuliang was afraid that Zhang Laibao would interrupt his own speech and would not dare to talk nonsense. He quickly said the key points.

"Leopard brother? Hou Ge? Which leopard brother Hou brother?" Zhang Laibao frowned: "Leopard monkey, open the zoo?"

When Zhang Yuliang listened to Zhang Laibao’s words, he had a heart to run, and his heart, do you dare to insult the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenyu, and still want to mix in Songjiang?

"It’s a violent Sanlibao brother, and Hou Zhenyu Houge..." Zhang Yuliang explained with a bitter face.

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